Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 426: Thor's Last Words

?Everyone looked at each other, not knowing whether to be depressed or to celebrate, which is their own Thor

Hao Zhi couldn't tell this time either. After all, he and Thor were not as close to Wang Yanke.

However, the research Wang Yanke is doing here is aimed at genes and the structure of the human brain. It is very likely that her research has successfully broken through this technology and was used by Tianyin, so the robot servant Shura he created can also be used. Get the thoughts and memories of each of you effortlessly.

"Wipe, it's no wonder that I imitated Thor's tone and character, so I can go get an Oscar" Hao Zhi cursed, how can he hit him? He knows what you want, teasing me to play?

"There is no other way." The Thor, who fell on the ground and couldn't get up, gritted his teeth and squeezed out an ugly smile. Hao Zhi, you go to save Ke Ke and take her away as fast as possible. This Shura, I will deal with it.

"Can you handle it, you can't stand up anymore" Hao Zhi felt a little helpless.

"Don't worry, haha, you will lose an opponent in the future, but remember, treat her well, if you dare to apologize to her again, I will not let you go as a ghost."

Hao Zhi was surprised, what is this guy doing?

In my entire life, I have never done anything for others. From birth to now, I only know how to fight for what I want and gain the respect of others, even if the starting point of respect is fear, until I meet Wang Yanke, maybe you don’t understand

Hao Zhi, I have never said these words to anyone. Perhaps, today is the first and last time

I was a child who grew up in a coastal fishing village. Since I was young, my family is poor. My nominal dad abducted and sold other people’s children and was arrested very early. My mother was pregnant with my eldest brother, so she didn’t go to jail. , The hardship of life makes this family live like years.

My mother put matchboxes for people at the beginning, and the family’s meals were often eaten but not down. Because of the shameful things they had done in the past, no one in the village was willing to help.

Fortunately, my mother was a bit charming and hungry. She began to secretly befriend others in the village in exchange for some firewood, rice, oil and salt. So, in this case, a single widow gave birth to five children in nine years and became the village completely. A **** spurned by everyone.

Any man in the village who came to our door dared to take a look. When he went home and his mother-in-law, he could not avoid having a quarrel. Women’s favorite conversation was to see our family clinking with poverty, and the children were so hungry that their necks and heads were small and big. The eyes are blank.

Our five brothers have a common name: YeZhong

I am the youngest in the family, I don't know who my father is, and I don't care who he is.

Since I can remember, the only thing I am interested in is the neighbor’s food. Watching their parents sitting around a small table feeding them bite by bite, I can only watch it eagerly, then turn back home and drink a scoop of cold water.

My mother had a sordid reputation for her whole life, and she borrowed food everywhere to raise our five brothers. In any case, she is the greatest mother in my heart, and she is the only one in this unkind world. What I haven't forgotten is to love my children.

What I still remember is the night when I was a child, my mother would sit our five brothers on the kang and tell us stories from the sky. She always said that there is a **** looking at the world in the sky, holding a thunder-splitting man in her hand. Hammer, as long as someone makes a mistake and does something bad, he will be punished with that thunder hammer.

She asked us to be good people, don't hold hatred of this world, be careful, there will be thunder struck down at any time.

Later, my mother fell ill, a serious illness that we seemed to be unable to cure. She didn't let us get close to her. Only the big brother who served the meal allowed to walk to the bed. She was covered with a thick quilt, but she blocked it. Unable to keep the stench of body decay, rows of black water flowed down the seams of the bed. In the end, her nose fell off and she barely stuck her eyelids with a piece of white tape to see us clearly.

On the last day, my mother called the five of our brothers to the bed and explained to us that in this life, we should be an admirable person.

That was the last word she said to us.

After that, the fifteen-year-old eldest brother started to take us everywhere to beg, running from door to door in neighboring villages and counties, and had enough of ridicule, no matter what others said, as long as we could get a bun~www ~ Smile at them, that's the rule set by the elder brother.

The third brother froze to death in the bridge hole in the winter of that year. The eldest brother was injured by a fight in the second year and infected to death. I will never forget that the second and fourth brothers led the young me to dig pits in the wilderness. We are digging a grave for an older brother who is not much older than us, using our hands.

The second brother wiped the tears that never shed with his dirty sleeves. Every time he digs, he chants, oh my god, why do you give birth to us and tears fall into the mud every time we dig, mother, we think you

I silently knelt in front of my eldest brother’s acupuncture point, and suddenly felt a force rushing to my heart. After I stretched out, the ground cracked by itself, and a huge gap opened. That was the first time I knew that I had Distinguished ability

That day, we ate a full meal for the first time. In an inconspicuous small country restaurant, I pressed the owner of the shop against the corner with one hand and couldn’t move. I didn’t know what my power could do, but I knew that. No one can stop me

My mother was wrong. I can’t be a good person. There is no way to be a good person. There has never been a Thor in the sky. I am the Thor who controls my own destiny.


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