Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 609: Energy body

?Everything around was swallowed into the sky full of smoke and dust, a piece of gray, the only thing you can see is a pair of bright eyes like a lamp, ripples of consciousness energy spread in the air, ring by ring of air waves soaring to the sky The momentum stunned Di Dewitt.

Hao Zhi suddenly appeared from the heavy fog, and no one could see how he moved before he was in front of the liquid robot. He jumped up and punched the opponent!

The automatic protective reaction device of the liquid robot is activated immediately, hardening the surface of the body to resist the enemy's attack. The carefully purified liquid has an extremely dense structure, which is hundreds of times harder than Yinggang. It is excellent against ordinary physical attacks. More than enough.

Hao Zhi coldly smiled, the ring on his right hand suddenly shined when it touched the opponent, a laser sword manifested by energy matter appeared, and silently pierced into the enemy's body, taking advantage of the momentum of Hao Zhi's fall , He held the hilt in both hands and swiped down, diagonally cutting the liquid robot in front of him in half!

Another liquid robot saw that his companion was injured, his hands were emptied and turned into a gun, and countless Yinggang needles shot towards Hao Zhi like cow hair!

Hao Zhi bent down and grabbed a fire orange from the half of the liquid robot body that was still twisting on the ground. He knew that it was the core component of the liquid robot. Without it, they would never be able to return to the original state!

As for the attack behind him, he simply regarded it as non-existent, and didn't even turn his head back.

"Hit!" Didi Weite was secretly happy, but saw that a fine rain of needles passed directly through Hao Zhi's body, hitting the mechanical war insects in the opposite encirclement! A large swarm of mechanical war bugs fell to the ground, bursting into flames!

what's the situation? Didi Wit was puzzled. Is the person in front of him a phantom? How is this possible?

Holding the fire orange in his hand, Hao Zhi turned and raised it to Didiwit: "This is it, right?"

"You..." Di Dewitt was taken aback, "How did you find the central core of the liquid robot?"

"I have entered their bodies before, knowing that this thing wanders irregularly in the body of the liquid robot, but no matter how it runs, there is still a bit of a dead spot that cannot be avoided, that is, it continues to release itself. With subtle energy waves, the conscious person can perceive the energy fluctuations of others. With a little training, they can capture this energy wave... Therefore, I am very familiar with how they hide the fire orange in any part of their body. clear!"

hateful! General DeDewitt looked at the ground turned into a pool of mercury liquid robot remains, and he almost shed tears in distress: "Fire! Fire! Kill him!"

Ha ha! Hao Zhi laughed. The liquid robot's flying was useless against me just now. What can your trash men do? Are you curious, why can't his attack hurt me?

To tell you the truth, this is all thanks to your liquid robot. The first time I fought with him, I found that my body can enter the fourth state during the battle!

In other words, solid matter is tangible and solid, liquid matter is solid and intangible, and the ionic self is essentially tangible and intangible matter.

"Pure energy-state life..." DeDewitt's eyes widened in horror, "This is impossible...impossible!"

At the time of the blood moon mother planet, Di Divert once had a friend who was from the Chief Academy of Sciences of the Imperial League. He has exhausted all his energy and has been studying the subject, which is "Universal Life Morphology". He once said to Di Divert , Life in the universe may manifest in any form.

However, whether it is the initial single-celled body, or the later complex multi-cell, carbon-based life or silicon-based life, or even the semi-mechanized life after civilization has developed to a certain level, or the informational immortality that has reached the peak of evolution, the arrow of evolution In the end, they all point to an ultimate form, which is the "pure energy life" that is free from all material forms.

In the previous stage, no matter how you change the form, life must be attached to a certain material basis and cannot achieve true "freedom." Only when it evolves to the stage where it is free from all material foundations that can restrain itself, can life be counted as a new one. Steps.

The life that reaches this stage is called "quantum state" in science, and "soul" in theology!

After all, everything in the universe is essentially the same thing-energy!

That is a field that no science and technology can touch at present, so this friend of his has been used as an after-dinner joke all his life, until the end of a gloomy mood, he did not prove the kind of "pure energy life form" he was looking for. "Any evidence of existence.

But now, he has encountered one!

Hao Zhi’s figure was standing in front of him, and it didn’t seem to be any different from everything around him, but when I looked carefully, I still felt something was wrong. The consciousness could wrap a faint halo around his body. If not, but the outline is not clear, as if it really exists, and it seems to be able to see everything behind him through him.

It was a weird feeling. It was like seeing a ghost in the daytime...Didi Witt thought so, and suddenly realized that, yes, that friend said the same, pure energy life, scientifically called it "the fourth "State", it also has a common name-"Soul"!

Isn’t it a ghost that is free from all forms of life?

For the first time, DeDewitt felt a bit weak in his legs when facing the enemy. His hand holding the Dragon God's Golden Sword was a little trembling, and he couldn't speak.

However, the liquid robot didn't know what fear was. He had no sense of why his companion was killed. He only knew that the mission command he accepted was fighting, so as long as the enemy is still standing, he must move forward!

brush! The liquid robot transformed into the ultimate liquid form, rushed to Hao Zhi suddenly, and suddenly solidified again, and the sharp hand knife slashed fiercely.

Naturally, nothing can be cut.

"Fool, he and him are not in the same dimensional space at all!" Dedi Witte shouted, "Quickly come back, you are not his opponent!"

But it was too late...

Scientists once imagined that looking at 3D in 4D is the same as standing in 3D to see 2D. A 3D person standing in front of a map can see China and the United States at the same time, but If a two-dimensional person is in a map, he can only see part of the map.

Similarly, assuming that the earth is a three-dimensional map, people in the thinking space can also see all the corners of the earth at the same time, all the parts that make up the earth, at a glance, including the core and the center of the earth.

All three-dimensional matter will be unfolded infinitely and meticulously in high dimensions into readable details, just like Hao Zhi is looking at the liquid robot in front of him as a four-dimensional identity. Every drop of liquid that composes his body is arranged neatly in front of Hao Zhi. Including the "fire orange", Hao Zhi can easily see it without relying on his consciousness to capture its existence.

As soon as he stretched his hand, he merged into the enemy's body and easily took the thing out. The liquid robot did not understand how Hao Zhi, who was still ten meters away, suddenly came in front of him. His movements were simply unpredictable. Can't catch it either!

Wow...the silver liquid scattered all over the place, the robot was silently wiped out!

Hao Zhi turned around and smiled at General DeDewitt. It's your turn...

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