Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 332: Civilization difference

Hao Zhibo got the sea water. Although it was invisible, he still felt a shallow water pressure rippling away and quickly dissipated, like a spray in the long river of time in a long story. .

"Wait you are saying that the dinosaurs are not extinct"

"How could species suddenly become extinct in an evolutionary chain?" the prophet asked rhetorically.

"But we humans have come to the conclusion that the dinosaurs were destroyed during an asteroid impact on the earth 65 million years ago."

"It's nothing more than irresponsible conjectures" the prophet sneered judgment and said, "There was a period when scientists always aimed to put forward eye-catching theories first, and did not consider the truth of the matter, or even the rationality of its existence."

"But it seems that this theory can explain why all the dinosaurs that were at their peak suddenly disappeared" Hao Zhiqiang argued.

The prophet was obviously disgusted with the presumption of human arrogance, and his tone became severe: "Just think about it with simple logical reasoning, and you can know that if an asteroid that is large enough hits the earth and causes a devastating natural disaster, then Why were other animals that were weaker and smaller in the same environment and in the same period survived? Did the asteroid hit the earth just to make trouble with the dinosaurs?"

"This" Hao Zhi couldn't answer, "I heard that because the dinosaurs were cold-blooded animals, they couldn't bear the sudden drop in temperature after the impact, and they froze to death. The mammals of the same period would dig holes because of their body hair."

"Then how to explain the cold-blooded animals like frogs, turtles and snakes of the same period? What's more, even the Komodo dragon, which is very close to the dinosaurs, has survived. If it can, why such a huge group of dinosaurs will disappear Even if it is to calculate the probability so thoroughly, there should be some species that can survive."

"Yes" Hao Zhi was completely speechless now.

"And think about it, why the largest animal on land now is an elephant, and during the Cretaceous period, any dinosaur was the size of a dozen elephants."

"do not know"

"Because according to the bone density of terrestrial animals, creatures that exceed this individual cannot survive. This is determined by the gravity of the earth. Creatures exceeding a certain weight will crush their bones by their own weight, so terrestrial animals cannot grow to More than the size of an elephant.

But the dinosaurs, which are also terrestrial animals, can. The secret lies in the hollow bones, which reduces the burden on the body. This precisely laid an important and irreplaceable foundation for them to fly into the blue sky."

"But it's so big, suddenly becoming so small, it's really unimaginable"

"The giraffe was as tall as a normal pony at that time, and it has not evolved into the time it is now. The power of time is infinite." After a fierce rebuttal, the prophet's speech slowed down, "The same oviparous. The same skeletal structure and the same behavioral characteristics have you ever observed the walking form of a computer-simulated Tyrannosaurus rex, if it is just a projection, it is almost exactly the same as the chickens domesticated by your humans now"

Hao Zhi raised his head and thought for a while, it seems to be very similar

"Then later, since the dinosaurs flew to the sky and gave up the territory to our ancestors, is the road to evolution smooth sailing?"

It can almost be said that with the support of the devil Satan along the way, the new physical clock is like a fast-lane vehicle, moving in the direction of increasing complexity and intelligence. Homo sapiens appeared 1 million years ago, and 600,000 years ago. Heidelbergers evolved in Europe before, and Neanderthals evolved from Heidelbergers about 300,000 years ago. There are countless types of ancient apes.

In the end, in the face of natural selection, there are three main branches that stand out from these competitors, that is, the Mesopotamians who appeared in the Mesopotamia east of Africa 100,000 years ago.

And the Atlanteans who dominated all of North and South America,

And the Asian continent, located in the middle of the two civilizations, gave birth to us, the excellent Mu civilization.

The three major civilizations went hand in hand and evolved their own different civilization characteristics.

But they can't get rid of the two major attributes of the earth creatures themselves, that is, spirit and ecstasy.

On the Mesopotamian plains of the Mesopotamia, the dark-skinned Lemurians lived in arid and barren desert environments. They were persevering and tenacious. They developed all the way to Egypt and built huge palaces and pyramids. We call this arid "sandstone civilization".

The Maya living in the dense jungles of North and South America became pale skinned and tall because of the shade of the sun. They built the magnificent city of Atlantis, calling themselves the "Civilization of Light."

And what lies between these two is the Mu civilization on the east coast of the ancient Asian continent, which is the ancestors of today’s Asians. The yellow-skinned, smart, diligent and diligent in farming, they built the rich and huge Mu empire. Believe in the **** of the sea, known as the "son of the ocean."

The rock culture, the civilization of light, the sons of the ocean, the three branches of civilizations prosper and develop in their own world, gradually shrinking the scale of the world, every inch of territorial expansion, every new discovery, make them possible at any time The discovery of the other party also laid the fuse for the future world war.

"But, why must mankind initiate war?" Hao Zhi asked puzzledly, "Is it not good for everyone to share this beautiful planet together?"

"Hehe, this is because civilization itself is exclusive. The self-recognition, self-identity and pride of any civilization will correspondingly cause exclusiveness. I believe in white, and you like black. When I can’t convince you to like white At that time, only the use of force to instill faith."

"Then change is fine, why don't you admit this deadly reason?"

The color you like is easy to say, but the identification of civilization is not good. It is the belief that has been buried deep in the heart since birth. Not to mention the belief, even the basic racial superiority cannot be coordinated, coupled with the competition for external survival resources. Which created the inevitable war between civilization and civilization

"If it is between alien civilization and earth civilization, would there be such a difference in identity and cause aggression and massacre, why can't they treat each other with tolerance," Hao Zhi asked cautiously.

There is still such a big gap between different races, not to mention the differences between interstellar, creatures have an instinctive self-protection mechanism When it sees something different from its understanding, it first feels It is danger, the idea of ​​destroying the other party in order to protect oneself, this is the ontological consciousness of life.

It’s as if you’re walking in a damp swamp, and suddenly a group of wet slugs appeared on your feet. It is soft and sticky, and has an ugly face. Maybe it is completely harmless to you, but it’s an inherently healthy human image of self. Cognition will also put it into the scope of disgust.

In the heart, it’s nothing more than a runny nose when someone catches a cold, and body infections can cause the same thick pus to flow out, so you think it’s sick, you have to trample it to death, and it thinks it is a threat to you. unrelated.

As far as people are concerned, when a kind of advanced higher aliens see the earth people, if they hate and destroy the earth, it may have nothing to do with whether the earth people have good intentions, just like if human beings develop to the stage of interstellar navigation. , I flew to a habitable planet and found that it was covered with only a layer of black and densely packed cockroach-like insects, so the first thing that humans took out must be insecticides.

Are cockroaches innocent? Are humans innocent?

In the universe, no one should be sympathetic


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