Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 581: Choose ⑤

?? Dead corner!

Matthew quickly realized that his position was extremely unfavorable. The deck below the blood moon was no more than a dozen meters high, and the left and right sides were separated by metal sampans at a small angle, and there was not much room to extend to both sides.

His own "Ferrari" has the confidence to avoid the first round of attack, but if the opponent is chasing after him, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the second round of attack!

Strong fight! ?

Knowing that there is no chance of winning!

Matthew didn't think much, he raised his nose to face the fly and hit it, and at the same time used all the firepower in an attempt to knock down the opponent.

It's a pity that the fly is not a blood moon star, and won't stand there and let you bump into it. General Cancandillo lightly brushed past Matthew's battleship, turning around with a shot!

Matthew broke out in a cold sweat, and the propeller was exposed to the enemy. If he hit the fuel tank, the consequences would be disastrous. He yanked the nose of the ship and barely pushed the ship to its side. Then he felt a sudden shock and his head was heavy. The ground knocked on the joystick, suddenly dizzy, and blood came out of the forehead.

The red light in the cockpit came on, and the ear-piercing sound of the damage reporting system indicated that the tail was shot!

Sometimes, only when you reach a certain stage can you see the power of the strong and the fearless of the ignorant. As a first-class pilot in the country, Matthew, for the first time, realized what fear is.

It's not that I was afraid of death, but that I was afraid until I died, and I didn't understand how I died? Where is the opponent better than yourself? Why didn't I feel a little hope in my heart, and even forgot the courage to fight at the end!

Matthew’s battleship tilted and turned downwards in a circle. Because of its rotation, the blood moon star had downward gravity. With the opportunity of falling, Matthew once again barely stabilized the fuselage and wiped it. A handful of eyes fascinated by blood, I suddenly realized that there was the "wound" of the Blood Moon Star. The wound was already repairing itself, and the closed hole could just accommodate a warship flying past!

This is my only chance to escape!

Ma Xiu couldn't even think about it, forcibly pulling the hull of the ship with the billowing smoke from the damaged side of the propeller behind him, and the blood moon star was drilled out, and the wings of the sky fighter collided with the edge of the star. , Wiped out a bright spark and scattered in the external vacuum...

"Mice!" During the whole process, General Cancandillo made almost no action, just as he watched Matthew escape with his injuries, and then smiled contemptuously.

"General, why did you let him escape?" the guard on the entourage asked in surprise.

"For a soldier, the most painful thing is not being killed, but the humiliation of rushing for his life. He gave this humiliation to Babaluoch, and of course I have to return it to him. What's more, what can I do if I escape? There is only one way to wait for the fate of the earth bugs to be eliminated by our Imperial League. It is just a great shame for him to live for a few more days and enjoy a few more days. This is really a very pleasant thing to remember. ,Ha ha ha ha……"

"The general is mighty!" The entourage admired admiringly.

"Don't say more, hurry up and repair the hull, but I guess that even if it is not repaired, the mouse will not have the courage to come back again, haha!" General Cancandillo triumphantly piloted his "fly" fighter plane. Back to his parking area, in mid-air, he heard a frantic and triumphant laugh.

Outside, the battle between the Earth Kingdom and the Blood Moon flies continued. With the fiercely intertwined fire nets of the medium-sized battleships and the cooperation of the aerospace fighters, most of the remaining flies have been wiped out, and the Earth Kingdom’s "chaotic" fleet bit The ship star kept on, trying to tear a few more breakthroughs from its surface, but it was never successful.

On the Chaos bridge, the staff officer sighed deeply: "The shield system of the Blood Moon Star has been almost completely repaired, and the first round of assaults of the Earth Kingdom has not made substantial progress! Commander, should we use the Where is the space arrow that penetrates the shield?"

Commander-in-chief Han Chengxian leaned on his seat and did not answer this question. Instead, he set his sights on the other two military counselors, especially Hao Zhi.

Since the start of the war, Hao Zhi has crossed his fingers, staring at the sand table of the battle situation. The tight corners of his mouth and the locked eyebrows have never been stretched out. Now, seeing the commander asking himself, he Just speak.

"The blasting of the second star is so tragic, the blood moon people are still in a state of being basically beaten, this...somewhat unreasonable!" Hao Zhi expressed his doubts, "according to what I understand, The military technology of the Blood Moon Man should not be as simple as this kind of mechanical warworm. Although I can’t tell where the problem is, I always feel that it is waiting, waiting for us to take out all our strengths and see through us. After that, I am afraid there will be a complete counterattack!"

"Well, my thinking is the same. In the previous battles, the center of all surroundings was nothing more than how to break the shield system of the blood moon. We have made various attempts, and the blood moon is also finding out our details. There was no strong counterattack, or even some remote-controlled toys to fight us. I think... it's waiting for us to show our cards!" Another military advisor also echoed.

Commander Han Chengxian groaned for a while before slowly saying: "It is true. The Space Light Arrow is our last killer. If we use it now, it may let the Blood Moon figure out our way. You know, these are just two warships that stand before them. , Followed by forty-seven ships of the same size...

Once you use, the subsequent stars will be prepared in advance. They haven't put all the stars into battle, so they seem to be very cautious. "

"However, if we don’t use it now, we probably won’t have the chance to use it again. Once the blood moon counterattacks, the Uranus defense battle may be completely defeated. The footsteps will be close to the orbit of Saturn, so we are not far from our earth!" The staff officer anxiously suggested that he wanted to at least preserve the victory of this battle.

The opinions of both parties were placed in front of the commander Han Chengxian at the same time. This is the time to test the decision-making ability of the military leader. Two seemingly reasonable suggestions, under the circumstance that which way may be wrong, how many outsiders With 100,000 soldiers still fighting hard, which path to choose is indeed very difficult.

"Use!" Commander-in-chief Han Chengxian hesitated for a while, and decisively gave the order, "Space Light Arrow must be put into the battlefield. We must do our best to keep the Uranus orbit. This is our combat mission. As for how to fight future battles, That’s not a problem we should consider. Even if we don’t use it, we just leave this difficult problem to the next orbital defense fleet, and we will face the same choice at that time! It’s better to spread the problem first, at least Give the troops behind you time to think and prepare!"

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