Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 327: Life sequence

?Hao Zhi quietly listened to the prophet Abner on the hall of the Deep Sea Hall, telling the magnificent chapter of the evolution of life, in the history of the earth measured by the time unit calculated in billions of years, the ups and downs The rain was continuous and ups and downs, which made him a little sad.

"In such a long time, those guys are really bad fortunes. They finally reborn into a kind of life, but they catch up with such a harsh environment."

"This is determined by the general law of the evolution of the universe. There will always be some people who will become pioneers, fill stones and pave the way for future generations, and become victims under the wheel of history" Prophet Abner laughed.

"Then afterwards, the earth's 4.6 billion years of evolutionary history was just wasted more than 4 billion years."

Yes, after repeated attempts by life from generation to generation and all possible roads were sealed, the seeds of life finally found the most suitable development route for the earth environment, so the Cambrian life explosion occurred more than 500 million years ago. This is not accidental, but a transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change, like a baby with a lot of emotions brewing, and finally broke his tears and cried loudly for the first time

"I know, in the biology class, it was said that trilobites and so on, until the appearance of the ancient apes" Hao Zhi took out his only historical knowledge to make a mistake.

"The main body is almost what you humans know. You have indeed made some achievements in archaeological research in this area. However, your disadvantage is that you are too far away from that period of history. Many historical truths have been covered by time. Wash away and become a vague blank that you can never explore."

"Then you should be closer to that period, what do you know"

In order to facilitate your understanding and facilitate the docking with your knowledge system, I will replace many of the place names and epoch names in our culture with your unified appellation. In this way, in the future, when you convey knowledge to other humans, you can avoid disagreements. The necessary guesses.

"Yes," Hao Zhi whispered secretly, "Anyway, you can't change it, I haven't heard of it."

"Let's go back to the Cambrian life explosion period we talked about. At that stage, various creatures that learned to adapt to the environment finally found a path of development, and each began their own path of evolution toward complexity and intelligence."

"I don't quite understand why biological evolution has changed from simple to complex. Who asked them to do this?" Hao Zhi curiously interrupted the prophet's statement and asked a question.

"Well, a very clever question." The Prophet did not show the slightest irritation, but in his tone he praised Hao Zhi's curiosity. "Everything in the world has evolved from simple to complex, please Note that in this process, I used different words from you. I was talking about evolution, and the word you were talking about was evolution. The term evolution means that organisms are progressing from inferiority to superiority and moving towards a more advanced direction. , And evolution means that life changes itself in different forms and adapts to nature. There is no difference between advanced and unadvanced."

"You mean, our complex advanced intelligent beings are essentially no different from primitive creatures like bacteria."

"From the perspective of life reproduction, it is true. Although human beings are complex, advanced, and intelligent, they don’t talk about the perspective of civilization. They only talk about the survival and reproduction of life. Human beings are not even as powerful as bacteria in their vitality. Microorganisms can survive near the crater of boiling magma at thousands of degrees. Can humans survive a nuclear explosion, and cockroaches can survive. In this sense, there is no difference between evolution and non-evolution"

"Oh Daigo empowers" Hao Zhi nodded meaningfully.

"Therefore, the evolution of life forms is not for the purpose of evolution. The emergence from simple to complex, from single cell to intelligent life, is actually an inevitable trend. To make a simple analogy, have you ever heard of it? The Drunkard Going Home Theory"

"The drunk man goes home" Hao Zhi yelled in surprise, "I played that game, it was swaying, so I can't let him fall."

"Formally, it is almost assumed that there is a drunk man walking staggeringly on the way home. His left hand is a fence, and his right hand is a deep ditch. He is staggering on this not-wide road. Walk, guess what the final result will be"

"It must have fallen into the ditch," Hao Zhi replied without hesitation.

"Yes, the reason why he could not fall to the left is because of the existence of that wall, so as long as he continues to walk, the right is the only way out, and it is an inevitable result. Biological evolution has such a characteristic, a bacteria , Has been so simple that there is only one nucleus. It can no longer simplify itself. Simplification becomes the wall that blocks him. On the other side, the road to complexity and intelligence is bright and broad. Therefore, the form of life must only be Can develop in this direction"

"Wow, your lecture is more interesting than our teacher." Hao Zhi couldn't help applauding, but there was no sound in the water.

"Therefore, the development of life has gradually entered into complexity and intelligence, and the emergence of higher life is an inevitable trend. Therefore, 300 million years ago, the two peak periods in the history of the earth's evolution came.

At that time, the continents on the earth were evenly divided into two parts. According to your current map one is Laurasia in the northern hemisphere, and the other is Gondwana in the southern hemisphere. Two pieces of ancient land are isolated from each other, and a vast ancient Mediterranean strait traverses between them.

On these two continents, advanced intelligent life evolved at the same time, that is, the Gendaya civilization and the Elohim civilization in the first season. "

"The coexistence of two civilizations" Hao Zhi felt a little unbelievable. "Our current human beings are just one kind of civilization, and it is almost out of mind to split into different countries. Two higher civilizations can get along well?"

It’s not wrong to say that the situation that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers still appeared during the advancement of civilization. As long as the wide strait becomes ineffective after the invention of transportation, the collision of civilization and civilization will inevitably bring about the first time. The war of earth civilization.

Now, after so many years, the traces of the ancient battlefield are nowhere to be found. The traces of all civilizations have been washed away by time. With the passage of generations, history has become legends, legends have become myths, ancient and mottled memories. It has already peeled off to only a vague outline. Fortunately, in our excavation of history, we found a last word left by the ancestors of the ancient land civilization to future generations, which recorded all this in detail. The whole process


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