Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 971: Tactfully refuse

"I think, I have said this sentence very clearly now, so you don't want to say these ugly things here anymore, okay?"

Knowing this, Xu Yi didn't want to say anything else at all.

"Let's not be so impulsive now, let's take it slowly now, can't we?"

Xu Yi observed carefully for a long time, and felt that if this matter was resolved, it would actually be different from what he thought. He now wants to see what method should be used to make this person completely compromise.

"Don't say such things for now, let's go slowly, don't let other people just stay here directly."

At this moment, Xu Yi thought about it carefully and felt that he should wait here for a while, otherwise it might really make some other people feel bad.

"We must not be impulsive now, you know? Now if it is impulsive, it will make other people feel very uncomfortable."

Xu Yi now only wants to see clearly what the purpose of these people in front of him is, that's all.

"Tell them well, what should we do? It's really better than anything else. Can you care about what I mean?"

If you don't clarify this problem quickly, I'm afraid it will make them very scared of this in their hearts. Xu Yi doesn't want to do this at all, because he feels that he should wait here.

"Don't say so much for now, let's wait here for now. If they say that they have any other ideas at the end, they will definitely be able to tell us the first time, right."

Xu Yi observed carefully for a long time, and felt that doing this thing really made people feel very hesitant.

"We don't have to say anything more now. To be honest, if something like this really happens, none of us would be happy. I just want to tell you now that we must seize this opportunity now."

If such an opportunity cannot be grasped, I am afraid it will make them feel very difficult in their hearts.

"We must not be impulsive now. If we say that once we are impulsive, it will make other people feel that these things we have done are all in jeopardy."

Xu Yi didn't want to say too much now, he just wanted to wait here, he didn't want to say anything else at all.

"I have already made a decision. Why do you have to wait until now to answer? I don't want to say anything else to you now. You know what I mean?"

Xu Yi is observing very carefully now. He now wants to take a look at the person in front of him, what else he doesn't know.

"If you say it now, and then tell this thing, you might be very angry in the end, so I'll just put it to this point."

Xu Yi observed carefully for a long time, and felt that this matter seemed to be different from what he thought.

"The things they hold in their hands are too dangerous. Have you noticed that they seem to be holding some crystal **** in their hands? These crystal balls, just like the elf **** in our hands, may be fatal in the end. hurt."

As far as he is concerned, Xu Yi is not worried at all, because he thinks that even if these people want to hurt himself, it is complete. They don’t have such capabilities, but they might hurt these little elves. That would be wrong .

"What I want to tell you is that we better not talk nonsense like this now. We should at least wait here now to see what kind of attitude they face to us."

Xu Yi observed very carefully. He felt that he should wait here now to see what the two of them thought.

"We've all been waiting here for so long. There is no need to talk to them so much. Can you really understand my feelings?"

As long as you can be prepared here, those other things don't matter at all, can you understand what I mean.

"There is another problem, that is, we must not be too impulsive now. If we are too impulsive, it will make some other people feel that we are doing this deliberately. In the end, we may not leave anything behind. good impression."

Before Xu Yixian, you can see who clicked the red file on this screen. There seems to be a bunch of garbled codes on it. Xu Yi wants to look at it more carefully. What I didn’t expect is inside. I can understand everything by myself.

"It's no wonder that this red-haired woman seems confident now. They have already summoned some other people to attack the world of the elves. We should stop them from such a plan now. Really now. It's not too late, now it's time to start acting quickly."

The red-haired woman looked very surprised at this time. He never thought that Xu Yi could understand the contents of his file. He didn't know how to deal with Xu Yi now.

"When you were in the basement of a base like this some time ago, you didn't realize that you were so smart. Why did you suddenly reveal yourself? Did you do it on purpose?"

At this time, Xu Yi carefully observed the people around him, and felt that this matter was really bad for him, so he should wait here and see.

"We are all here. We have waited for so long. We still need to talk too much with some other people and think too much."

Xu Yi didn't want to go anymore at all. He said it was too ridiculous. He knew how serious this matter was for them.

At this moment, Xu Yi had been waiting here for so long. If they didn't rush to get this out of the way, then it was their fault, and Xu Yi was thinking about something in his heart now.

"The matter has reached this point. If you say something like this, it will make them feel very uncomfortable in their hearts. Xu Yi thought about it carefully at this time, and felt that this matter did not affect him particularly well. "

It's already been a long time ago, there should be some thoughts like this, Xu Yi didn't say much now, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have said this matter very seriously.

"I can understand you very well now, but I don't want to say this directly, because I think we all just need to wait here."

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