Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 468: hostage

Xu Yi hadn't thought at all now that he would absorb all these dark elves together with a poke ball, and he would actually become one of their hostages.

"Anyway, I hope you can understand that doing this thing is really full of surprises. I hope you can know all this."

Watching the surroundings carefully, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a button on the poke ball, which seemed to explode once it was pressed.

Xia Fusheng took a closer look, and now he wanted to see what was going on.

"What exactly is this button used for? I didn't seem to have observed its existence before. Now it has expanded to such an extent, I just discovered it."

Xu Yi now needs an explanation. He doesn't even know what's going on right now. He wants to understand the situation thoroughly now.

"No matter what, I hope you can understand that these things we do are completely understandable, you know what I mean."

At this moment, Xu Yi carefully observed the surroundings. He has now explained all these words, and now he wants to let other people understand thoroughly.

"Don't speak such nonsense, you know? If you continue to say this, it will have a certain impact on some other people."

At this moment, Xu Yi didn't want to say more at all. He knew what kind of words should be said to do such a thing, he knew very well in his heart.

"Don't look like this, should we all talk about the meaning of our golden hammer to them, so that they also have a sense of tension."

Xu Yi basically wanted to understand in his heart, he felt that he must now let them understand the seriousness of this matter.

"They waited here for such a long time for such a result, so we must not let them down now, or let them go back empty-handed."

Xu Yi knew very well in his heart that if it was like this, then they should know what the result of listening to this step before they did it now, they don't have a few elves at all now.

"There are only a few very stubborn elves who are still listening to their filming. The others seem to be in a wait-and-see state. Haven't you seen them?"

Xu Yi took a closer look. Now he suddenly noticed that there was some mysterious aura, and suddenly passed through his eyes. It seemed that some trainers had appeared.

"I don't know how to describe such a feeling. I always feel that they have been here for such a long time, and there must be a lot of conflicts."

Xu Yi doesn't want to say too much now.

In the face of such situations, he always has some ideas like this, and he feels that he must now figure out the status quo.

"Okay, I see. If this is the case today, can we talk about it properly and let them immediately surrender to our feet at that time."

Xu Yi knew in his heart that he wanted to threaten them now.

"If you don't prepare for this kind of thing immediately, it might bring them some very big contradictions. Isn't it true that you don't know it in your heart?"

Xu Yi glanced at the people around him. He suddenly realized that he basically had an understanding. They didn't dare to show up at all now, because they were guilty, and they didn't dare to mention these elves easily. The discount is in your own hands.

"Don't talk too much, maybe you will lose more."

Xu Yi carefully observed some people around him, and didn't take them at all, because he knew that these things he was doing now were justified.

"Don't say these too many other things. Such things are very confusing to all of us. Know what I mean."

Xu Yi thought for a long time and finally figured it out. He now wants to let these people know that he has done what he is today, which is already beyond his expectations.

"In any case, I hope you can understand that we have achieved this step now and have almost completely forgotten why this happened, but our ultimate goal is still unchanged. You think I was right. wrong."

Xu Yi knew very well in his heart at this moment. He felt that when he faced all of this, he must let them understand what this matter was, and let him face all of this with some basis.

"I'm telling you, since we all have made this decision, then don't be so muddled, okay? We must now have a rationale."

The other elves have been flying around them, and now if those trainers suddenly appeared, they might be shocked by this huge scene.

"We should let them see what is going on now, and then teach them a lesson, and they will not dare to say more."

Xu Yi suddenly realized that there seemed to be a black shadow next to him, just a black shadow, which looked very mysterious and did not look like an ordinary person at all.

"You pay attention now, is there a black shadow next to it? Is this black shadow slowly coming towards us?"

Shanaiduo turned his head and took a look at this moment. He didn't say much now, he was just approaching here quietly.

"Maybe you want to come over and attack us. This person is really stupid. Could it be that he doesn't know that we can sense it?"

At this time, Xu Yi felt that this person didn't seem so stupid at all. He might still be a very smart person.

"Don't say that. If you continue to say this, the consequences will be serious, I think you should know it too."

Xu Yi didn't want to talk about this question so presumptuously. He just wanted to take a good look at what was going on around him.

"If they really don't care about the life and death of those other people at that time, if these elves love what they like, then they can take all those elves into the door."

They never consider the feelings of others, so know this.

"They will do whatever it takes for their purposes, and they never think that elves are their friends, but their subordinates."

Shanaido curled his lips and looked at the black shadow with a nasty look.

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