Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 976: In the dark

"We have decided now, so even if we let them know in their hearts, we will never back down easily. We are all waiting here, then nothing else will happen. Don't worry. Right."

These few of them seem to be very uncomfortable.

"Don't say so much for now, just wait here to see if it's okay. If you say something like this, none of them will feel comfortable."

Now if you don’t stop these people in a hurry, in the end they might really fight, but now he doesn’t want to see such a brutal phenomenon in front of him, he wants to let him Some others hurriedly stabilized.

"At this time, Xu Yi carefully observed the surroundings and felt that this matter was really bad for them. He just wants to see what is going on."

"No matter what, I hope you can help us in the dark, otherwise we will really be trapped here. In such a base, we simply don’t know how many entrances and exits we have. Now let’s talk about finding it slowly, it’s too easy in the end, do you understand."

Xu Yi thought, don't be too slack now, if it is too slack, it will make other young people feel that when they do things they don't take this matter seriously.

"I have already said it for such a reason, and there is no need for everyone to say anything. He thinks that as long as he can be prepared here now, it doesn't matter to the others."

If something like this happens, it will make them feel very uncomfortable. You should understand what I mean, right?

"These few of them seem to be very uncomfortable. If this is the case, should we take a look at it slowly and why they think about it like this?"

If you say that if you continue to go on like this, it will make them feel very unacceptable. He doesn't want to say too many other things to him now.

"If we continue to actively go on like this, they will definitely feel unhappy in their hearts. Anyway, we are already here and there is no need to say anything."

Understanding this process will make other people know what they are doing in their hearts. You should understand what I mean. Don't say anything else. We should live in it now.

"The files they have on hand are what we all want to know now, but they are actually very simple. We can steal them as long as we have this condition. Why do they think about it now? There is no need to release them. In your heart, do you know what I mean."

These few of them seem to be very uncomfortable. Xu Yi thought about it carefully, and felt that this thing was really true for them, and it made people feel very annoying.

"If you really have some thoughts like this when facing such a situation, or they feel very uncomfortable, can you understand what I mean?"

At this moment, Xu Yi thought about it carefully and felt that this matter was really good for them. He took a look before now to see what kind of things he should say and what things he should do.

"No matter what, you should let them think in their hearts. You should understand what I mean. Now we must let them think clearly in their hearts, and don't be too impulsive."

If you say that once it is too impulsive, it will make them feel very irritable. Now if you want to live a little more seriously, you must not say anything else.

"Okay, okay, now if you want to continue to say something like this, you should give them an explanation. If you don’t rush to translate such a thing, in the end, they may be true. He would miss one of the best opportunities, Xu Yi doesn’t want to be like this at all now.”

If something happens, Xu Yi will know what to do at this moment. He knows how to say and do it. Now he wants to take advantage of such an opportunity.

"I have said this sentence very clearly now. If you say anything more about it now, I don't know what kind of impact it will have on me. In the end, there may be some other crises. Can you understand what I mean? These little elves can't handle it at all, and they need my help."

The little elves looked really scared at this time, and their current attitude was really too obvious.

"If you really don't continue to say something like this, it will make them feel very uncomfortable. Xu Yi now just wants to see what's going on."

If you don’t clarify this matter quickly, it will make them feel particularly jealous in their hearts, because I think in such a situation, if you say something and do something, it will They feel uncomfortable.

"I think I have been waiting here for so long now. I don't need to say anything more. You should understand what I mean. The current state is too obvious."

If something like this should happen, and none of them can understand each other, then in the end they might fight in such a base. Xu Yi doesn't want to talk too much now, he understands what this question means to him.

"Don't say so much for now. Let's wait here and see if it's good. If you keep waiting, it will make them feel uncomfortable."

Xu Yi closed his eyes at this time, and he felt it seriously at this time. He felt that if the beast was brought in immediately, they should be reduced in size in the end. If this is the case, they might become them. The little follower.

If it is now, then you should persuade them to persuade them to make them willing, otherwise, this matter is really endless.

"We have all talked about it for such a reason now, do we need other things to come over and cover us? You really make me feel particularly ridiculous, you know."

Xu Yi doesn't want to talk to them too much now, because he knows that under such a situation, if he talks too much and thinks too much, they will definitely feel uncomfortable in his heart.

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