Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 241: Scary monster

When the monster walked slowly from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain where Xu Yi was, Xu Yi found that the weeds around it died instantly in the area where it was passing, and the cold-resistant trees on the plateau were also withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is not the burning caused by the heat or magma, but the withering caused by the absorption of one's own vitality.

"This guy is absorbing vitality?"

Some well-informed kings or masters looked very serious.

Although I don't know what caused it to appear, if such a monster is really allowed to enter the city, the consequences will be disastrous!

The monster in front of him was so terrifying just as it came out. If it absorbs enough energy, no one knows what kind of tragedy this land will face.


A golden shot rushed up from somewhere, rushing straight towards the huge figure.

Although it did cause an explosion on the monster, compared to its hundreds of meters in size, an attack of this level was tickling it.

There is no effect, not even a trace is left. The gap between the two sides is not only in body shape, but also in strength.

This destructive death light hits the monster's body, and there is a chance that the magma formed by the chaotic liquid will be taken up and splashed, and then the magma around the wound will immediately cover it and restore it.

However, such an attack attracted the attention of this monster.

The sharp claws on its huge palm suddenly turned into dark red liquid tentacles, and the tentacles split into four sticky soft objects, rushing King Nido towards the one that emitted the destructive death light.

The owner of King Nido did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out the elven ball to take his elves back, and the huge tentacles smashed directly on a highland pine and cypress, turning it into a dead tree.

"Be careful, everyone! It has a stress response!"

The trainer’s voice was a little anxious, but more fearful.

As if provoked by King Nido’s escape, the huge monster roared silently, and the two long rows of spikes on both sides of the body suddenly stretched out, and then turned into strips of soft tentacles that continued to extend out. .

Around the Himalayas, wild elves that were disturbed by this huge monster and ran around were caught one by one-whether it was a small boar running on the ground or a geometric snowflake fleeing in mid-air, even flying elves could not escape the devil's claws.

When these elves were rolled by the tentacles, they instantly absorbed their own life force. When the tentacles discarded them, there was only a piece of bone left in place.

"Mountain King!!"

"Fuck! Bi Diao, come back soon!"

"What the **** is this! Damn it!"

"Run! Get the elf back quickly! Don't leave it outside!"

Not just elves, flowers, trees, etc., all creatures with life, as long as they are covered by tentacles, they will die.

The trainers who were just onlookers were terrified at this time. The elves absolutely have no such means of attack. What kind of monster is this?

Seeing this, the corners of Xu Yi's eyes suddenly twitched.

Caught creatures directly plundered their vitality, not only the elves, but even a few unlucky trainers who were fused with the dark red tentacles and turned into dry bones.

So, where did this monster come from? Is its target really the Flamebird and Darkley?

"Xu Yi, be careful!"

Following Susu's reminder, a dark red tentacle several meters wide quickly attacked him from the top of his head.

This monster seems to carry a bio-tracking system on its own, catch one by one!

"Flame bird, jet flame!"


The flame bird Xu Yi sat down ejected a hot flame from the bird's beak, directly melting the tentacles.

"Fortunately, these tentacles can be defeated..." Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's too dangerous here. Let's retreat to the distance first."

Thinking back to the few people who had been directly ‘touched’ by the tentacles just now, Xu Yi didn’t dare to try that taste.

However, the flame bird attack seemed to have directly triggered the opponent's sirens, and suddenly the overwhelming tentacles flocked to Xu Yi's side!

Xu Yi was helpless, "Flaming Bird, Darklay, try to attack the head."

With that said, Xu Yi looked at the other trainers.

Most people chose to escape. The monster's tentacles were indeed very fast, but they couldn't match the speed of Compassion for the time being.

As for those trainers who have super power elves and can move instantaneously, don't worry about the safety.

No way, the strength of the monster in front of him is too strong, even the elf of the heavenly king is a burden.

But Xu Yi was not afraid. He and Susu had three Chirulians together. Although they could not teleport a long distance due to strength problems, they could still evade in an emergency.

And the speed of the flame bird is extremely fast, I really want to escape and be able to leave quickly.

As for Darklay's black hole defense, Xu Yi didn't want to try it anyway, no matter whether he could defend it or not.

The huge wings of the flame bird slammed up after a violent wind in the air.

Countless tentacles are rushing towards Xu Yi and Flame Bird!

The power or vitality carried by the two sacred beasts is very huge, for this monster it is like a light in the dark.

Devour all the energy! So that it can truly grow up!

The flame bird flexibly twisted its body in mid-air to avoid its tentacles. Although it was very large, relying on its flight attributes, the sky was its home ground.

The tentacles behind him were entwined and condensed, and they even formed an abyss-like swallowing giant chase. From a distance, hundreds of dark red tentacles were continuously surrounded and wrapped from all sides, but they were all hidden one by one by the flame bird. open.

Even some of the tentacles that split suddenly were directly dispelled by Darkley's wave of evil.

As they continued to dodge and rise, the flame bird gradually approached the monster's head.

"It's almost there, Flaming Bird, Darklay!"

Xu Yi's order was issued, and the flame bird adjusted its body back in an instant with a move, facing the extended tentacle that took up almost all of its sight, two rays of red and black light rushed towards the monster's head!

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