Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1020: The rise of a power

No matter what plan Du You has, we must first train Corgis to develop a certain level of management.

   So Du You found a lot of books from the earth, while letting Corgis study, at the same time sent them to Saria. Anyway, with the strength of his territory, it doesn't matter if he makes a mistake.

   Training talents first, this is the most important thing. After a period of time, Du You also regularized Corgis. It is also hung in the name of the territory and belongs to the followers of the lord.

   What made Du You unexpected is that Corgis has only gone through some basic training, not much practice at all. After the transformation, it was only Level 1 and Level 2, which was a bit stronger than ordinary people.

  In this world, even civilians, there are many who can reach Level 2 through physical exercise. It is conceivable that in order to hide her identity, how much price Corgis paid.

   But the star rating is not weak, it has reached the level of 7 stars. This star, even among those who have been admitted to Capital University, is not available to everyone, or it is a star of very few geniuses. Then, as long as it is well cultivated, Corgis will not be much worse in terms of strength.

   During this time, Saria also slowly sorted out the order of the entire Shenghai Kingdom. The former imperial officials and nobles gradually moved away. At first, Saria used some territories to temporarily top her up.

   But although these people are loyal, they have little ability. With the time to adapt and learn slowly, some capable and loyal people are gradually replaced. At the same time, a group of new nobles were born under the rewards of merits and deeds.

   Those who have the title of nobility but do not have noble land, the land compensates in other ways. Perhaps a lot of rights have been lost, but the degree of wealth is far from comparable to the nobles of the same rank in the empire.

   Relying on the Shenghai Kingdom in a powerful territory, the degree of wealth is not imaginable by ordinary people.

   People from the outside are constantly coming to try, and there are constant attempts to disrupt the kingdom, but without success. At the border location, the Quicksand Empire launched a large-scale war and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take White Rock City all at once. But after Sharia sent two Tier 5 masters and other accompanying troops, Sha Ren suffered heavy losses.

   After the surrounding chaos and rebellion were wiped out, Shenghai Kingdom was finally recognized by all sides. The construction of a country does not rely on lip service, it needs to be built by wars.

   I didn't expose so many masters in this field before. What Du You did not expect was that in order to stabilize his territory, he had exposed a dozen Tier 5 masters. This level of combat power is no longer considered weak in the kingdom.

   Strength and decisiveness are the basis for stabilizing the Shenghai Kingdom.

   With the help of force deterrence, Saria made a decisive decision and directly introduced the formulated policies one by one. At the same time, a group of people were selected to join the parliament, and the entire Shenghai Kingdom finally began to operate.

   At the same time, a large amount of food was scattered throughout the kingdom. Seeing so much food, people's hearts gradually stabilized. If no one makes trouble with these millions of people, then the whole country will not have much problem.

   Then, the militia training organized by Luo Jia. Nowadays, it is not only the soldiers recruited by the territory. The recruiting force of the territory is the core of the strength of the Shenghai Kingdom, but it also needs many soldiers from the periphery.

   Therefore, the Tiangang martial arts master as a representative profession, coupled with the foundation of some other professions, was spread, and civilians were directly selected for training in various places. Du You didn't worry about his status being subverted, so he didn't care about how many civilians were practicing. Armies and militias in various places have formed, and the military strength of the entire country has been continuously improved.

   Then Saria got Du You's permission and sent a large number of craftsmen to start strengthening cities and building new cities in various places. In White Rock City, people were released directly, knocking down the oasis originally controlled by the sand people, and expanding the territory.

   The sand sculptures and sand snakes originally trained have become good helpers against the Quicksand Empire.

   After two months of busy work, Shenghai Kingdom finally stabilized. People who wanted to pick things up in all aspects were either caught or hidden, and the situation finally calmed down.

   The situation is calm, but the development of Shenghai Kingdom has just begun. The Shenghai Kingdom that entered the fast lane changed almost every day. A large number of new cities were built and fields were cultivated.

  Some dangerous places that have not been solved by anyone, the kingdom directly sent troops to completely clear them out, and the lives of civilians are getting safer and richer. The country that has just been built is still very positive in all aspects.

   At the same time, the construction of roads and the construction of large trucks have laid a good foundation for the commercial circulation of the entire territory. Some of the new aristocrats transformed and became merchants among the aristocrats.

   Although the nobles of the empire look down on them very much and are always taunting them, secretly they are also very envious. Because they were rich, they became the southern tyrants in the eyes of the and became more and more popular.

   Even a part of the nobles of the empire were attracted later and sent people to the Shenghai Kingdom to do business.

   A powerful kingdom began to rise rapidly. In the same territory, with the passage of one month and one month, new forces are constantly being produced, and the security of the territory is also at the limit.

   On this day, Du You suddenly received news that the sea channel was opened. The passages on both sides were opened almost at the same time, and the eastern passage led directly to the coast of the Shenyan Empire. Originally, the poor aristocrats along the coast of the Shenyan Empire now had the opportunity to communicate and make a fortune. Gradually, the coastal areas began to become lively, and the freight industry began to develop.

  The road to the west finally reached the Cruise Empire, which is further west of the Quicksand Empire.

  According to the data, the Cruise Empire is an empire dominated by humans, but not only humans. There are still some elves and half-elves living in the empire, and some dwarves or even enslaved orcs. It can be said that it is a multi-racial empire.

   In terms of strength, the Cruise Empire is stronger than the Shenyan Empire, and there are two sixth-tiers on the bright side.

   However, the Cruise Empire also has its own enemies. As one of the three empires in the center of Arran, the other two empires are not human empires. After the contact between the Hanhai Kingdom and the Cruise Empire, the atmosphere between the two sides is still very friendly.

   However, it is still in the exploratory stage. As for the specific cooperation in the future, it depends on future contacts.

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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