Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 481: The last kiss ②

?? The sixteen-wheeled giant truck drove the remaining soldiers of the rescue team and fled the scene quickly, leaving Hao Zhi and the Sky Hermit duel in mid-air. A huge flow of energy rolled up a thin cloud and mist, forming at an altitude of 800 meters. A huge cloud ring, under the sky shrouded by night, the figures of two people flickered and haunted like ghosts.

"Can Hao Zhi win?" Lele sat on the edge of the back of the truck when the truck was panting and parked on the dam in the bay, looking up at all this worryingly.

This battle is no longer something anyone else can help. Ke Ke stood up and looked at the northwest sky with everyone, and the two black spots the size of sesame seeds were looming.

"Everything is a coincidence. Hao Zhi has grown up to the present and seems to be waiting for this extraordinary battle. He has received so much energy funding from Adam and should defend the future of mankind! By the way, Adam said at the time that it was his negotiation. The capital, shouldn't it be negotiating with the Heavenly Hermit?" Lele asked casually.

Wang Yanke shook his head: "I don't think it should be. The Heavenly Hermit and human beings are a mountain that cannot tolerate two tigers. There is no possibility of compromise between the two sides. In this battle, only life and death will be determined, and peace will not be discussed!"

"Keke!" Zhang Diandian lying on the side, suddenly calling her vigilantly, Wang Yanke turned her head and saw Raytheon sitting halfway up, leaning his huge head against the rear window of the truck, his body began to wilt. Pieces of scorched spots were rotten.

"What's the matter with you?" Wang Yanke knelt down, touching Thor's forehead with a gentle little hand, his concerned eyes gleaming in the dark night.

"I have been deeply poisoned, and the effectiveness of C cells is not permanent. Although it will be strengthened for a short time after injection, the strengthening is exchanged for burning life, which increases the metabolism speed by a hundredfold. The only result is that the subject is in C. After the effect of the cells subsided, they quickly aged to death, and I was already in the terminal stage..." Thunder's voice was dull, and his head bowed weakly.

"With my blood, I can save you..." Lele rolled up his sleeves.

"No need...I'm like this, half-human and unscrupulous to live..."

"But, maybe we can think of something else..."

"Really no need, I have lived long enough..." Raytheon interrupted her, forced a smile and refused.

"I'm sorry..." Wang Yanke was a little bit self-blaming, after all, he was the initiator of all this. "Unexpectedly, my invention has brought you such a big trouble!"

Lele patted her back lightly: "Don't blame you, your original intention of inventing these things was not to cause disaster. Numerous inventions in human history were originally well-intentioned, and no one can predict what will happen in the future. The result is like the discovery and application of atomic energy itself to improve energy shortages, but ultimately led to the production of atomic bombs, and the appearance of plastic bags has set off a revolution in human life style. After being convenient and quick, it also brought about The huge white pollution... the beginning of this disaster was caused by Lu Fang's ambition to live forever, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"Yes...Ah..." Thor's tone began to weaken, and time was slipping away from his body. "It's not your fault to be smart!"

"Leave some space for them!" Deng Xiaoyu turned and jumped out of the truck, leaning on the huge wheel, and fetching a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"How old are you to smoke?" Lele reached out and snatched the cigarette from his mouth.

Deng Xiaoyu looked a little embarrassed. He laughed and said, "In the army, you know, everyone will look down on you if you don't smoke!"

"That's right!" Zhang Diandian is now half-man and half-beast, squatting on the side, asking for one from Deng Xiaoyu, and holding it in his hand, "Worry about so much, whether you can live until tomorrow is still something! Hao Zhi If we lose this game, we will become slaves to the machine world!"

In the truck compartment, Wang Yanke sat silently beside Raytheon, accompanying him in his last days.

"Remember when we flew to the sky to see the star ring together?" Thor asked softly, as if soaked in good memories.

"Hmm..." Wang Yanke nodded slightly, the wind that night was as cold as it is today.

"I'm very happy, really..." Thor raised his head, closed his eyes deeply, and his thoughts flew back to the days he spent with Wang Yanke in Biochemical City, "God treats me well and has given me suffering that ordinary people don't have. It also gave me wonderful things that ordinary people do not have. How many people have been ineffective and mediocre life, that is, there is no suffering or setbacks, but they have wasted their lives without characteristics. I have seen the world and reached the summit, and finally in the last stage of life. When I meet you, I also see the beauty of the world. Thank you..."


"Don't call that name..."

"Well, dumb..."

Lei Shen listened to Wang Yanke’s soft call and closed his eyes contentedly. The surroundings were quiet, and only Wang Yanke’s breathing was left. She slowly leaned over, and left behind on Lei Shen’s cheek. a kiss.

There is a line that sings the lyrics very well, the emotional matter is blunt, one person breaks free, one person picks it up...

Some people's life guards are just the defeat of others in love, but this does not stop them from giving true love. After all, not everyone can appear in the lover's life for the first time. When you are late, please don't blame yourself. , Because after all, God has given you this opportunity, you have to enjoy it...

In mid-air, Hao Zhi and Tianyin fought for most of the day regardless of victory or defeat. The two were entangled between the clouds, constantly using the jump to find each other’s loopholes and launching fatal attacks. However, the convenience of jumping freely in space allowed them to join each other. Failure to capture the specific location of the opponent well has become the ultimate tracking battle.

"Hao Zhi!" Tianyin shouted loudly in mid-air, "Humanity has gradually declined and weakened in the course of long-term evolution. Your technology has stagnated, your system is full of loopholes, and your future is in ruins. Only machine intelligence can. Bringing new changes, and only new things can bring a bright future to the earth, why do you still have to struggle meaninglessly?"

"There has never been a needless struggle in this world!" Hao Zhi threw out two energy waves with both One was caught by Tianyin with one hand, and the other flew out by rubbing his ears.

The deflected energy group rushed straight toward the reservoir like a flying meteor. After falling into the water, it exploded violently, exploding the sea water within a few square kilometers in an instant, exploding a huge semi-circular water. Under the influence of gravity, the seawater quickly poured back and closed, and once again stirred up a forty-meter-high wave, the tide fell, and the sea wall piled up on both sides rushed over the long bridge across the sea and rushed into the city.

The last wave of sea walls smashed all the factories, farmhouses and buildings in the suburbs into dust. Numerous tree trunks and mud were mixed into the sea tide, and they rose up like a slowly growing fence, past the buildings and buildings outside the city. The roof roared and flapped, and the flood seemed to fall from the sky, razing the entire north face of the biochemical city to the ground...

"It's amazing!" Professor Naduo couldn't help standing up from his position.

He cut his hands with his back in the heavy armor and stood behind Professor Nadu. He also sighed: "Indeed, the energy that Hao Zhi possesses is now beyond our imagination!"

No... the professor thought, I'm not talking about Hao Zhi's energy. Didn't you find two energy clusters, one of which was caught by the Sky Hermit? He seems to be able to absorb energy directly...

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