"There must be a trap, believe it or not."

Xu Yi carefully observed the other people.

"This is definitely a very big trap, believe it or not."

Xu Yi thought about it carefully at this time. If it is really like this, a big trap, it really makes people feel very unhappy.

"This is just a trap. Don't say so much for now, okay? I think I really believe you in my heart."

At this moment, Xu Yi thought about it hard and felt that this matter was really different from what he thought. If he didn’t rush in now, this red-haired woman might leave some traps in the end. Waiting for him here.

"Anyway, don't you be so impulsive, okay? Let's go slowly. After considering such a problem, some of our people will give you first priority. Don't worry, I think this world of sacred beasts There is nothing else to miss at all, what do you think?"

Xu Yi didn’t want to say anything more now. He felt that in such a world of sacred beasts, if he could really make a name for himself, then, if he couldn’t create any other fame, he would treat them in the end. Said it is a very bad thing.

"Anyway, this red-haired woman will never be well-intentioned in the end, believe it or not."

"Of course I believe what you said, because before, the person I believe most in this world is yourself. I don't want to say anything else now."

At this moment, Xu Yi thought carefully about it, and felt that this matter might not be the same as what he thought.

"I think we'd better wait here for a while now. If you don't continue to wait like this, do you know the consequences? It's really unimaginable."

Xu Yi just wanted to stare his eyes wide. He wanted to take a look now. What happened to the previous situation?

"We are all now. We have said this for such a reason. Do we need to say anything else? To be honest, I am really surprised. We don't need to say this anymore. It makes people feel sad. It's up, you should understand what I mean, right?"

"You don't want to be like this now, let's do it slowly, don't make this thing so bad, we're going to wait here for a while now."

At this moment, Xu Yi carefully observed the red-haired woman in front of them. She seemed to be arrogantly tapping on this instrument with her accomplices, not knowing what else she was doing.

"This evil woman doesn't know why, they actually threaten us with this method, it really makes people feel very angry."

Xu Yi didn’t want to say it too ridiculously. He knew that as long as he was in such a base, he could just sit and play on it. Some other things didn’t need to be moved at all and he would surrender. Yourself.

"What other secrets are there in an instrument of your size, please tell me quickly, otherwise I will never let you leave from here easily. I think you should be able to understand me very well. In your mood, right?"

At this moment, Xu Yi thought about it carefully, and felt that if he really thought about it like this now, there might be something inappropriate.

"We have come here with great difficulty, and we need to say something more, which will leave a bad impression on them, do you know what I mean?"

At this time, Xu Yi asked the two elves behind him to follow up quickly, because he knew that if the two elves didn't follow up like this, the consequences would be serious.

"Little elves, they seem to have completely adapted to this world now. If this is the case, please tell them quickly. They belong to this world. Don't let them be between this world. Drifting over, drifting past, there is no place to live."

These little elves are really pitiful in such a world. Xu Yi doesn't want to talk to them too much now. He feels that he has to wait here for a while now.

"There is another problem. It is absolutely impossible to let them control such a base. Once this base is controlled by them, the consequences will be very serious."

Xu Yi carefully observed the people in front of him at this moment, and felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

The thought in their hearts makes people feel very strange, and Xu Yi doesn't want to say it so outrageous now.

"I think we have finally made it so difficult for us to say this to this point. If you talk about it here, it might make some other people feel bad in the end, you understand."

Xu Yi didn’t want to say such words so outrageously. He wanted to see what the purpose of this red-haired woman was. What if he sees this woman’s purpose now, he is Won't let him succeed.

"I can understand you, elves, they have stayed in such a world for a long time, and you must be particularly anxious about them."

Xu Yi observed carefully and felt that this matter was a little different from what he thought.

"At that time, didn’t we have already said that, if these people do anything wrong in this base, we will kill them immediately, but I don’t think we can do anything at all now, because we still There are many secrets that have not been figured out."

Xu Yi now wants to make this matter clearer and more serious, because he knows that if he doesn't figure it out a little bit on such a problem, it will leave a bad impression on them.

"Let's go slowly now, don't make this thing so bad, okay?"

If you want to do something or say something, you should tell them what it is like as soon as possible.

"There is another problem, that is, we must not relax halfway now. This is generally the case. If we give up halfway, in the end, it will make others feel that when we do things, we really don't care about anything."

When Xu Yi did things, he didn't want to talk too much and think too much.

"Let's quickly talk about it now, what exactly should be done, there is no need to think about other things at all, you know."

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