Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 572: Street light①

?? The military order is like a mountain!

This is the first sentence written on the title page of the regulations of the Diguo Military Academy.

It contains two meanings. First, you have to listen to what you say, and second, you will be severely punished if you don’t listen.

If left in the past, the thick and dense content of more than 300 pages in the "Military Law" of the land country alone would be enough for a soldier to carry it for three months. Fortunately, the land country has developed human beings under the enlightenment of the blood moon man technology. The computer-based interactive information download system enables every soldier to remember clearly what he or she should not do.

The downloading of human-machine information is different from ordinary human daily memory, because the non-destructive implantation of information usually contains very cumbersome details and characters, so ordinary people can only choose relatively important information for downloading and learning, such as personal professional knowledge, society Consensus at the bottom, basic cultural information, etc.

But as long as it exceeds a certain number, it will cause the human brain’s memory system to collapse. In daily life, people tend to selectively hide most of their memories in order to focus on the present, and you will not be aware of those in the reserve area. , Will be extracted only when the associated selection is made.

It's like when you see a line, you suddenly remember the plot of a certain movie clearly, but when you do other things, you don't even know that you remember this movie that made you "impressed".

Information implantation is completely different. If you implant a movie, then you can always recall any details in any corner of the movie screen at any time, even including every member of the long list of cast members after the curtain call. A name.

This is invalid information overload, then a person is not far from a mental breakdown.

Therefore, the disadvantage of this kind of compulsory knowledge infusion is that it is easy to form human dogma and rigidity, which is fundamentally different from Wang Yanke's unforgettable memories under natural memory.

Although it has drawbacks, the drawbacks can also become advantages under certain circumstances, such as the army!

A place where dogma is most needed to be enforced and obeyed!

Every soldier is like the peripheral nerve of the commander, obedient and strong in execution, it becomes the embodiment of the combat ability of an army, as if a person, the commander is the brain, you will never like a certain of your toes twitching disobediently Bar?

The king wants the minister to die, what should the minister say...

How to say it is wrong!

Because "Chen" has no right to speak!

This was the old Morgan’s inner thoughts at the moment he received the military order. He knew that his time had come. In the face of such a powerful enemy as the blood moon, the first wave of naval gun siege was basically equivalent to the previous punch that was filled in. Mainly, the offense is supplemented.

However, under the military order, you have to play your own style if you die!

Hao Zhi obviously noticed this. Commander Han Chengxian didn’t seem to care about the depletion of the one-tenth fleet. After the first wave of 1,000 fast ships were worn out, he would use one-tenth of his troops to continue. Stirring up the enemy, he doesn't care what kind of massacre Blood Moon will do to them. There is only one purpose, and that is to drag me Blood Moon into the battlefield arranged in advance!

Old Morgan led his Comoros fleet to frantically besiege Blood Moon Star, dancing around a huge honeycomb like a group of bees anxiously unable to find their way home.

Intensive combat firepower pours on the enemy like a storm, and the blood moon is like a tortoise shell with its head shrunk. You can do it at will, anyway, you can't bite me!

"What should I do? How can I drag the Blood Moon Man into the ambush?" Old Morgan was silent for a long time, watching his children doing their best to perform. He knew very well that the large weapons would soon be consumed and the ammunition would be exhausted. After extinction, he can only wait for Blood Moon to fight back.

Before that, a good way must be figured out!

The commander-in-chief’s intention is very obvious. The Comorian Central Fleet is abandoning pawns. However, death is worthy of death!

"It seems that we have to anger these blood moon grandchildren!" Old Morgan said to himself, "Otherwise, how could he dance to our rhythm?"

Hit, the other party did not respond, obviously to wait for our weapon and ammunition to fight back, then I can't let you do what you want!

Morgan slapped the armrest: All retreat!

"What?" The messenger was shocked and retreated? The command of the headquarters is to allow the retreat only when all ammunition is exhausted and the fleet loses more than half of it!

"What? Do you dare to defy my general?" Morgan asked coldly.

"Subordinates don't dare, but..." After all, the herald is facing his boss directly. The so-called commander-in-chief of the fleet has the supremacy of power, but it can't match Old Morgan's face that is longer than the display.

In an instant, all the ships of the Comorian Central Fleet stopped the attack and withdrew in formation at the fastest speed towards their position.

"What the **** is this old guy?" Commander-in-chief Han Chengxian was a little unhappy when he saw that Morgan had obviously executed an action that was contrary to his order. However, the veteran Morgan should not be the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death. So silently watched the battlefield scene.

All the people in the bridge turned their eyes to the commander-in-chief, waiting for the issuance of his next order. Only Han Chengxian was unmoved. He looked at everyone with a calm gaze, and his gaze clearly said, don’t worry. Let's take a look...

Sure enough, just after the fleet was withdrawn and walked for a short time, Old Morgan gave the order again, turned the nose, and rushed back to me for another round!

The Star of the Blood Moon is now moving towards its own fixed orbit, preparing to slide down through the meteorite area, but sees a burst of noise above its head, as if it was suddenly poured in the middle of a dream. Liangshui, this made the commander of the second star angrily.

"These pesky bugs, if I don't chase you, I dare to kill them again? Open the fort for me and kill them!" The second star commander, Admiral Didi Paqi shouted angrily. .

"Pay attention to dodge, the grandsons of Blood Moon are starting to be a little anxious, their flying meteors are not a joke, they all enter the random flight mode!" A smile appeared on the corner of Old Morgan's mouth.

Yes! The messenger disseminated the order, and immediately after the navigation control platform on the hub ship was activated, the relative positions of all the 4,100 warships connected to the center of the network were brushed into a holographic space The command ship navigation system "street light" forcibly incorporates the trajectory control of each starship into the network.

The main purpose of this is to prevent yourself from hurting yourself in the case of warships flying in a dense space. Four thousand warships are densely gathered together, and the flight trajectory of each warship should be kept random and random, seemingly nothing. In the case of determining the direction, if it is driven by manpower, it is probably more than half of it that it crashes and destroys itself.

The developers of this "street light" strategic navigation are inspired by the flying insects surrounding the street light in the summer night. Those seemingly primitive insects are so small that they don’t even have a brain, but they can complete such complicated things. The flight trick budget, thousands of small mosquitoes fly up and down in a narrow space but never collide with each other, this has attracted the attention of scientists.

So they caught 10,000 insects, used nanotechnology to mark each mosquito's body, and then observed their trajectory around the light source under laboratory conditions, and input each of their flight trajectories into the computer. Establishing the flight mode will form this complete set of "street light" strategic navigation software.

At this time, the pilot does not need to operate his own spacecraft at all, because your operation does not work. Their only task is to attack, and concentrate all their energy to attack the blood moon star in the center under all possible circumstances...

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