Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 560: Six relatives don't recognize

"Big brother, when did you come here? Why didn't you make a sound when you came here? Now you should tell us in advance, so we might as well go over and greet you."

There was some embarrassment in Xu Yi's heart. He tried hard in his heart to remember whether he had said anything bad about this big brother before he came.

"Anyway, we shouldn't make this matter so that it makes people feel that we don’t care about it well. We should try to draw close to our relationship with him now, so that he won’t be wrong in this situation. , This is the most important thing."

Xu Yi thought very clearly in his heart that the most critical issue at the moment was not at all, but what kind of method should be used to solve the current trouble.

"Otherwise, let us all quickly talk about it. Do we all have anything else to say besides that? If there is anything else to say, then hurry up, they explain."

Xu Yi didn't want to say too much at all right now, and for other things, it was nothing.

"The situation is such a situation. If we all say that there are any other ideas, we should at least let him know what it is for."

Xu Yi is now observing some of these people in front of him, and now he suddenly realizes that those people before seemed to have some other ideas, and once they had other ideas, the problem would become serious.

"Now for all of us, as long as you can grasp all this, everything else is nothing at all. I think you should be clearer in your heart than I am."

Xu Yi now wants to understand all of this, he is even ready, what kind of method should be used to solve the problem.

"In any case, we should all understand this situation in advance. If this is true, it might make them feel very uneasy in their hearts."

There is no need to say anything more about what this situation is like now. Xu Yi basically understands it very well now, and then we have to look at their reaction.

"Did we talk about this situation thoroughly with you before? Next, let's take a look at what it is for."

Xu Yi didn't want to say too much at all right now. In his eyes, as long as he could, he could think carefully about it. The other ones weren't a big deal.

"What they are saying now and doing these things, we may not need to think too much. After all, we have been waiting here for so long just to wait for such a result. It is not a matter of arguing over the past. ."

Xu Yi didn't want them to know the thoughts in his heart at all. He felt that as long as he was able to control their hearts, what he wanted to say but didn't say would be fine.

"For all of us now, the problem is so serious. If we all say that we haven't hurriedly said clearly, I am afraid it will make them feel that they are at a loss in their hearts."

Xu Yi understood very thoroughly. In their eyes, if this matter is said to be fooled, it will be irreversible by then. It is best to explain this matter to them in advance.

"Anyway, this is the end of the matter. If you say more, I'm afraid it will make them feel some trouble in their hearts, and discovering these things they are doing makes people feel that there are some surprises."

Such an unexpected situation, if it is said that once it happens in front of their eyes, what trouble will be solved at that time, they don't want to understand all of this at all.

"Master, otherwise, let's leave here now. I feel that there is always some danger here. If we all stay here, he might be ambushed by those other people, or by others. Some of the dark elves or dark beasts were in ambush."

Xu Yi stared at them carefully, and he felt that what he said and what he was doing right now was not that much at all.

"If we all say that if we don't think about it quickly, it will definitely make some other people feel that there is something bad, you know?"

"I think, when faced with such a situation, you basically think clearly in your heart, don't you? You'd better explain this to me clearly in advance."

At this time, the big brother seemed to not talk about feelings at all, anyway, he was thinking of these people in his heart, so cold-blooded and ruthless, he didn't want to call him big brother at all.

"No matter what, I hope you can understand our situation. Now that we are ready now, we shouldn't let other people have such bad ideas."

Xu Yi knew better than anyone else, in his opinion, as long as they had a certain understanding of them, they would never make such a low-level mistake.

"We are waiting here for such a long time now for such a result, but they simply don't let us see the final result. We have no way at all now. We can only deceive ourselves like this."

In Xu Yi's eyes, all of this was completely unworthy. He felt that he had better be able to teach them a lesson now, and that would be better.

"Since we are ready now, we shouldn't let them think about it anymore. If we continue to think about it, the consequences will be serious."

It was the first time Shane Duo saw Xu Yi with such a cold expression. He didn't know what Xu Yi was thinking in his heart. Didn't he just say that he wanted to recognize his big brother?

"If you want to reconcile with you during this period of time, you shouldn't have this attitude at all. To be honest, I think in my heart that you are a little embarrassed to the big brother.

At this moment, Xu Yi was thinking in his heart, if he could feel embarrassed, such a kind of emotion, then he would really be grateful.

"No matter what, let them think about what happened in their hearts, and everything like this shouldn't be such a nonsense."

Xu Yi has basically thought about it now. If he said anything more like this, it would make them feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

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