Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 823: Chasing after

"Can you stick to Mars?" Hao Zhi asked eagerly. "If we get there, we can use the topography of Mars to make a detour, maybe we can figure out some way!"

"It's impossible. Even if we reach the maximum cruising speed of 30 million kilometers per hour, it will take one and a half hours to reach Mars!" Duan Mutong said helplessly.

"It seems that the enemy will not let us run away for more than an hour!" Hao Zhi also had nothing to think of.

"If we can't defeat that huge war scorpion, we might be more ill-fated..." Duanmu Tong Qiaofu couldn't afford to cook without rice, she was wise, but she couldn't play in person.

While talking, two more aerospace fighters were caught by the battle scorpions. The fighters that lost their mobility were as if they were paralyzed, and were easily killed by flies!

The flies that catch up with it almost seize every opportunity to destroy the Tinder. They have discovered the motive of the Earth fighter and know the focus of the battle. As long as they focus their firepower on the Tinder, then even if it is the price of life. , The aerospace fighters will also rush over to fight for the Tinder.

One ship, another ship...

The twelve aerospace fighters have now been beaten down to only Daniel a polished commander. He tried his best to bypass the fly fighters to isolate the enemy from the Tinder, turn the nose, and face the enemy!

The left flank of Daniel's fighter plane was lit up with intense smoke. As he injured his forehead in the impact, blood had flowed down the corner of his eyebrows...

"Brush", a stream of bright blue high-energy particles flew toward Daniel's aerospace fighter. Daniel mobilized the fighter to dodge the electromagnetic beam astutely. Just after a dodge, three fly fighters were already in front of him, and the laser weapons were staggered. , Daniel interspersed between the three flies between the electric light and flint. Two flies have caught fire and exploded. The last one pulled back and fired a string of tracking missiles, whizzing straight to the tail of Daniel's plane.

Daniel knew he was not good. He had turned his back to the enemy. There were dozens of flies waiting for him in front of him. The tracking missiles tracked the heat in the tail of his fighter plane. As long as you keep the propeller on, you will catch up sooner or later.

There is no way, Daniel gritted his teeth and drove his fighter plane towards the enemy aircraft group: "It's numb, then Bibi is flexible, and see who can escape!"

Boom and boom, the tracking missiles continued to explode in the star field around him, and the fly fighters that could not dodge were blown up. Daniel's fighter was hit by the flying debris, and the constant tremor made him almost unable to grasp the control lever.

"The body is damaged by 40%, and the oxygen supply is insufficient!" The onboard computer coldly sent out a loss signal. The sweat and blood on Daniel's face were mixed and flowed down, and the corners of his eyes were a bit unable to open. He had already begun to feel breathless obviously. So angrily took a last deep breath and threw off the oxygen mask.

"Come on, if you want to catch up with the Tinder, just step over my corpse!" Daniel took a final breath, flicked a few buttons, activated his own metal storm weapon system, and faced the enemy. The fleet launched its last attack.

On the side of the aerospace fighter, two weapon racks bounced up, with thirty-six blast holes on one side, and each blast hole can fire 500 ping-pong-sized alloy steel **** per second. In just one moment, ten thousand The eight thousand shells accelerated by the electromagnetic orbital system were scattered, and as the muzzle adjusted the lateral angle slightly, they scattered into a fan shape and intensively hit the enemy planes.

It was also at this time that the last tracking missile had flown, and coupled with the high-energy particle beam of the battle scorpion on the upper right side, the fighter Daniel piloted was submerged in the fireball at the moment when the last flaming tongue was ejected. !

The Blood Moon Fly Fighter had already anticipated the attack, so the pure energy shield was activated in advance, and the power of the huge twisting magnetic field instantly avoided the last wave of attack from Daniel.

They looked at the bombing enemy coldly, and without any hesitation, they pulled the fuselage and rushed towards Hao Zhi and their Tinder again...

The Tinder has accelerated for fifteen minutes, and the current speed has basically reached 3 million kilometers per hour, but it is still some distance away from the instantaneous speed of the Fly Fighter of 5 million per hour.

In the end, the remaining forty flies and the battle scorpion that seemed unsolvable anyway, followed like a pack of hungry wolves. Daniel tried his life to delay them and gave Hao Zhi a little bit of time to relieve him. I'm going to be caught up!

Just at the moment of this critical shot, a huge laser beam suddenly struck from the diagonal stab behind him, penetrating the body of the saint scorpion like a sharp giant blade, no matter how powerful it is, its pure energy shield cannot Block attacks that exceed your own energy level.

Hao Zhi looked back in overjoyed joy, a huge battleship seven or eight times bigger than a battle scorpion, swaying its huge body to catch up!

On the huge black cigar-shaped warship hull, it was written in white bold letters: Shenyang!

It is the central command ship Shenyang of the Battleship Phoenix!

Hao Zhi probably knew that as Lu Fang's personal frigate, the earth power represented by the Phoenix was naturally a superpower in the pre-earth era, his own motherland.

Therefore, the Phoenix fleet is composed of 31 central command ships, named after the 31 provinces of the motherland before the end of the era.

Among the general ten fleets, the standard central command ship for each fleet is eight, which is also the lowest number.

As long as there is money, there will be no capping, and Lu Fang, as the head of the land country, is naturally not short of money. He persuaded the land country consortium to vigorously support the Phoenix Fleet and repeatedly build large-scale central command ships, which is enough for the terrifying 31 ships!

It can be seen that Lu Fang is actually a nostalgic person.

The battle scorpion, which looked huge just now, turned into a small one in front of the Shenyang. The larger the Earth’s man-made battleships were, the less they were too big. A central command ship could reach nearly two by the crew alone. Ten thousand people, it can be seen that the huge hull of the ship is simply indescribable.

If the battle scorpion is a huge then the central command ship is a shopping mall flying in space.

At the beginning, the old Morgan relied on the impact of a central command ship of the Comoros to destroy an enemy star, which shows the huge energy reserves inside.

In front of such a "big brother", the battle scorpion has become a little guy who can only be abused, and the other flies are even less worth mentioning. The 100 carrier-based cannons protruding from both sides of the Shenyang are three times five times. Except for two, the remaining dozens of flies were beaten into scum!

"Master Hao Zhi!" A new message came from the communicator, "I am the Shenyang Central Command Captain Zhao Dabao. We will **** you for the next journey until the orbit of Mars is accelerated!"

"Thank you! How did you know we are here?" Hao Zhi didn't know what to say.

Captain Zhao Dabao smiled apologetically: "It's the arrangement of the head of state, so we can't show up ahead of time. We are afraid that the target will be too big to cause the Blood Moon people to pay attention to the Tinder, so we are sent to lurk in this star field in advance to wait for your arrival. You are frightened!"

"This Lu Fang is really old and cunning, it's infinite!" Hao Zhi couldn't help sighing.

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