Earth Era

Chapter Eighteen The Weight of Life

The staff at Changshan Station didn't know the use of catching these animals, but Zhao Huasheng knew it very well.

This is preparing for the city of life. If the level of solar radiation continues to decrease irresistibly until it is unbearable for human beings, the city of life will start. These animal specimens will follow the lucky two million humans into the city of life, and get the chance to survive in this cold last days.

People wore heavy winter clothes and climbed on the rumbling snowmobile. After all kinds of ropes, nets, cages, tranquilizer guns and other things were prepared, the convoy set off.

"Because of the colder weather and the extension of the Arctic ice cap, big guys like polar bears are heading south. Only where the ice is thinner can we get food there. So we have to go south to catch them." They." A staff member at Changshan Station explained to Zhao Huasheng. Zhao Huasheng nodded, but did not speak.

The forward speed of the snowmobile is not very fast. Sitting in the carriage, through the window, Zhao Huasheng saw all the scenery of the desolate Arctic.

Cold, dead, desolate, this is the true portrayal of the Arctic. Zhao Huasheng felt that the coldness of the North Pole seemed to be eroding his mind, gradually cooling down his restless and restless mind, which was always running at high speed. This made Zhao Huasheng feel a sense of relaxation from the inside out.

"Perhaps, traveling is really useful." Zhao Huasheng thought silently.

The staff at Changshan Station went to check some of the traps set up yesterday. Most of these traps pay off. The Arctic is so inhospitable that the allure of food is irresistible to animals. And because of the ban on hunting and hunting implemented by humans in the Arctic, most of the animals here are not wary of traps or humans. Catching prey with traps is easy.

Before the polar bear was found, four arctic foxes, two deer and three wolves were anesthetized and thrown into the carriage. They will be kept in captivity temporarily, and then transported to the city of life by plane.

In comparison, the polar bear is the most difficult animal to deal with. They were too big and fierce. Zhao Huasheng reckoned that only Monjo played could fight a polar bear. Relying on these staff alone, I am afraid that four or five together would not be the polar bear's opponent.

But that's okay. Only at this moment will the human technological system reveal its irresistible power. Even Li Wei, who is physically weakest, can bring down a polar bear independently after getting the tranquilizer gun. So this time I went hunting, it didn't look like I was on a mission, but more like I was out hunting and playing.

The convoy stopped, and an expert in arctic biology got out of the car, explored the ground for a while, and said in a positive tone: "Look around, there must be a group of polar bears nearby. One big, three small, big ones It's a she-bear."

"Don't be so troublesome." Mengzhuo jumped out of the car, and pulled a deer weighing more than 100 catties from the rear compartment with only one hand, and with the other hand, he took out a sharp handle from nowhere. The black dagger pierced it directly into the reindeer's neck. The comatose reindeer only uttered an indistinct gasp before dying of excessive blood loss.

"Polar bears have a very sensitive sense of smell, and the weather is too cold for them to obtain food, so they will definitely not let these prey go." Meng Zhuo said calmly, dragging the reindeer with his hands, and walked to a place about 200 meters away from the convoy. Behind an ice mound, the carcass of the reindeer was thrown there.

Monjo's move stunned everyone. The arctic biology expert first stared at Mengzhuo in disbelief, until Mengzhuo came back from behind the ice hill, and then shouted: "Who gave you the authorization to kill an arctic creature? Before you came to the North Pole Have you ever read the Arctic Regulations? I'm going to sue you for poaching Arctic animals! You vile bastard!"

Zhao Huasheng and Li Wei also jumped out of the car at this time. Zhao Huasheng was also quite uncomfortable with Meng Zhuo's cruelty and his ruthlessness in treating life as nothing, and even Li Wei couldn't bear to watch this scene. But Zhao Huasheng and Li Wei knew more things, so they also knew that there was nothing wrong with Meng Zhuo's approach.

Only a limited number of genes are enough to preserve the genes of a creature, and too many are a waste. Sustaining them requires additional resources, and if these resources are conserved, a human may well have hope of survival.

Meng Zhuo glanced at the biological expert indifferently, then turned his head, and wiped the blood on the sharp dagger with his gloved left hand. The biology expert closed his mouth resentfully after yelling for a while.

Everyone waited in silence for a moment, and the creaking sound of ice and snow being trampled could be heard in the distance. Mengzhuo beckoned, and the staff followed Mengzhuo and walked over. The biological expert shouted: "You executioner, you go to the back, we will deal with this bear, and you don't need to intervene."

Meng Zhuo calmly walked to the back of the team, and followed leisurely behind. Li Wei took Zhao Huasheng's hand and shouted, "Come on, let's go and have a look together."

An excursion and hunting activity in this remote and desolate North Pole seems to drive away all the haze in Li Wei's heart, allowing this already youthful girl to recover her lively nature. The long-lost smile reappeared on her face, she was bouncing and jumping, even wearing heavy winter clothes, she looked like a jumping elf.

Several workers hid behind the ice mound, aimed a tranquilizer gun at the largest polar bear, and pulled the trigger. The female bear let out a growl, trying to stand upright, but the rapid loss of strength failed to make it do this, and it finally fell heavily to the ground and fell into a deep sleep. The three cubs who followed it also fell into a panic. They abandoned the food in their mouths, and all gathered around the body of the fallen mother, howling in mourning.

"The little bears have no attack power for the time being, so don't use tranquilizer guns. They won't run away if their mother is here." The biology expert shouted, "The tranquilizer guns may cause damage to their nervous system."

Several staff members nodded and walked over with the net. Behind him, someone drove the hoisting machinery over.

Li Wei was very interested, and took Zhao Huasheng's hand and kept moving forward until she was less than ten meters away from the female bear. The three little bears had already been caught by the net and were struggling desperately there. Li Wei even went over and touched the little bears' heads, and comforted them softly: "Good boy, don't make trouble, we are saving you."

There was a kind of maternal radiance emanating from Li Wei's body, which made Zhao Huasheng slightly rippling in his heart. Zhao Huasheng turned his head and looked at Li Wei blankly. At this moment, Zhao Huasheng found that Li Wei was very beautiful, more beautiful than ever before.

But the female bear who fell on the ground did not know when she opened her eyes. When she found that Li Wei was stroking the cub, the mother bear suddenly stood up with strength coming from nowhere, roared wildly, and rushed towards Li Wei swiftly.

The female bear was less than ten meters away from Li Wei and Zhao Huasheng. The running speed of a polar bear under full force is faster than that of a human world champion in sprinting.

All of this happened in a flash, so fast that people couldn't react at all. Just when the biological expert yelled the word "anesthetic gun" and another staff member grabbed the anesthetic gun in a hurry and had no time to aim it, Zhao Huasheng hugged Li Wei and used his own Facing the female bear with her back, she held Li Wei in her arms.

It all happened too fast and too suddenly. Zhao Huasheng only had time to protect Li Wei, and Li Wei only had time to let out an exclamation. Before the exclamation fell, a crisp gunshot reached everyone's ears. Zhao Huasheng hugged Li Wei tightly, waiting for the expected death and pain, but it never came. Zhao Huasheng let go of Li Wei, turned around, and saw the female bear lying on the ground with a blood hole in her head that was bleeding continuously. In the back, Mengzhuo still stood there calmly, without any fluctuations in his expression.

Obviously, at the critical moment just now, Mengzhuo took out his gun, shot and killed the female bear, and then put the gun away again. No one saw how Monjo drew his gun, how he fired it, and how he retracted it afterwards.

Everyone fell into silence, only the three polar bear cubs cried out more mournfully after they found their mother dead.

The biology expert started to tremble all over. He pointed at Mundo and said tremblingly, "You, you killed a polar bear... why don't you use an anesthesia gun..."

Meng Zhuo glanced at him lightly and said, "The lives of these two people are more important than a polar bear."

As he said that, Mengzhuo walked past the biological expert, walked up to the body of the female bear, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, the hope of mankind and the earth cannot be destroyed in your hands."

After saying this, Meng Zhuo snapped his fingers: "Let's go, three little bears are enough."

Mengzhuo has become the leader of this group of people invisibly. After Mundo gave the order, a group of people got into their own vehicles and set off on their way home.

"Thank you, Zhao Huasheng." In the carriage, Li Wei's expression changed, and she thanked Zhao Huasheng in a low voice after a while. Zhao Huasheng's eyes were very far away, as if he heard it, but he didn't seem to hear it.

"We killed a mother, a mother who attacked the intruder in order to protect her cub." Zhao Huasheng said sadly, "but this is the end of the world, and the end of the world is so cruel."


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