Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1001: Discussion on space system

"This is the space array mage you are talking about? What abilities are there. If it is really strong, it will be of great benefit to the development of our company." Du You brought the first batch of space array mages to the archipelago. City.

   The territorial seniors who received the news in advance have all returned. Of course, besides Li Minglu and a deputy, there are only Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, these two people are really capable.

Du You didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I have compiled their abilities into data. You will know by looking at the data. If there is anything you don't understand, there is no problem asking on the spot." These recruited soldiers are like this. The advantage is that you use your own leaders to make things, and you are absolutely loyal to yourself.

  Although these are all mages, they don't have the arrogant character of ordinary mages, and they don't feel humiliated because of something. Such soldiers are the favorite and the most common in all territories.

   Several people got the information and started to watch it. "If they are exactly the same, then this is really promising." Xi Qianxue couldn't help but sigh.

Du You also opened his mouth and said: "What I mean is, first establish a space teleportation array in the city outside of us, then connect to other cities, and then link our own cities. This makes it easier to communicate with each other in the outside cities. "

As soon as Du You finished speaking, Li Mengyao refuted: "No, I don't agree. The cities outside of us have opened spatial channels and can pass directly from the inside, so there is no need to worry at all. We only need to build one, and then we will contact you. Just connect to the capital, and the others don’t have to be so troublesome."

   Li Mengyao rarely refutes Du You, but Li Mengyao is not welcome when it comes to business matters.

"What we need to do most now is the teleportation array here in the central city. After the construction is completed, it will be connected to several other territories. This is of great benefit to us. Moreover, the spatial teleportation array connection inside the world is easier to pass. If With the support of the academy, it will be much easier to develop outside in the future."

   Du You squinted his eyes slightly for a moment, and he seemed to be right. Why do I want to build a teleportation array outside? Isn’t it for convenience? It takes too much time to fly from the archipelago city to the capital every time.

   So if you think about it carefully, a teleportation array outside is actually enough.

   "Another point, regarding the space items made by the mages, I suggest not to sell them directly. We can set several special levels. For example, start with the first-order space items."

This time, Xi Qianxue put forward his own opinion: "We can sell first-order and second-order space items in limited quantities just like other large organizations, to build our own reputation. Increasing the internal limit can give our employees some benefits. Strengthen our own cohesion. In addition, we have now begun to implement a system of contribution points internally."

   "For high-level spatial items, we can mark the contribution degree, and then let them exchange it with the contribution degree. This can increase the employee's sense of dependence on our company and prevent them from leaving easily."

  Similar things are being done in every company territory, not just them.

   After all, these people are completely different from ordinary employees. They are all professionals, and each of them has powerful strength. Once they leave, there is no way for them to keep their own strength, which is a great loss to the company and territory.

  On the contrary, ordinary employees don't have so many requirements. Few ordinary people have extraordinary abilities, and even if most people leave, it has no effect on the wealth and strength of the company itself.

   At this time, Xi Qianxue continued: "In addition, we can use some space items that ordinary people can use as a standard for our ordinary managers to use, increasing the company's attractiveness."

   "A space item that ordinary people can use? Is there any such item?" Du You was a little surprised.

Xi Qianxue blankly gave Du You a look: "Of course there is, just like that ordinary watch. Just use white crystal coins as energy, and then make it into a fool-like space object. Although it is a little troublesome, But for ordinary people, that is a status symbol."

   can do this? Du You's face was unbelievable, Du You had never felt this way all the time.

   Also, since coming to this world, Du You became a professional on the third day, without the experience of ordinary people at all. Speaking of which, most people in the world are ordinary people, and the circle of ordinary people is much larger than their professionals.

   "Well, if you don't have any opinions, then follow this." In terms of management, Du You really can't give any constructive opinions, just listen to other people's opinions.

"I just found out that these mages are actually capable of research and We might as well enhance in this respect. If we can develop a defensive barrier with spatial attributes, it will bring us a lot. Interests."

   This was proposed by Li Minglu. As for the defensive barrier of the space attribute, this is a very good idea. This thing is definitely not sold to ordinary people, but to those large forces. Directly use a large defensive barrier to protect a city or even a larger area. This is the purpose of a large barrier.

   This thing can not only be sold to other people, but also for your own use.

   There have always been people doing business such as large-scale barriers, but it seems that there is really no space attribute. Even if some people have this kind of barrier, they will not sell it, but will only use it for themselves.

   Space barrier is not only stronger in defense, but also able to block some special space means. In fact, the effect is much stronger than ordinary barriers. If such a product appears on the market, it will surely make people rush.

   As to whether they will offend some people when they take it out, they will not care about it. Now that an organization is formed and if it wants to develop, it will inevitably offend people. It is better to work hard to develop better while you are now protected by the Academy League.

   Next are some detailed questions, these questions don't need Du You to interrupt, Du You just needs to listen.

   And those Array Masters, under the leadership of specialized personnel, have already begun research work. There is no way for the formation mage to enter the central city, because they are not people in this world. The place where these mages work is basically the city of the archipelago.

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