Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 316: First round win

"The intimidation feature has the best effect when it first unfolds, especially the visual form of intimidation. However, due to the differences in the levels or races of the two sides, Xu Yi's Minas doesn't seem to care much about the Abo monster Intimidation..."

In the nagging of the narrator, the battle officially began.

"Oh, Xia Minghang took the lead in the offensive! The Abo monster used his digging trick to get into the ground. This time Xia Minghang chose to avoid his edge. It seems that the tail of the water in Menus just brought him a lot of pressure! "

"Although it can avoid the sight of Minas by digging into the ground, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax. Relying on its mysterious and unpredictable ability, Minas can float in the sky, and Abo’s burrowing attacks cannot Hit it!"

"Xu Yi asked Minas to use surfing! But the surf was submerged into the digging hole, and the power has decayed, so it can't cause much damage to the Arbor monster.

"Aboguai finally couldn't stand it anymore and used a venom attack. I have to say that the advantage that the Meinas flying in the sky has is too great, and Aboguai has no power to fight back at all."


"The battle continues..."

"Oh! The result is out! Abogua is down! The referee's flag is raised!"

The passionate voice of the narrator ruled the ears of all creatures in the grass field. "The player Xu Yi's Minas once again demonstrated its powerful power and knocked down the poisonous Abo monster with a water cannon trick! "


Next was the match point. When Xia Minghang's last elf appeared, Xu Yi chose to take back Menus.

"This game has come to the most exciting moment. Because of Xu Yi's strong strength, Xia Minghang only has the last elf left in his hands."

"Competitor Xia Minghang sent a big eater! Sure enough, on the grass-based home court, Xia Minghang still prepared a grass-based elf."

"And contestant Xu Yi has replaced the elves, oh!! What a big firebird! This is a brand new bird elven. According to the information registered by the contestant Xu Yi, its name is called the flame bird!"

"The battle has begun, uh..."

There was a slight pause in the voice explaining the passion of comrades.

"Xu Yi's Flaming Bird only used one move, and it cleanly defeated Su Zhe's Big Eat Flower."

"Since Xia Minghang's three elves are already unable to fight, the battle was won by Xu Yi! Please send applause and cheers to our two excellent trainers, thank them for bringing us exciting and intense The elves fight!"

In the commentary, Xu Yi with a smile and Xia Minghang with a bitter face each retreated from the arena, and then left the contestant's corridor.

Susu was already waiting for him at the door, and when Xu Yi walked out of the contestant passage, he immediately greeted him.

"It's amazing!" Susu held Xu Yi's arm as if he had won victory.

"I have said that this competition is very simple for me."

Xu Yi's mood was very calm, and he was not at all excited by the victory of the competition.

The two walked out of the contestant's venue together, but were immediately surrounded by reporters and cameras.

At least five TV stations are squatting outside the player channel and waiting for them. The trainer's competition is so hot in the world, and every TV station is not willing to miss the interviews of the players after the game.

And when a special player like Xu Yi ends the game, TV stations will naturally flock.

"Xu Yi player, I'm a reporter from Zhejiang Provincial TV Station. What do you think of this competition?"

"I am a reporter from the Capital Evening News. May I interview you?"

"Xu Yi, what do you think of the dark horse that ranks you as the hottest online?"

"Contestant Xu Yi, is this girl your girlfriend?"


Five microphones were swept in front of Xu Yi, and the chattering words of the reporters immediately made Xu Yi's head bigger.

"Please come one by one."

It is obviously unwise to reject the reporter’s question, because if you refuse now, tomorrow will appear "Xu Yi player is proud and arrogant after winning, and dismisses the reporter’s question" Xu Yi player returned to the room with his girlfriend after the game. Ignore the crowds of reporters' etc. news.

Therefore, Xu Yi is still happy to answer a few questions.

"you first."

He casually ordered a sister reporter who looked pleasing to the eye.

"Oh!" The girl hurriedly squeezed to the front, raised the microphone in her hand and asked happily: "Xu Yi contestant, I am a reporter from the Capital New Times, what kind of results do you think you can get?"

"As a trainer, I can only say that I do my best. In the competition, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, if I encounter a strong player, I will definitely go all out and fight without regrets."

He wanted to say, ‘I’ve booked the championship, and the other players are all scumbags in my eyes’, but it’s a pity that he can’t say it.

If this sentence is said, then Xu Yi will become the common enemy of all participating trainers tomorrow.

"Okay, then Xu Yi chooses..."

"Next person."

"Eh eh eh..."

"Xu Yi player, I'm a Mango Channel reporter."

"You ask." Xu Yi stepped back to prevent the microphone from being inserted into his mouth.

"Just now you can see that you defeated your opponent very easily, and even the last elf didn't show its face."

The reporter wiped her sweat, and asked quickly, "And your opponent, the player named Xia Minghang, has beaten the trainers in the top 100 list before. In this regard, have I already guessed your strength? Surpassed all the trainers?"

Sure enough, this is the problem again.

Xu Yi was a little helpless. The reporters were really not too big of a problem. Anyway, the more the interviewees uttered wild words, the more excited they became.

"I don't know the strength of others. As far as I am concerned, I will definitely treat every battle with all my strength and try my best to get a good ranking. Thank you."

"I got me." Another reporter squeezed up.


The reporters and Xu Yi were chatting, and both sides knew that these answers were all nonsense, but they still asked unintelligible questions tacitly, and Xu Yi also answered without fail.

The battle at the beginning of the official game has not received enough attention. Although people will watch it, there are four fields of grass, water, ice, and rock being played against at the same time, and the audience will not deliberately stare at one.

As for the interviews of the players after the game, the attention has been even less. Therefore, Xu Yi's interview was only a flash on TV.

The real heat will not come until the top 16.

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