Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 73: Air cannon

   "What do you mean?" Hao Zhi concentrated his eyes to look, and found that the metal hoses behind those giant locusts were all stuck in the sand!

   "They are sucking sand!" Xiaobing said.

   I think they want to save ammunition. After all, all the use of laser weapons consumes too much energy in combat. They came to the earth alone and did not have logistical supplies, so in order to save, their weapon systems were taken from local materials.

   is like an upside-down vacuum cleaner, sucking a lot of sand from the tail, and then I don’t know how to accelerate the sand particles to an extremely fast speed before spraying it out from the front.

In this way, a sand-containing wind cannon with a fixed direction is formed. Your human eyes cannot see clearly. I just tested it with the infrared high-speed tracking device in my eyes. The speed of the sand particles is up to 30 times. The speed of sound! With such a high-speed kinetic energy impact, every grain of sand is comparable to the strength of human bullets.

   Hao Zhi grabbed a handful of sand. When his fingers spread out, the sand was soft and flowing down like water...

   "Hold the grass, how many grains of sand do you have to grab? Each grain blows across at a speed of 30,000 kilometers per hour..." Hao Zhi thought about it, a cold sweat behind his back.

Song Xiaojia plugged his ears and eyes with **** and yelled: "No wonder people were blown away before they could see clearly. Even the tanks are like those weathered and powdered stones that have been exposed in the desert for millions of years. It’s the same, just speeding up this process millions of times!"

   For a while, the entire battlefield fell into a deadly silence, only the sound of the mechanical joints creaking when the giant locusts moved...

   Everyone realizes that the weapons in their hands now have no effect on the giant locusts.

Da Meng was also stunned. In the army for so long, all kinds of exercises and training, whether it is tanks or aircraft cannons, under such firepower, have long been beaten to rotten tofu, which has nurtured him. Strong confidence in the powerful firepower of the army’s weapons, but until this moment, he really realized that the group of guys in front of them were by no means comparable to the tanks on the earth!

More than 10,000 soldiers, the people in the first trench circle have been wiped out half, and the opponent’s hair has not been injured. The locusts that were hit by tank shells just now were just pushed down by the impact. When I stood up, there was only a smoky black spot in the hit position, not even a crack.

   "Mother, what exactly are you made of?" Da Meng muttered bitterly, his hand holding the telescope trembling.

   He trembled and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Report, our firepower has no effect on the enemy, request a tactical retreat..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for more than ten seconds, and a cold and merciless voice came: "There are still most residents in Shanghai who have not retreated. To ensure the safe evacuation of civilians, the military department ordered: 1204 division and various border departments to defend their positions! Do not retreat. step!"

   The walkie-talkie in Da Meng's hand fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth and tore off the helmet from his head, slamming it to the ground, and rolling far away with a cry.

  He pulled a heavy machine gun from the chariot and said to the guards around him: "Notify the battalions, defend the position, and hold on to the last second!"

Having said that, he leaped forward, jumped left and right, quickly approached the trench, and slid down to the ground, and fell into the trench against the ground, just next to Hao Zhi. He stood the machine gun beside him, leaning against his back. On the edge of the trench, smoke was drawn from his mouth.

   "Master...what shall we do?" Many soldiers quickly asked when they saw the teacher came.

   "It's up to now, I'm sorry my brothers!" He took a heavy smoke and lowered his head in shame. Everyone didn't understand what was going on, and saw Da Meng suddenly raised his head and roared, "Hei Zi!"

   "Here!" A thick male voice sounded not far away.

   "Blasting!" He hesitated fiercely, and issued the order very firmly.

   "Yes!" Heizi nodded, suddenly put his finger in his mouth, and made a loud whistle, one long and two short, very loud and rhythmic.

Everyone didn't understand what this was for, but a series of loud noises erupted right behind them. When I looked back, all the buildings along Binhai Avenue and the bottom of all the buildings and commercial buildings along the street, followed by the explosion, turned up billowing smoke and dust. Collapsed in rows...

Hao Zhi understood right away. Before they arrived, Da Meng had arranged for engineers to install bombs at the bottom of the buildings along the street. He made second-hand preparations. Once he could not resist, he ordered all buildings to be blown up. Then, a "ruin barrier" of ten meters high was formed between the city and the beach, which could stop the enemy from advancing!

   But...we are still here! Hao Zhi and the soldiers stared blankly at Da Meng, "Now, it's impossible to even retreat!"

"This battle is bound to be life and death. What's so surprising? The earth is just one. It can't be won here. There is a dead end wherever we go. We have no way to retreat except to defend ourselves!" Da Meng laughed and smoked. After taking a puff of smoke, I looked back and found that the giant locusts had already come back, and they were less than 20 meters away from the front of the position.

   "Hey, little girl, have you heard of Li Jiayu?" Da Meng suddenly asked Song Xiaojia.

   "I? Haven't heard of it, is it a star?" Song Xiaojia smiled embarrassedly, "I liked it for a while, they are handsome and they sing well..."

"No, he is an anti-Japanese general," Da Meng answered, and opened the gun insurance with a click. "Before the decisive battle against Japan, he once had a poem that I liked very much,'The man wants to repay the country's favor and die on the battlefield. It's a good death.' Brothers, it's time for us to show our faces, let these grandsons from afar know that there is a place on earth called China!"

Having said this, he roared fiercely and took the lead and rushed out of the trenches. He rolled and rushed to the huge locust formations quickly. The remaining soldiers also understood in an instant. If they stay with the enemy, they are waiting to die. Obviously fighting against each other, UU reading is not as good as a melee, even if their weapons are no matter how powerful they are, once they are mixed up, their weapons will hurt themselves, so there is hope of victory!

   "Chong!" Heizi never said much. He kicked the soldier on the side of the ass, and then rushed into the enemy line behind the division commander.

"Follow the commander, spread out..." Suning also led dozens of people out of the trenches, running and commanding everyone. They took the lead, and the soldiers in the entire second and third trenches also rushed out, some They were beaten into blood after jumping on the ground, but most of them rushed into the locust positions. The "locusts" were huge in shape, but there was plenty of space under their feet. The soldiers were careful to avoid the huge worm legs that were waving. And shot violently from the bottom of the abdomen upwards!

   Hao Zhi also enthusiastically raised his head, excitedly picked up his 95 rush, stood up suddenly, just about to climb to the edge of the trench, but felt that Song Xiaojia's calf was swept under his feet, and he fell down again!

   "What are you doing?" Hao Zhi was so bad that he couldn't help but roared at Song Xiaojia in irritation.

   "You can't go..." Song Xiaojia said casually.

   "Put P!" Hao Zhi anxiously said, "The teacher has rushed out, I can't be afraid of death!"

"Who do you think you are? Those aliens are not even afraid of guns. What can your broken gun do?" Song Xiaojia came up and grabbed his collar, "I can't let you go to death like this! "

   Hao Zhibai glanced at her: "Why don't you say that there can be no women on the battlefield, I'm afraid of death! Counsel!"

   Song Xiaojia sneered, her hand strength, as long as she grabs Hao Zhi, he can't stand up no matter how hard he struggles: "You can say it, I can't let you go!"

   Hao Zhi was really anxious. He suddenly picked up the gun in his hand and pointed the muzzle to Song Xiaojia’s face: "You let me go!"

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