Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 508: Comrade

?? Bruce and others pushed the half-crippled Hao Zhi through the streets, groping between trash cans and plastic bags flying all over the floor, turned into the lively neighbourhood full of neon along the dark and greasy street, and left again. For a while, the surroundings began to calm down.

Some young and beautiful little girls were standing on the street with their satchels, crowding the tourists on the street in groups of five to five. All of those girls were very pretty, with delicate features, simple and lovely, almost no powder but proud. Talented, with small waist and slender thighs, wearing revealing clothes, but the colors are very bright, the bright red and green are printed on them like labels.

"Strange, these girls look the same. Except for their different hairstyles and dresses, they all have big eyes, high noses, small red mouths, and uniform pointed chins. They don’t see race... just like the Internet celebrities of our time. , Won't they all come out, right?" Hao Zhi waited curiously.

Bruce smiled wryly: "They are not plastic surgery, but natural. The robot prostitutes mass-produced by the country and the country are all sisters on the same assembly line, and of course they all look the same."

"Robot?" Hao Zhi looked at the girls again in surprise, and couldn't tell the truth at all, just like Xiaobing back then.

"I wipe it, it's already in mass production, it's amazing! A Xiaobing was already an industrial miracle back then."

"In this era, there are four kinds of people living on the earth, or in other words, life on the earth is roughly divided into three types,

One is born out of natural childbirth and natural pregnancy, called a natural person,

If a natural person has some money, he can genetically modify his offspring during the embryonic period to make them strong, smart, beautiful and perfect. This is called a modified person.

If these two kinds of people are injured or sick, treatment is not allowed, but the broken parts can be replaced by machinery, and a third kind of person, a semi-mechanized synthetic person, appears.

Of course, there is also a low-level robot that is not recognized by society. They do not have self-awareness. They are just tools for executing program instructions. They are similar to advanced microwave ovens, but their external appearance is very similar to beings with wisdom.


"Oh..." Hao Zhi digested what he said silently in his heart, and Bruce said again.

This is the law of the jungle here. People are also divided into levels and get first-class education opportunities. People who have undergone genetic modification are nobles and live on the top of the city. They are naturally smart, intelligent, rich in planning and decision-making, and control the land and the country. lifeline.

The traditional natural person is relatively poor. Due to natural selection to give birth, each person's individual differences are relatively large. Does not include congenital mental problems such as congenital laziness, inability to concentrate, poor ability to resist stress and so on.

Therefore, they can only perform physical labor and become office workers in the country, relying on their own labor in exchange for living resources.

This is a realistic era. Without money, one can only wait to die.

"It's numb, it's not about the **** moon..." Hao Zhi cursed lowly.

Bruce didn't care what he said, and suddenly pointed to the front and said, it's here.

In the middle of a small muddy alley, there is a big awning. Of course, there is no sun. It is just to block the dirty water dripping from the high floors. I don't know if it is air conditioning or drainage. The dripping water caused by the leakage of the pavilion kept falling all the year round, hitting the umbrella surface, and splashing around, making the whole small alley damp, and some places on the ground had been drilled by water droplets. When a new drop of water drops in, a bright splash is shot out.

Under the awning is the door of a small outpatient clinic. The half-open glass sliding door is faint and dim inside. There is an old light box at the door with some scattered slogans written on it, reconstruction of limbs, artificial heart, preferential prices, etc. Wait.

"I rub, this small outpatient clinic was used for abortion in our time. Seeing my disease, are you kidding me?" Hao Zhi curled his lips. At that time, Professor Na Duo and Ke Ke, two of the world's top scientists, could not see the disease. , You asked me to come to this small clinic of ancestral psoriasis specializing in the treatment of old Chinese doctors?

"Try it. Now it's different from your time. There are too few black clinics now. It's to be decapitated to catch it. Who would dare to do this without the courage and strength?" Bruce couldn't help but push. Hao Zhi went inside, and the remaining entourage scattered around the hutong intersection in twos and threes to catch the wind.

"Oh? Welcome, how is this going to be repaired? Is it out of the expiration date?" The electronic door inside opened, and a fat doctor with small round glasses came out holding a screwdriver, and wiped his head as he walked. Sweat.

Behind him, a patient followed, carefully watching and holding his right abdomen.

The fat doctor nodded and signaled Bruce and Hao Zhi to wait a while. He sat behind the large metal desk and pointed at the computer screen with his hand. Think the mechanical liver is very cheap? If you change it like this, it won’t work for another three months. Also, take more rest, don’t get tired, upgrade the driver version of the liver on time, stay away from the strong magnetic field, and come back for maintenance in two months. I don’t charge you any fees. I have the service level of a 4S shop. My life is my own. You have to worry about dim sum..."

Hao Zhi turned his head and said to Bruce, who was pushing the wheelchair behind him, why can't I tell whether he is a doctor or a car repairer?

"This era is almost the same. Their main job is to replace people with mechanical replacement parts. Biological treatment has long been banned by the country. If you are sick, you can only replace parts, and it's very expensive. The head of state..." Bruce lowered The voice said, "It's this way of making Although the development of the country is very strong, it is basically relying on the working people of the middle and lower classes to make progress to today..."

"This old bastard!" Hao Zhi cursed angrily. At this moment, the patient walked out of the clinic silently. The fat doctor let out a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his head, and pushed the glasses on his face again. , Asked, where do you want to change? Is this a problem with the leg?

Bruce quickly pushed Hao Zhi forward. There is a virus in his blood that needs to be cleaned out. Do you think there is a way?

The fat doctor looked at the two up and down, put his fat hands on his stomach, and after about half a minute, he asked slowly: "You are not from the country's inspection department, are you? I have a complete license here... …"

Bruston took a moment, and suddenly drew an S shape in the air with his right hand. The fat doctor's eyes immediately opened. He jumped up from his chair nervously, and then hurriedly closed the door of the clinic, including the light box outside. The light was also turned off, the light in the room dimmed, and the chandelier automatically sensed to replace the outside light.

"The morning light is shining..." The fat doctor leaned back against the door and cautiously spit out four Chinese characters.

Bruce nodded, and replied: "Life is endless!"

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