Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 567: Stand-in ③

?? The real loneliness is not that no one can understand you, but that even everyone who might understand you no longer exists. Hao Zhi suddenly remembered what the professor said, immortality is a torture to anyone. !

God does not allow us to live forever, but to follow those who have left. In fact, it is a kind of care for us. He is afraid of our loneliness.

Hao Zhi was sentimental for a while, and suddenly became excited again, jumped to the printer and shouted loudly, giving brother a glass... Erguotou!

Lele was also affected by his emotions, giggling, calling incoherently, let's have a drink!

As a result, the clear and transparent white wine was poured into the mouth, and it instantly became a line of fire, and the throat was hot, and the stomach was warm after drinking...

The sorrow of the wine brought more sadness in return. Le Le Yang Tian was stunned for a while, and then suddenly said to Hao Zhi, I was afraid.

"Afraid?" Hao Zhi took a sip of wine, "What are you afraid of? We have seen all battles!"

Lele shook his head, I'm not afraid of this...

Just like you just said, the longevity of any one person is a huge torture. Now, at least we can drink and drink together to prove our past. I am afraid that if one day, even you will be gone. ,what do I do?

Hao Zhimo was silent. She was 35 or 6 years old. If she left it in the past, she would have been halfway through her life, but Lele was permanently fixed at the age of nineteen by her ability. For her, Time doesn’t even make sense, but in the not-too-distant future, I will get old, leaving this lonely girl, facing this long road that has never come to an end...

At that time, who will protect her?

As if responding to something, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed, and Star Harbor entered the night state. Except for the bright industrial buildings outside the windows, they also reflected bright white, and the other areas were all dark. This is not the earth, and there is no atmosphere reflecting light. Under the circumstances, as long as the light is not directly irradiated, it is completely dark.

Lele approached Hao Zhi and leaned her head lightly on him. On her forehead, a layer of fine sweat appeared, and the misty scent radiated along with the rise of the **** in her body...

This is a dangerous ambiguity. Lele leaned down gently, just to see the W-shaped pendant worn by Hao Zhi on his chest. This silly boy was still wearing it.

However, another kind of mourning mood instantly hit his heart. He didn't know that the W represented his own heart.

Lele is such a girl who endures herself, hiding herself ashamed to express herself, watching all the opportunities sneak past her, but never dared to reach out and catch it. She knows that there are two women in his heart, one is One of his favorites is his eternal pain.

In the originally narrow mind, there can be no third position. She may only be used as a symbol, just hanging around his neck, sticking to the position closest to his heart, but she can only be so far away. Far away, far away as just a friend.

At the beginning, she also thought that she has her own advantages, perhaps not Ke Ke’s peerless beauty, or Jia Jia’s boldness, but she has time, time to wait, a time to slowly ferment love, companionship , Is the longest love confession.

I just stay by your side like this, I don’t want you to love me, and I don’t need to let you know that I love you, I just need to accompany you, accompany you through the thousands of mountains and rivers, accompany you through the years, and wait until all People have left you, have disappeared, and there is only one me left.

I'm still young and beautiful, and I still have an unthankful face. I'm still waiting for you. Maybe by that time, you will notice my existence.

In fact, she finally waited for this day, Jia Jia was gone, Ke Ke was gone, but she found that his heart was also dead...

Hao Zhi hugged Lele deeply in his arms and in his heart, full of love and care, but she clearly did not feel the slightest impulse and ****, he had no distracting thoughts about her, as if he was holding one in his arms. A child, a treasure, a friend in need of protection, a long-lasting miss.

But not a girl of flesh and blood.

He fell asleep……

Lele leaned on his chest and shed tears forbearingly. In order to prevent herself from crying, she had to bit the pendant of the necklace between her teeth and tremble.

Tomorrow is the day of the war. The future is complicated and unpredictable. If we are to die in this war, before we die, can't I still confess myself?

Suddenly a tragic and vigorous feeling arose in Lele's heart, a sense of tragic feeling for love. As long as I can comfort you, what is the important thing about who I am?

She stood up slowly, took off all the clothes on her body, and then gradually stretched out her arms, facing the hanging mirror on one side, smiling, and while smiling, her short hair suddenly began to grow slowly and grew over her ears. , Over the shoulders, long hair up to the waist, jet black and straight!

Every cell in her body is changing according to the owner's wishes. The eyes are a little bigger, the eyebrows are a little softer, the waist is a little more slender... The contours of her facial features are adjusted slightly, and they quickly become another one. Vice appearance!

She has become that Wang Yanke who was in her early thirties, mature and sensual, gentle and beautiful that she had seen when she was in Biochemical City!

After Lele's transformation, she looked at herself, best friend, and worst enemy in her glasses with a trace of sadness under her eyes. If you turn around and leave, let me continue to love him for you!

She lay down gently and leaned against Hao Zhi. Hao Zhi turned over with a breath of alcohol, but he touched the cold body in his arms. He slowly opened his eyes and saw repeated appearances in his dreams. Koko, who had been talking to herself in her dreams for countless times, was watching her with a gentle gaze.

"Wife..." He couldn't help but blurt out, as if he couldn't tell whether he was or was still lingering in the dream, Lele's eyes were slightly wet, and he called out her husband softly. , He lowered his head shyly.

"Where have you been..." Hao Zhi reluctantly hugged her tightly, feeling a lot of emotions floating in his heart, seventy years, I woke up and found that you are no longer there, you know how much I miss you!

It's okay, it's okay... Lele puts him on his chest and gently combs Hao Zhi's hair with his five fingers. I haven't gone anywhere. I have been waiting for you, and I will always be by your side. No matter where you go, I will always guard you.

Hao Zhi half-closed his eyes, rubbing her neck like a baby, acting like a baby, do what you say, don't leave me anymore!

What if one day I suddenly disappeared? Lele asked in a low voice.

Then I will search the entire universe and I will also find you.

Will you keep looking for it?

Will do!

I do not believe!

Then you try...

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