Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 955: Nonsense

Tell them what all of this means, it's really harder than anything else. Now I just want to see what it should be like, and don't talk nonsense anymore.

"Once such nonsense talking to each other will make other people feel very bad, and they may feel uncomfortable in the end."

"I can understand your feelings very well, but I don't want to make this thing like this, we must stay here now, know what I mean."

Xu Yi observed his surroundings at this moment, and felt that this matter was really completely different from his own.

"Does it mean you have any other ideas? If you have any other ideas now, you should say it as soon as possible. Don't let other people speak such gibberish anymore. You know what I mean. Right."

Xu Yi observed these sacred beasts. Although they said that as the sun slowly rises, they are also slowly moving, but they have not reached the peak of their strength at all.

"The energy in the bodies of these sacred beasts, even if they are gathered, is not a threat to all of us at all. We don't need to be afraid now, you know."

Xu Yi is now understanding their feelings with them. He doesn't want to talk too much now. He understands what to do when facing all this.

"If you don't clarify this issue quickly, it might make other students feel very bad in the end, you should understand what I mean."

They must be thoroughly psychologically prepared, and they must not be allowed to make marital gibberish like this anymore. They must be allowed to have such thoughts in their hearts.

"You don't want to talk nonsense there now, okay? Let's just say that once such crazy thinking, it may make them feel very uncomfortable and bad in the end, you know?"

Instead of telling them what is going on, it's better to quickly understand the situation with them. If you can finish the problem by sticking to it, it's actually not bad.

"If these energy light waves can be controlled well now, we are good. If they can't be controlled, in the end they might make the world of the elves feel a very panic. They might fall into a strange circle in the end. ."

Xu Yi now doesn't want to say such things too outrageously. He understands how to say and do things in the face of all this, and he wants to give them a complete explanation.

"At least we should let them know what kind of things we should say and do."

You should make it clear to them, otherwise they will definitely have a very big misunderstanding in their hearts.

"If we say that we are not in a hurry, and if we clarify this issue, they will definitely feel very uncomfortable in the end. I will just tell you that."

"The most critical problem is that we don't know what this person thinks at all. You know what I mean."

"There is one more thing, that is, if we continue to go forward like this, it might make them feel very bad in the end. Can you really understand my feelings?"

At this moment, Xu Yi said carefully, saying that I don't think this question is compatible with him. He just wants to see the person in front of him and why he thinks so much.

"If we say that we just do things casually like this, in the end it might make them feel very bad in their hearts. They will definitely not be happy in the end. You should understand what I mean."

At this moment, Xu Yi carefully observed his surroundings, and felt that there was some deviation between this matter and his own thinking. Before now, he took a look at the people in front of him to see why this happened.

"You must have not thought of it, why is this? Since we are waiting here now, we should let them know why this is the case."

If you don’t clarify this issue quickly, they will definitely feel very uncomfortable in their hearts. Now, let’s talk about it. Why don’t you explain this matter?

Under the envelope of such a light wave of energy, it is impossible for anyone to come in. Xu Yi will see what it should be like before now. He wants to give them an explanation now. He has no other ideas. .

"What I want to tell you is that there must be no misunderstanding. Under the current situation, if there is a misunderstanding, do you know the consequences?"

Xu Yi didn't want to make this matter so bad now. He just wanted to see what kind of method should be used to solve this matter.

"We must not continue to wait here, know what I mean, if we continue to wait like this, it will make other people have a very big misunderstanding."

Xu Yi observed for a while, and felt that this matter seemed to be a bit bad.

"Let's take it slowly now, and don't let them have any other ideas, you know."

Xu Yi just wanted to let them see what he had experienced at that time.

"Let them prepare well here, it is really better than anything."

No matter what, they should be thoroughly informed about this matter.

"You certainly don't know, why would I face you with such an attitude? Actually, I had already anticipated such a consequence before, but I just didn't tell you."

Xu Yi carefully observed the surroundings, and felt that this matter was really far from his own.

"I don't want to say too much of this to you. I think if you say and listen to this too much now, you will definitely not take it seriously in the end. I just want to protect my master now. These little fairies behind me are nothing more."

In such a world of elves, you must not allow those other people to invade. Once they have the courage to invade, then clear them out, and let them get out wherever they come.

"How can the world of the elves allow some other people to come and run wild."

"I can understand your feelings. We only need to be the same enemy now, and we don't have to care about the others."

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