Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 827: Injured Li Weigong

The man leaned limply in the driver's seat, covered with a layer of frost, covered in thick white ice and snow, and faintly exposed pale skin, and blood vessels and veins were clearly visible.

Judging from his body shape, Hao Zhi could tell at a glance that he was an earthling.

A man on earth, driving a blood moon man's fly fighter? What a strange combination!

Hao Zhi curiously wiped the frost on the man’s face, revealing his original face. A white man on earth, thin, with protruding cheekbones, has been frozen into a coma, and still has some solidified faces on his face. Blood stains.

Hao Zhi was there at the time, then smiled slyly, hum, Yuanjia Luzhai, let me meet you here!

He picked up the person, then closed his eyes to activate his consciousness, and instantly passed back to the cockpit of the Tinder.

"I said, you won't be able to guess who I found in the fly fighter!" Hao Zhi put the man on the floor.

Deng Xiaoyu also stretched his head to look, Ryoko jumped up and surrounded him curiously, only Duan Mutong smiled slightly: "I didn't know, but when you said this, I suddenly remembered that it might be Li Weigong, right?"

"Li Weigong?" Deng Xiaoyu drew out his gun, "this grandson is still alive?"

Hao Zhi held down his gun: "Don't be nervous, he has frozen to death!"

"Didn't he disappear from the Blood Moon Fleet after the Burning Star Project? Looking at his situation, it seems that something very serious has happened. What could have caused Li Weigang to be so embarrassed? ?" Duan Mutong looked at Li Weigong with blood on his face curiously.

"I said, this kind of person is very dangerous, and keeping it is a trouble, you can kill it!" Deng Xiaoyu still stubbornly raised his gun to Li Weigong's head.

"Don't!" Hao Zhi quickly moved his hand away, "He looks like a bird now, how honorable is it to kill him?"

"This kind of traitor is punishable by everyone. What's the point?" Deng Xiaoyu looked at Hao Zhi puzzledly, "He felt that he was cheaper after a shot. We should hang him up and slash him. he!"

"When did you become so violent?" Hao Zhi glanced at Deng Xiaoyu. "It seems that decades of solitary life have a great impact on you!"

"I don't know who I am right!" Deng Xiaoyu looked at Li Weigong who was unconscious, "This person is a ruthless character. You will not be harmed by him sooner or later than he is ruthless."

"What to do?" Hao Zhi is not a decision-making person, especially when Duan Mutong is around, he always asks her as Wang Yanke habitually.

"We have a hibernation cabin on board, as well as rapid rescue facilities. The question is why do we want to rescue such a person?" Duan Mutong also said a little hesitantly.

Now, Hao Zhi disagreed: "He came from the direction of Saturn's orbit. Maybe something we don’t know happened there. It’s best to wake him up and ask questions. We should also prepare in advance. what!"

"Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake?" Duan Mutong looked at Hao Zhi coldly.

"Li Weigong is indeed a poisonous snake, but we are not such stupid farmers, haha..." Hao Zhi laughed, "We can use the B1 virus to limit his consciousness, if he can't say one thing. Two or three, it's never too late to kill."

"Well, you can figure it out, I believe your intuition!" Duan Mutong stretched his hands helplessly.

So, Hao Zhihe and Deng Xiaoyu, who was dissatisfied, lifted Li Weigang up on the ground and carried it to a small compartment in the back infirmary, where there was a fully intelligent rescue cabin. As long as people lie in it, the computer will automatically Scan the whole body to see what kind of injury you have suffered, and immediately formulate a treatment plan based on the actual situation. Everything is automated without manual operation.

Li Weigong was put in, the cabin was closed, and the infrared scanning device began to scan his whole body. One minute later, he concluded that frostbite had 15% of his vitality left. He was almost half dead, and his heartbeat was extremely weak. Lung lobe perforated on the right posterior, bruised forehead, and fractures of the wrist and patella on the left.

Estimated treatment time, thirty-five minutes!

The nutrient solution began to be poured into the treatment chamber, and Li Weigong slowly floated up. The nutrient solution contained high oxygen, enough to allow humans to breathe freely in it, and the high concentration of oxygen was also conducive to body recovery.

Hundreds of small electromechanical arms are like the arms of countless ants protruding from the edge of the treatment cabin, slender and precise to help Li Weitong suture the wounds on his body. The microelectronic surgery is extremely delicate, and the wounds are stitched tightly. , It's almost the same as no injury.

Then, the extracorporeal circulation assist device began to connect blood vessels and nerves, took over his own circulatory system, accelerated metabolism, strengthened drugs and repair fluids began to be injected into the body.

Those so-called repair fluids are composed of myoactivin and the nano-fine sand developed by Wang Yanke during the biochemical city period, that is, those miniature and nano-synthetic robots that made "Sura". These two things can be combined together. Very fast repair of injuries suffered by the human body.

Among them, myoactivin is responsible for chemical repair, such as inflammation, while nano fine sand is responsible for the physical repair of internal damaged parts.

With this technology, any injury suffered by the human body can almost be restored to its original state as long as there is a breath.

Moreover, the speed is so fast that it can almost catch up with Lele's self-repair ability.

Half an hour later, most of Li Weigong's body repair was completed, and his own immune system took over the rest. Hao Zhi left a hand and increased some of the anesthetic used in the repair of his limbs, so He can't move yet.

Li Weigong opened his eyes and saw Hao Zhi in front of him through the treatment cabin, his expression frightened.

"Li Weigong, I didn't expect it, I saved you. It is not easy to meet in this situation!" Hao Zhi sat on a floating metal chair with his fingers crossed and looked at Li Wei triumphantly. attack.

Duan Mutong and Liangzi had also received the news of Li Weigong's recovery, and hurried over.

The four people formed a semicircle around the treatment cabin, looking at Li Weigong, who had just recovered and was very weak.

Everyone knows in their hearts This is a tiger temporarily locked in a cage. As long as the spirit comes up, this mad dog will continue to bite people.

However, in addition to the panic and fear that Li Weigong had just seen Hao Zhi just saw, Li Weigong's performance quickly returned to calm.

"Where am I?" Li Weigong asked in a flat voice.

"Somewhere between Mars and Earth!" Hao Zhi said.

Li Weigong turned his head with difficulty. That was the only place he could move right now. When he saw Duan Mutong, a ray of fire flashed in his eyes. The excitement and joy that could not be concealed lit him like a flame.

"How about the Earth-Moon War? What happened after Jupiter was ignited? Did the Blood Moon invade the Earth?" Li Weigong continued to ask.

"We have failed. At present, the earth is on the verge of fall. You can ask your Blood Moon Master to receive the reward!" Hao Zhi said sarcastically.

Li Weigong sighed slowly, it's useless, the Blood Moon Man is finished!

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