Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 820: Leave, leave

Set off!

With full of pride, Hao Zhi shouted to the three of Duan Mutong, we leave the earth!

Before departure, Hao Zhi also assigned their respective positions. Duan Mutong is the chief navigator and chief mate. She has the ability to calmly distinguish the current situation and quickly react, which is indispensable for the spacecraft when choosing an escape route.

Shen Yin Ryoko is a communications officer who does her part. With her sensitive ears, she can hear all kinds of information in the universe without any electronic equipment.

And Deng Xiaoyu became a fire control hand. He connected himself to the weapon system and downloaded the entire fire weapon equipment in a minute.

"As a captain, I suddenly found out that I don't know anything!" Hao Zhi muttered secretly. Ryoko heard what he said, so he laughed haha, "Grandpa, you are getting old... Actually, what does the leader want? No, this is called leadership temperament. I haven't seen so many kings and emperors in the past, but it seems useless on the surface!"

"Little girl, you know to laugh at me, the captain, determine the sailing direction, open the logbook, and let's set off!" Hao Zhi's voice echoed in the control room.

The Tinder activated the anti-gravity equipment. The four huge blue halos at the bottom of the spacecraft were dazzlingly bright, but the power equipment did not make any noise. This is proof of technological progress.

The Tinder is like a fluttering feather, lightly following the launch channel that has been opened for a long time, and flies out with a sweep of the ground. The launch channel is very long, and a ring of white navigation lights is lit.

It's so fast! Almost as soon as he set off, the ring-shaped lights in front of Hao Zhi's eyes became a vast expanse of white...

And the huge counter-inspiratory airflow brought by the launch channel opened a door of the hangar that opened inward. Outside, the piercing cold wind from the Arctic Circle blew in, and the snowflakes scattered. A semicircle.

The floor began to freeze.

In the hangar, only deathly silence was left.

Suddenly, a corner door creaked open, and an eleven or twelve-year-old black-haired little boy poked his head out in horror, looked around, and found his goal.

He ran over, ran to his father's side, picked up Tao Hanyu, who was already unconscious in a pool of blood, and burst into tears helplessly.

Tao Hanyu had the dagger stuck in his neck, and there was only one last breath. Hao Zhi's knife didn't cut off his trachea. The blood loss made him look extremely weak. He just stared straight at his son, looked at his son, and tried to lift it up. The blood-stained hand wanted to touch his son's delicate little face.

He was almost speechless, and his tears suddenly filled his eyes at the last moment, and he couldn't stop: "I...I, I'm doing my best...!"

The cold arctic wind whizzed into the hangar, covering up the boy’s last cry. He will eventually be cast into an immortal statue by the wind and snow together with his father. Those who find them in the future will not know what happened. What, Hao Zhi, don’t know...

The Tinder cut through the sky, flew in the direction of the earth's rotation, and quickly entered space. At this moment, the second batch of refugee fugitive spacecraft has taken off ahead of schedule, followed by the third batch of one million fugitive spacecraft.

The atmosphere of the earth has never been so lively.

Flying locusts and ants-like flocks of spacecraft, Wuyang Wuyang scattered in the sky, continuously activated the thrusters above the stratosphere, undulating and illuminating the entire night sky like small suns.

Some large fugitive spaceships are more than 300 meters long, almost catching up with a central command ship, while private fugitive spaceships of some wealthy people can only take a dozen or twenty people in order to increase speed.

The size of the Tinder is in the middle, so it's mixed in many fugitive spacecraft, and no one can see the difference.

The Imperial Phoenix Fleet has long received the order to cover the Tinder from the outer space of the earth and must **** them to the vicinity of the orbit of Mars.

After this distance, the Tinder could really start to accelerate, otherwise, it would be very easy to be tracked by the Blood Moon people if the speed was too fast.

So at present, they can only move forward at a "climbing" speed.

Inside the Blood Moon Second Star Fleet, the communications officer once again loudly reported: "Marshal Kukuzelen, the second large-scale lift-off operation of the Earthlings has begun again, shall we intercept it?"

Kukuzelen smiled slightly: "The moths fight the fire! Order all the blood moon warships, supplemented by culling, to use the magnetic system to capture those fugitive spaceships that have no resistance, and then, as a shield to attack the last two fleets on the earth!"

"A good move!" Ninesib praised without losing the opportunity, "If the earthlings attack, they will destroy their own civilian spacecraft. After we disperse the warships, we can hide behind and fight back to minimize casualties!"

"No matter what, knock out their space power first, pull out the teeth of the people on earth, and then see what they say?" Kukuzelun sneered.

The Tinder was hidden in the middle of a large number of fleeing fleets, like an ordinary car hidden in a crowded river of cars, following the flow of people.

Soon, the fly fighters loomed out of the dark cosmic background, and many medium-sized war scorpions had already smashed the fugitive spacecraft that launched offensive firepower beyond the controllable range of their firepower.

Panic caused all the fugitive spacecraft equipped with counterattack weapons to fight to the death, but they became the first batch of targets to be eliminated.

After all, the main purpose of many fugitive spacecraft is just to take off. Even if they are equipped with some energy weapons, they don't have much reserves. In a short period of time, they have exhausted their weapons and missiles and become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Fireballs bloomed everywhere illuminating the inside of the control room, and the holographic images within 100,000 kilometers around the radar surveillance system simulated on the sand table in front of Hao Zhi.

Looking at the video game-like picture and the disappearing red symbol of his own spacecraft, Hao Zhi knew that it was not just the arcade game he had played when he was a child. Every bright spot burst out, and it was owned by a boatman. Life has come to an end. There are men and women, old and young, and many families have even disappeared from then on...

As a warrior, he couldn't participate in the battle at this moment, and could only run away desperately. Hao Zhi felt as though he had overturned a five-flavored bitter and bitter.

"Report to the captain that the blood moon appeared on a large scale in the outer space at a distance of 500,000 kilometers. They have begun to capture the fugitive spacecraft, and the purpose is unknown!" Duan Mutong reported loudly.

Hao Zhi hesitated for a moment: "Capture? Not to kill... Oh, those grandsons are looking for a shield!"

"The distance is very close, there is still less than 40,000 kilometers away from us!" Duan Mutong continued, without any emotional color in his voice.

"Are we going to be ready for a battle?" Deng Xiaoyu stretched lazily, "I'm ready for everything!"

"You can't fight, the blood moon people will now kill all the rebels. Those who don’t resist can live a little longer. If we attack, we will immediately become the target of public criticism, then it will be troublesome!" Ryoko has already judged the enemy’s intentions, quickly Said.

Deng Xiaoyu's eyes widened: "If you don't fight? Then you will be obediently arrested and taken back by them, and they will stop us in front of you and beat yourself. Isn't it the same as being killed?"

Hao Zhi hesitated, he couldn't fight or not, what can I do?

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