Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 55: Abnormal life

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Lele's face gradually paled. She clenched her fists, turned her head slowly, and looked at the confinement room next to her. She was still worried about Song Xiaojia’s safety and hoped she could To the end.

   "Jia Jia, I'm a little cold..." Lele's consciousness gradually blurred, and she muttered softly.

As if she was extremely sleepy, she slowly fell into a deep sleep, with a calm expression and pale lips. A dozen scientific research workers stared nervously at the slowly changing experimental data. The computer screen of the console showed the progress, Lele's blood loss. The situation has reached 60%...

   "Reported that the blood loss has reached 60%, and the normal person has been in shock or even died when it reaches 30% at most, and this girl has persisted until more than 50% before gradually appearing in a coma!"

   "Continue!" Lin Tao replied categorically.

   "But... if this continues, even her life will really be in danger!"

   "When did I give you the right to question?" Lin Tao's eyes widened, and the man didn't dare to take the conversation anymore, so he could only look stupidly at the drop of blood that had been flowing less and less.



The electronic clock reads the seconds, and every tick it pulls people’s fragile nerves. On the other end of the rubber tube, the last drop of viscous blood lingers, hanging there like a famous experiment. asphalt.

   "The report has been completed 80%. The remaining blood is basically stored in the internal organs and will not be discharged through the blood circulatory system. In other words, the blood in her veins has been emptied!" The medical staff whispered.

   "Okay, immediate vital signs testing!" Lin Tao ordered.

   More than a dozen medical staff became busy again, and began testing basic life constants such as heartbeat and breathing.

   "God!" A soft sigh came from the crowd.

   "What's wrong?" Lin Tao felt something wrong, pushed aside the crowd and squeezed into it. The medical staff looked at him with an incredibly dazed expression on his face.

"what happened?"

   "She has been alive, but went to sleep..." the person reported.

"Well, I know that the result is the same as we expected. Her body will quickly produce supplementary blood, which is much faster than ordinary people's hematopoiesis!" Lin Tao finally saw a little hope of success, and his face flushed with excitement. Up.

   "Wrong, she didn't regenerate blood at all!" The medical staff was still a little bit unable to believe what he saw in front of him, and said in a trembling voice.

   "How is it possible?" Lin Tao was taken aback, "check again, how does she live without blood?"

   "She seems to be...perverted..."

   "What is abnormal?" Lin Tao asked.

"Generally speaking, the lung breathing of terrestrial animals and the cheek breathing of aquatic animals belong to their normal state. They are the performance of the basic biological characteristics, and they will not change. Like frogs breathing through the cheeks as they grow up. Changing into lung breathing is a kind of'abnormal'. We have never seen human beings that can change their biological normalcy!"

   "Can you tell me exactly what has changed?" Lin Tao looked down at Lele, who was in a coma, but couldn't see any change for a while.

   Normally, our human blood transports oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. You should be aware of this, so when too much blood is lost, it will cause hypoxia and death.

   We drained all of her body's blood. According to the usual situation, she should have died. However, in the case of extreme lack of blood, her skin actually began to secrete a kind of mucus, which kept her skin moist...

   Look, during our test, we found that she is using this mucus covering the skin of the whole body to transmit oxygen throughout the body through the extremely fine grooves on the skin!

The researchers pointed the microscope at Lele’s skin, and the large screen also projected a picture of local skin magnified tens of thousands of times. At this scale, the texture of those skins is like crisscrossing rivers, which is non-volatile. The mucus flows slowly in the riverbed between the skin textures like river water, instead of red blood cells, it directly absorbs a large amount of oxygen from the air, and undertakes the task of sending oxygen to the whole body...

   "Do you mean that she did not recreate blood, but recreated her body?" Lin Tao asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is as if there is no gasoline, some cars are transformed into natural gas cars, and they can be operated as well. She just turned off the function of oxygen transportation by relying on blood, and opened up another channel through special Mucus recreates a new kind of extracorporeal circulation, achieving the same purpose as blood circulation..."

   "It's like the jellyfish in the coelenterate? It doesn't need blood circulation at all?" Lin Tao sat down on the chair and tried to stand up while leaning on the table beside him. After struggling twice, he barely stood still.

   "In other words, if her ability continues to develop...she can even..." Lin Tao didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence, and he couldn't believe the result of his guess.

   "Yes! It seems that some things are not as simple as myths!" The staff also guessed what he wanted to say, pushed the glasses on his face, and looked at the huge picture like watching an astronomical spectacle.

   "What are they talking about?" A technician standing on the side didn't understand, and asked an old professor across from him.

   "Have you seen Journey to the West?" The old professor pushed the glasses on his face and replied.

   "Have you seen it, is there any difference?"

"The Monkey King can change 72. Perhaps in the future, Lele can also perform such simple mimicry changes. Her body's adaptability can allow her to grow her cheeks and move underwater, or grow wings to fly in the sky. Mimicry can make She imitates any skills of other animals on the earth! By that time, she can change more than 72 kinds of simple..."

Oh My God! The young technician was also silly: "My goodness, so maybe Journey to the West is not fictional?"

Lin Tao looked at Lele in front of her. Her chest did not rise and fall. She no longer needs to breathe. The function of the respiratory system is temporarily replaced by skin breathing. This seemingly weak life has found another new way by herself~ He cannot accept the facts before him.

"A species needs to go through tens of millions of years of evolution. She actually completed it in ten minutes!" The senior scientist took off the mask on his face and sighed, "We have been I was looking for the miracle of life, but I didn't expect the miracle to come so quickly!"

"The horror of the power and adaptability of the new species is far beyond our comprehension. The question now is, do ghosts know how many such people are in this world? According to the ghost, within their organization, they are all Such people...They are all around us, they just hide their identities. If they are hidden in the crowd and burst out suddenly, they will completely overthrow the world in the past. That would be a real disaster!" Lin Taoruo Answered thoughtfully.

   "Perhaps, it is time for us ‘old humans’ to withdraw from the stage of history!"

   "What should I do now?" The old scientist pointed at Lele, who was still in a coma.

   "Unplug the experimental equipment, I want to see how her body changes when the blood does not continue to drain!"

Before he could finish his words, an earth-shaking bang suddenly exploded in his ears. The two soldiers standing far away guarding the gate of the confinement room were instantly thrown out by a wave of air more than ten feet, and a violent shaking accompanied the instrument. After the destruction, the steam and dense smoke rolled up, and countless torn wire connectors were crackling with sparks, like black giant snakes spitting out letters!

   "What's the matter?" Lin Tao yelled in amazement. A dozen mercenaries behind him quickly ran over and surrounded him, responding nervously to the situation in front of him.

   A technician crawled out of the smoke, stumbled and ran and shouted: She is out! She came out...

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