Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 443: Carbon-based robot

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As soon as Hao Zhi raised his wrist, the flying knife withdrew back, leaving a blood hole in the flat crab, bleeding gurglingly.

After a few times, the blood slowly stopped and turned into gray fine sand. The fine sand stopped slowly again, and the wound began to heal.

"It's hemp, you really are Shura" Hao Zhi said disdainfully.

"No, I am not Shura, I am one of the other self-assembled robotic warriors made by the master of Tianyin. We will wait for you here according to the master's instructions."

"I have a question. Shura said earlier that the micro-nano robots that make up your body seem to have the largest number of copies to cast him alone. Why is there an extra one whose waistband is not tightened and you are leaking out." Hao Zhi cursed the other party calmly.

Ping Xie didn’t seem to care about his insulting words at all, and still replied stubbornly: “Tianyin’s wisdom is something you humans can’t understand. He created a dream for Wang Yanke during her deep sleep. In her dream, you died very early. In order to recreate your body, she coded a new program that broke the upper limit of self-decomposing composite materials.

Tianyin naturally acquired this method. In fact, during the half-hour of your sleep, Shura no longer exists. His body completely decomposes and assimilates all the surrounding matter, not just carbides, even Including this entire experimental building, all have been turned into self-decomposing composite materials

So, now, this laboratory building is the body of Tianyin's master. He can transform it into what he likes. Every **** here is tailor-made for you, so that you can stay in Experience the most terrifying feeling before you die"

"Tianyin, this guy seems to like to obey certain rules and morals. Since he can build so many robots, he won't fight us together, and wait for us to pass each level. This is him. Hao Zhiwu asked sarcastically.

"This is the character of a robot, also called a program. All our thinking is to follow the program. This belongs to the robot. It has a rigid awareness of rules." Ping Crab smiled slightly.

"You humans treachery, as long as you can deceive your dearest people for profit, you can laugh at whatever you do in order to achieve your goal by any means, shamelessly, Tianyin scorns your nature, on the contrary, appreciates your culture very much. The morals and rules of the world, any world must have its own rules, and only by following the rules will it be full of beauty."

"Put the p" Hao Zhi sipped, "Use an immortal robot to fight against us humans, this is his morality."

"Machine has the attributes of a machine. Our attribute is not to hurt or die, and your human attributes are cunning and changeable. I did not accuse you of using throwing knives as a weapon in an unruly manner. How can you accuse me of not hurting or dying? Attributes"

"This" Hao Zhi choked, "I call this tactical success"

"Look, this is the best example of how you humans are good at making excuses for yourself. You will never blame yourself, you will only blame others."

What are you doing? Come to fight with Hao Zhi and raise your dagger. I don’t believe I can’t find your weakness.

"Well, in order to show respect to you, I will show you the real six-knife flow" Ping Xie smiled slightly, shook his arms violently, and the two war knives on his back bounced out, unexpectedly turning back. The hilt of the knife was inserted into the scabbard. In this way, two V-shaped war knives like antennas stood behind him. The four on the hands were closed, and the six shimmering war knives faced each other like a knife array. Hao Zhi.

Yes, Hao Zhi nodded in praise, then slowly untied the cowhide rope on his hand and threw it aside.

"Ah, what is Uncle Hao doing?" Deng Xiaoyu exclaimed again in an anxious and immature voice. "Finally, he got a flying knife as a weapon, and he let it go again."

Silly boy, this is the smart place. It's okay when the other party knows that you have this trick. Once the other party knows that you have this trick, you can throw another one. He will cut your rope with a single knife, and the flying knife will become meat. Baozi hit the dog, and Gao Chen reminded him without looking back.

Oh, it turned out to be like this. Why didn't I expect that Deng Xiaoyu curled his lips and stopped saying anything.

"Are you ready to despair so soon?" Ping Xie pulled away and rushed towards Hao Zhi again. Hao Zhi swung his sword to meet him, fought hard, and retreated while fighting.

"What should I do if this kind of thing does not hurt or die, who can win him?" Zhang Diandian turned around anxiously, and asked Koko anxiously, that thing was invented by you, is there any way to defeat it?

Wang Yanke raised his head and thought about it. The only limitation it has now is the signal source of Tianyin, and the maximum range is five kilometers. Therefore, there is no way to remotely control the material beyond this range. This is also our luck. Otherwise, no Within a week, Tianyin can assimilate the entire earth into this fine sand material

At that time, he will be the earth, and the earth will be it. We will no longer be able to beat him.

"I'm so scary" Zhang Xurui patted her chest in fear, so how can we decipher this material?

"It seems that there is only one way," Wang Yanke said thoughtfully, "I'm not sure if it will work."

"Oh, can't you please talk about it first"

Wang Yanke looked at everyone’s anxious eyes, and finally said carefully: “When I designed the first basic nanorobot, the structure of his body was set with two carbon atoms. One of the main reasons for this consideration. This is because carbon must be present in the composition of organic matter.

The more important reason is because carbon is the most important element in the world. It can be combined with various elements to produce new materials, and the material forms and shapes are varied, so that this kind of nanometer can be made. The robot mimics everything it encounters to the maximum.

So I think because it has a carbon structure, it is essentially similar to the human body, except that it can crystallize more changes.

In this way, it is almost impossible to defeat it in physical form. The best way is to use heating.

At a certain temperature, it will burn, destroy its basic molecular structure, and can no longer be formed. So in order to adapt to high temperatures, it will continue to crystallize into harder, high-temperature resistant objects, only to force it to crystallize into the world The hardest substance diamond

We can defeat it fundamentally

"Ah, isn't a diamond the hardest thing in the world? How do I hit it?" Zhang asked in surprise.

Fool, diamonds are hard, but very brittle. They can be broken with ordinary hammers, not to mention that we have so many weapons in our hands.


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