Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 811: Messiah's Bunker

On the night of January 17th, at 22:20, a Ford business wagon drove into the compound of the president of Zach Industrial Group in a panic. The facial recognition system at the entrance of the courtyard recognized the appearance of the person, so The assault weapon in the yard did not activate.

No one is standing guard for the rich now. The servants and butlers have all gone home to reunite with their families. There are only a few company directors waiting outside the door of his bedroom in Zuckerberg's mansion.

The last person who came was Zuckerberg's personal lawyer named Fred Harden.

He is Canadian. Although there is no nationality difference between the countries and countries, they still use the place names customary in the pre-earth era. The Vancouver where he lives is not far from the location of Seattle, the residence of the president of Zach Vision Group. Therefore, when standing On the balcony of his home, with his daughter in his arms, he started to panic when he saw Hao Zhi and their spacecraft row across the sky and into the Arctic Circle, so he brought his daughter here.

He is considered to be a relatively successful lawyer. He lived in the upper class in the Hou Di Guo era and dealt with different wealthy people to deal with some economic lawsuits. Although there is still a distance from the real rich, he also has his own. Nice interpersonal circle.

He heard a lot of internal news from some of his friends. The Mars base was lost, and the blood moons were attacking. It was possible, but possible, that there was not much time left to escape.

However, he has no way to escape. Before, he bought stocks of a rubber group industry company to raise funds to build a fugitive spacecraft. It is said that by the end of the day, he can get two valuable seats. Even this stock is through his friends. I got it after several twists and turns. Many people don't have this relationship, and there is nowhere to spend money.

He had also thought about leaving a seat for his ex-wife, but the woman has no idea where she has gone now. The world is so chaotic that he can't contact her.

The two "ship tickets" he exchanged for his many years of savings were suddenly lost when the real chaos arrived. The fundraiser disappeared without a trace with the huge sum of money, leaving only one that could never be possible. The website displayed reflected his equally pale face.

There is only one last way left. Come and beg Zuckerberg. He is so rich. For his years of saddling him, maybe he can show some kindness.

When he broke into the lobby of Zuckerberg’s residence, he saw that several important directors of the Zucker Group were all here. They looked solemnly and looked at the man who came in suddenly, holding a blond hair in his hand. Little girl.

His suit was already a little wrinkled, and his hair was thrown back in a mess, and he ran in holding his daughter all the way, making his face sweat a bit and panting heavily.

"Mr. Harden, why are you here at this time?" One of the directors looked at him in a puzzled manner, as if saying that you should be a little self-aware of your identity.

"I..." Harden was a little bit at a loss. He didn't know where he had lost his skill as a lawyer. He just looked at the rich and famous celebrities in embarrassment, "Is Mr. Messiah here?"

"Mr. Zucker is praying..." Another obese old man looked at the closed door of Zuckerberg's bedroom with his boss's displeasure. It could be seen that they were all waiting nervously for Zuckerberg. Notify them of the final news of the fugitive spacecraft of the consortium.

Messiah Zuckerberg did say on the board of directors before that he had drawn a large sum of money to build ten interstellar escape ships, but he did not specify the specific location of the escape ships and the list of escapees. , Who has always been tight-lipped, he has not revealed the slightest word yet.

Many savvy board members have also secretly investigated Zuckerberg's whereabouts and some financial accounts, and the Messiah, who has always done things without leaking, did not let them touch a trace.

Now it's time to reveal the trump card, and everyone seems very nervous.

Finally, the gray-haired leader and Zuckerberg pushed open the bedroom door and walked out. In front of everyone, Zuckerberg leaned down reverently and accepted the blessing of the leader. Berg nodded on his shoulder and said, Lord bless you...

Messiah got up and personally sent the leader out. The staggering old man wearing a black robe slowly got into his beetle, and his car lights flashed all the way and left the mansion.

"Everyone, I must have been waiting in a hurry?" Messiah smiled slightly, and Harden realized that he was still wearing pajamas, as if he was about to go back to the bedroom to sleep.

"Underneath my residence, there is a strong bunker that can withstand a million-ton nuclear bomb. It stores enough food and water for three hundred people to enjoy a year. Of course, I welcome you and your family to hide with me. Go inside the bunker..." Messiah said something like a bomb dropped in the calm crowd, causing a commotion in an instant.

"What? Bunker? Where's our spacecraft? The spacecraft for escape?" someone asked loudly.

"Gentlemen..." Messiah signaled everyone to be There has never been a fugitive spacecraft, what I built is just a bunker, nothing more, it is only used to provide you in the end of the war. It’s just not being accidentally injured by military weapons. As for fleeing, I don’t think it is necessary at all..."

"What? Are you crazy Zach?" The elderly vice chairman of the board of directors walked up tremblingly. "The Blood Moon is about to invade the earth. This is not a hurricane or a plague, as long as we hide in it for a year For half a year, waiting for the limelight to pass, you can come back to live again. This is the final catastrophe, don't you know?"

"Believe me, Mr. Chairman, I know the current situation much better than you..." Messiah smiled slightly, "So what I said is that we don't need to flee at all. You may know better than me in your heart. The universe is equivalent to an endless desert, and the flight capability of the fugitive spacecraft we built is definitely not enough to escape to the next oasis. The earth is our only source of water at present, even if it is almost dried up, we can only stay. Come down to live! Entering the universe... will only speed up death!"

"Crazy man! Are you waiting to be killed by the blood moon man? There may be a chance to escape!" A middle-aged man in his forties shouted angrily, "Even if you survive, then After the war, they can only become the slaves of the blood moon people!"

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