Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1025: The first goal

Seeing this city, Du You couldn't determine the strength of the people inside through the city. However, this kind of city built on the main road of transportation will definitely not have too many ordinary people. At a glance, they are almost all soldiers.

   Especially in this case, ordinary people have probably been transferred in large numbers.

   "Dark demons are not good at making fortifications, so don't worry about strong city defenses against our attacks. We will make a quick fight, change a place with one shot, and not stay in one place for a long time."

   Du You also worried that his powerful attack power would attract Tier 5 masters, so he would be unlucky.

   The two sisters glanced at each other and did not speak. At this time, the two had entered a highly synchronized state. Normally, interpersonal communication is completely different from fighting. At this time, two people are the same as one.

   A floating cloud on the platform appeared, and a group of people stood on the floating cloud on the platform. Du You didn't even think about it. Destroying Flames is the best way to deal with this kind of goal. Without fully releasing the curse, Du You only released more than fifty fireballs.

   The fireball in the air keeps condensing, and the people below still don't know that they have been attacked. Suddenly, the people below all exploded, and many people attacked in the air. Du You was also watching coldly at this time.

   "Very good, there are no people of Tier 5, but Tier 4 at most. It's really suitable for me to fight."

   Du You condensed the fireball while thinking in his heart. A minute later, the fireball was guided by Du You and fell from the sky without full power, but even this consumed a lot of money.

   More than fifty fireballs can finally be attacked, but now the attack power of the fireballs can't be resisted by anyone present. The continuous explosion of fireballs turned the entire city into ruins.

   Buildings such as walls and arrow towers without magical barriers are simply vulnerable to such an attack.

   After the fireball exploded, a large number of destruction dogs appeared, raging around. The entire defensive fortress is in chaos, and no one can organize a decent counterattack.

   "Let's do it too." Lin Yushi said, spreading her wings and flying into the air. Where there are the most people, Lin Yushi scatters the evil towards which place, and the sky rains arrows and explodes. Then a large piece of golden demon-killing spirits stood up and continued to destroy and kill in the city.

   "What is this? How can the power aura in them resemble ours."

   "Nonsense, how could this be similar to us, these things don't have any devilish power in them."

   "Isn't it a traitor among us, but I have never heard of such a fighting skill. Damn, that woman's hands are not red, she must have stolen our power."

   These demon nemesis do not have many spell types of skills, they are the only one of the three dark demons with poor spell skills, and they mainly rely on combat skills to fight. But the skills of ordinary warriors, in the face of this situation, are of little use at all. Only a few masters will be able to clean up some enemies, but the number is too small.

   Once such a master appears, he will be hit by Du You and Lin Yucha.

   Encountered a single opponent, Du You's soul piercing and Lin Yucha's spiral sniper went directly onto the field without hesitation. When encountering a little more, then the Dark Flame Arrow Array and the Vortex Arrow that has just been upgraded are not weak.

   One big is a big one, especially the vortex arrow, which can destroy almost all visible objects and energy within the range of action.

   Inside the bombed-out city, the gunpowder soon filled with smoke, and a swarm of golden monsters rampaged. The entire fortress was cleared in a short time. After the scene was completely stabilized, Du You arrived at the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the city.

   At this time, the people outside are almost dying, and people in this place have nowhere to escape. In the City Lord's Mansion that Du You had deliberately avoided before, Du You walked in all the way, and after killing all the people who resisted, he finally found what he wanted.

   "Haha, there is something good, Yucha, you see, this is a secret cultivation method. As long as you do a little research, and then use crystal coins to deduct it, you can hope to increase your intermediate-level demon-killing power to a high-level."

   That's right, this is also one of Du You's purpose of this action, which is to find the secret method of the dark demon's high-level cultivation. The two sisters used ordinary intermediate magic power to cultivate the secret method before, and they were not advanced. The upper limit was only 40.

   And the effect of the same level is far inferior to the high-level skills. To continue to increase to the upper limit of 60, you can only find advanced training skills. Just like Du You thought, these big dark demons really have it in their hands.

  Thinking about it, the Dark Demon was specialized in dealing with demons, and there were quite a few Tier 6 enemies among demons.

  In order to deal with the devil, the various secrets of the dark demon's cultivation methods were public, and anyone could learn it. Although many years have passed, the high-level secrets are no longer in the hands of many people, but they are definitely not uncommon in the hands of high-levels.

   Ordinary people may have no use to get But the two sisters are completely different when they get it. Lin Yucha nodded lightly, and then quickly put things away.

   "Okay, the things are in hand, let's go, go back and drive the ball slowly, maybe we can find the blood."

   There are too few pedigree bottles, less than the Sky Star bottles. Du You prepared a Sky Star bottle for Aisha, but he didn't buy a second bloodline bottle in his own hands, so he could only rely on luck. Fortunately, after hunting so many dark demons, they still rely on their own lack of teamwork. Even if there are few bloodlines, they should be able to get some.

   This is also the reason why Du You has set his goal on big cities that are difficult to deal with from the beginning. This is very risky, if you attack too many big cities, it is easy to attract powerful enemies of Tier 5.

   "Wait, this thing, this is my advanced material." Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed to a bow on the wall and said.

   "Your advanced materials? You only have the magic arrow halo skill now, right? After this time, your skills will all be advanced. Congratulations."

   I didn't expect Lin Yucha to become the first of them to upgrade all their skills.

   "It's your master's credit. Without a master, we don't have our present." Lin Yucha gave Du You a kiss, then stepped forward and put away the longbow. This is a halo skill, which has improved the two sisters a lot.

After    walked out of the hall, Du You found that the battlefield outside had come to an end, and the rest of the people didn't know where they were hiding. It is too troublesome to find out one by one, it is better to give up.

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