Earth Era

Chapter 82 Hit!

Comet Arthur's forward speed is still increasing, and it only takes one day to cross the long distance of 28 million kilometers. So the two Lightbringer spacecraft can still work for half a day. After half a day, they will be burned under the scorching sun.

Naturally, the two Lightbringer spacecraft launched by human civilization are not capable of accelerating to a speed comparable to Comet Arthur solely on their own fuel and engines. But it doesn't matter, just like the famous "two iron balls falling to the ground at the same time" phenomenon in the history of the earth, when the Lightbringer I and II spacecraft have the same orbit as Comet Arthur, the gravity of the sun is accelerating At the same time as the comet Sir, it will also accelerate the Lightbringer spacecraft, and the acceleration rate is the same. Therefore, the Lightbringer spacecraft can maintain a relatively static state with Comet Arthur without consuming additional fuel.

The track adjustment work has reached the most critical time. Because the distance was too far and the communication delay was too high, the ground control base had given up control of the Lightbringer spacecraft two days ago, and handed over the control authority to the Scarlet Heart spacecraft. The five astronauts headed by Captain Raggle are nervously manipulating the solar reflector to perform the final orbit calibration of Comet Arthur.

In order to prevent the strong thunder and solar storm that may be brought after Comet Arthur hit the sun, the Red Heart spacecraft has hid behind Mercury, and is 1 million kilometers away from Mercury, orbiting the sun with the same revolution period as Mercury . In this way, it can always hide behind Mercury, no matter how severe the solar storm will be brought by the impact of Comet Arthur, Mercury will bear it all. At the same time, because of the long distance from Mercury and the small gravitational force, the Red Heart spacecraft needs to consume very little fuel to maintain its orbit and will not fall to Mercury.

The short-term control of the Lightbringer spacecraft is in the charge of the astronauts on the Red Heart, while the long-term control is still in charge of the ground control base. The connection between the three has been maintained and has never been broken.

In the ground control base, the images of Comet Arthur and the images of the Lightbringer spacecraft have been displayed on the big screen. Hundreds of scientific researchers and the commander-in-chief of this impact mission, Frank are all here. A large number of media reporters also gathered here to broadcast all the situation here to any corner of Equator City and City of Life in real time.

It can be seen from the big screen that the gas explosion on the fragments of Comet Arthur's comet nucleus has reached its most violent stage. Due to the increase in temperature and internal pressure, violent explosions occur all the time on the fragments of the comet nucleus, and after each explosion, gas like a fountain erupts from it. Under the tremendous power of the sun, Comet Arthur's comet tail stretches out hundreds of millions of kilometers in length, and the sun's rays reflected by these comet tails can be seen even by the earth during the day.

It was the afternoon of the City of Life, and it was one of the times when the sun was at its brightest in a day. But even so, when people look up at the sun, they can still see the bright Comet Arthur.

Comet Arthur is right next to the sun, and not even the sun's rays can cover it up.

During the seven days of crossing the earth's orbit and continuing to fly to the sun, every human being on earth has witnessed how this comet, which carries the hopes and expectations of human civilization, brightens step by step. At the beginning, only people with good naked eye vision could see it under the condition of excellent observation conditions without light interference, but after just a few days, its brightness surpassed that of the brightest star in the whole day Sirius, then its brightness surpassed Jupiter and Venus, and then its brightness began to catch up with the moon. On the last night when Comet Arthur could be seen, its brightness had almost reached the level of the full moon. Even if there is no moon in the sky, Comet Arthur can still shine brightly on the earth.

Then you can't see it at night. Because it was so close to the sun, it began to rise and set with the sun. Its figure came from night to day, illuminating the world together with the sun.

This is a rare astronomical spectacle in thousands of years, and because of the special significance it carries, it quickly became the most famous comet among the civilizations on earth. People know that the two Lightbringer spaceships are right next to Comet Arthur, and they are trying to adjust the trajectory of this comet, which is extremely large compared to human beings, with the power of human beings...

Frank's name was also spread to the ears of every human being on Earth along with the name of Comet Arthur. As Frank wished, he is now the most well-known scientist in the earth's civilization. During this period of time, his reputation even surpassed that of Zhao Huasheng. Under Frank's light, Zhao Huasheng is like a dim and inconspicuous star, and not many people will pay attention to him.

Frank knew that whether the comet impact plan could be successful, whether he could become the greatest hero in human history, all of this would be judged in less than a day.

On this day, the entire Equator City fell into silence. Except for the necessary work, everyone stopped being busy, everyone returned home, stood in front of the TV or other media, and anxiously waited for the result to appear. For the first time, the busy Equator City stopped its always busy footsteps and entered into a state of stability and rest.

In addition to waiting for the results of the comet impact project, there is another thing that makes people have to give up work and go home. That is the possibility of a strong solar storm eruption. Although the advancing speed of the solar wind is slow, the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves is the speed of light. If something like high-energy gamma rays is contained in the solar burst after the impact, it is better to hide in the basement or indoors than to be exposed to the wild environment.

Zhao Huasheng also hid in the basement, and like everyone else, quietly watched the live broadcast of the comet impact plan in front of the TV. The impassioned voice of the announcer continued to echo in the small basement: "The comet impact plan has entered the most critical and final stage. The ground control base has just received news from the Red Heart spacecraft, and Captain Lager has confirmed that The two Lightbringer spacecraft have been destroyed by the sun, and all the solar reflectors, and the engines installed on the fragments of Comet Arthur's comet nucleus have also been destroyed by solar radiation and comet explosions. But Captain Raggle It can also be confirmed that the fifteen fragments of comet nuclei already have suitable orbits, and they will hit different regions of the sun according to the wishes of our human civilization..."

"The sun is a sphere, but because the fifteen pieces of comet nucleus fragments have different orbits, they will hit different parts of the sun, including the back of the sun. The impact of these fifteen pieces of comet nucleus fragments will not leave Dead angle, they will include the entire sun within the impact range."

"At present, the fifteen fragments of the comet nucleus are still four million to five million away from the sun. The fragment numbered A of Comet Arthur is the closest to the sun, and it will hit the sun in three hours. In fact, the distance of 4 million kilometers already belongs to the range of the sun's corona, and our solar observation satellites have observed traces of friction between Arthur's comet fragments and the corona..."

Zhao Huasheng climbed out of the basement and looked up at the sun. It did not exceed Zhao Huasheng's expectations. At this moment, Comet Arthur had disappeared and could never be seen again. Although the brightness of Comet Arthur has reached the highest at this moment, it is too close to the sun, too close, which makes it impossible to see it with the naked eye. It will hit the sun shortly thereafter, disappearing from the universe forever.

Zhao Huasheng stared at the sky for a while, then returned to the basement again. Through the live TV broadcast, Zhao Huasheng also saw the specially processed picture of the sun. Under the strong light of the sun, a very obvious thin line appeared. Zhao Huasheng knew that it was Comet Arthur.

Right now, billions of tons of matter are hurtling toward the sun. The mass of Comet Arthur is far greater than that of the original Moth impactor, and the impact speed of Comet Arthur is also much faster than that of the Moth impactor. Therefore, the impact of Comet Arthur will inevitably affect a range much larger than the figure of 3 million square kilometers.

"What's on your mind at this moment?" Zhao Huasheng asked.

The voice of the plasma life form appeared in Zhao Huasheng's mind: "The idea in my heart is to destroy human civilization. If you ask me how I feel now... this feeling is probably like when you saw It feels the same as countless human beings being frozen to death.”

Zhao Huasheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but did not speak.

Time is still slipping away bit by bit, and three hours pass by in a hurry. Frank's voice also spread throughout the entire Equator City at this moment, and also throughout the entire City of Life, and to all places on the earth where humans exist.

"If there is no accident, the debris of Comet Arthur numbered A has hit the sun at this moment. And because of the signal delay, we will not be able to detect the impact of the sun after about eight minutes. Change." Frank's voice was calm and steady: "Now, let us wait together. Everything will be revealed in eight minutes."


The last chapter of the public chapter is expected to open the VIP chapter at 12:00 tonight. Please wait for the testimonial after ten minutes for the update details.

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