Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 723: Ambush on 10 sides of heavy turrets

Very good! The time has come, and the blood moon will die soon!

Liu Ye looked up to the sky and laughed, our chance is here! Ready to meet the enemy!

In terms of Blood Moon, the assault team basically completed the mission, but it lost a fierce general, and General Dadasvor also ritually expressed his regret.

The only bad thing is that it has been delayed for too long. He knew that the people on Earth were waiting for Saturn to enter orbit, and wanted to seize the first opportunity to destroy the enemy, but failed. Although they destroyed their main protective fleet for the follow-up The advance of the Blood Moon Army paved the way, but General Dadasvor still murmured a little in his heart.

What do people on earth want to do on Saturn?

This earth commander is unfathomable!

However, since the advantage is in hand, it is impossible not to fight without fighting. He praised the assault team that fled back, and launched the entire blood moon army: "Behind the enemy is the giant planet Saturn. At present, they are even retreating. If it is blocked by ourselves, we are more convenient to attack. This time, we must completely wipe out the enemy's vitality and stop giving them a chance to breathe!"

With an order, an army of more than six hundred thousand people swept in like migratory locusts and ants. Twenty thousand kilometers away, the huge battleship swallowed thousands of miles like thunder and lightning, like a dark red shadow that swallowed the world. Slowly spread out in the Saturn domain.

As for the Diguo fleet, there are only less than 40,000 warships left, which is about the same as the total number of Gourmet ships that have just entered the battle.

They can no longer form a decent battle formation. In the vast cosmic starry sky, with the huge yellowish Saturn backed, the fleet is like docking on the halo of Saturn, and the dense fleet shadows shine brightly on the enemy's propellers. Below, projected on the surface of Saturn.

However, everyone's attention was obviously not attracted by the blood moon people, and the warlords were interested in the huge Saturn behind them.

Because Saturn’s orbit is 10759 Earth Days, that is to say, when the relative position of the Earth Fleet remains unchanged, Saturn will only arrive once every thirty years. Many fighters have never seen Saturn at such a close distance. Look like.

Looking back in Saturn's near-Earth orbit, there is a huge beige planet with flowing golden lines, the size of which is equivalent to seven hundred and forty-five earths.

When seen from a close distance, the floating clouds on the surface of Saturn are circling, the dark tide is surging, the gaseous torrent of the majestic atmosphere swept through the destructive material flow, slowly condensing, rotating, and rubbing against each other. Each piece has an Asian size.

Where the dark light floats, that is the rain cloud area. The complex atmospheric composition such as methane and ammonia forms a complex storm area in friction. Those seemingly slow and lazy rain clouds are actually huge at speeds of more than 300 kilometers per hour. In the whirlpool storm, blue lightning flashes like a ghostly wandering dragon, tearing through the clouds with a click, and then disappearing quickly.

Forty thousand warships look so small in front of Saturn, which is close to 120,000 kilometers in diameter.

They are isolated and helpless. They are like a group of weak ducklings huddled under their mothers, shivering in the face of the surging enemy.

"Start! Sky survey defense net!" Liu Ye Bai Zimo ordered loudly, and the sixteen larger satellites in the orbit of the Earth satellite were also slowly moving to the predetermined position.

"Surveillance Defense Network Saturn Base Heavy Battery No. 1 report!"

"Surveillance Defense Network Saturn Base Heavy Battery No. 2 report!"

Of the sixteen large satellites, except for a few three or four that are not in place due to slow orbits, the other twelve have been aimed at the enemy in front of them from different positions, only waiting for Marshal Bai Zimo’s order. Thousands of guns blasted.

"Very good, but don’t worry, the premature action will only expose your position. After all, your mobility is relatively poor. Once discovered by the enemy, it will be difficult to escape the fate of being siege. When we bring in the enemy, you will fight for it. Destroy them all at once!" Liu Ye Bai Zimo arranged in an orderly manner.

"Yes!" the commanders of the top ten heavy artillery bases responded one after another.


bring it on!

In the final battle, Liu Ye held up his chest and raised his head, staring closely at the first batch of warships of the Blood Moon Man on the screen, calculating the distance in his heart, and at the same time paying attention to the time calculated by the computer. One minute!

"Listen to my orders! The remnants of the Taotie and the Qinglong fleet flew away in the direction of Saturn's south pole in advance. If the enemy pursues, you will bypass the Saturn meridian and join us from the back of Saturn to the North Pole!"

"Yes!" Banks and Popinski took the order loudly, and with a whistling of their warship, they flew towards the south pole of Saturn below.

"Look at the sky, the two major fleets of the Kirin, we immediately lure the enemy into the north of Saturn, wait for the enemy to follow us into the ambush circle, then look back, cooperate with the firepower of the ten major artillery bases, and give them a head-on attack!"

"Yes!" The commanders of the two fleets of Wangtian Qilin responded in unison.

"Action now!"

The 28,000 warships, under the leadership of Liu Ye Bai Zimo, clinging to the meridian of Saturn, climbed up and flew vertically. Behind them, countless blood moon warships had discovered their whereabouts, so they pursued them desperately.

"Don't let the enemy run away!" General Dadasvor said fiercely, "Catch me up and put them into Saturn's storm circle on the spot, so that they will never be born again!"

As a result, a group of blood moon battleships like hungry wolves began a frantic pursuit. The land fleet retreated in an orderly manner, not very fast, in order to introduce the enemy to the designated position step by step. It was a close calculation by the computer. The ambush point, whether it is from the position of the top ten heavy turrets or from the perspective of the battleship, it is a balance point that can be attacked!

It's It's here!

Liu Ye Bai Zimo's heart was overwhelmed with joy. The enemy's vanguard has entered the encirclement, but we can't worry yet. It's just the vanguard. What we want is their main force!

Liu Ye nervously looked at the virtual sand table simulated by the computer, estimating the time for the enemy’s main force to enter the ambush circle. He watched intently at the denser group of black spots on the screen, moving little by little, little by little away from the center area. That red spot is getting closer...


Bai Zimo saw that the time had come, and resolutely issued an attack command.

In an instant, from the Saturn satellite base hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, countless dazzling red laser beams poured down like a torrential rain. The ten titan bases were truly ambushes on all sides. The main force of the Blood Moon couldn't find the direction, and couldn't even figure out where the enemy's attack came from.

This is already Saturn's near-Earth orbit. Because Saturn’s atmosphere is composed of most hydrogen, it can transmit sound even though it is relatively thin. The loud sound of huge cannons is coming like a sea tide, and the flames everywhere are extinguished and the concentration is constantly rising. The smoke covered the entire battlefield in a blink of an eye...

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