Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1028: Burning Demon Skull

Du You could see that there were only two skills that the opponent could reach Tier 5, one was the black light from the eyes, and it was also the skill that intercepted his own fireball before. The other one is a defensive skill like black mist.

   wrapped himself up, and any attacks from him were cancelled out. The decomposition spell fell into it as if it were in a quagmire, there was no movement at all, and the soul piercing could not penetrate it, and it seemed to have the soul defense ability.

  Only the direct attack skill of the shaped energy magic cannon is the most effective, and it can beat the opponent's black mist constantly. Although the opponent has released some other skills, they are not very strong.

   Tier 4 quality combat skills couldn't catch up with Du You at all, so the opponent simply stood in place and attacked, like a turret. But this turret was too hard and the attack power was too strong, and Du You was still suppressed.

   Of course, the summons that Du You released are now in the upper hand. Under the leadership of the two large creatures, the Dark Dragon and the Scourge Dog, the summoners cooperated with the two sisters and began to massacre the people in this city. A large number of demonic spirits stood up, and the situation on the battlefield began to change continuously.

   "Hmph, do you think you can win with this strength, let you know how good I am."

   Suddenly, the guy with the helmet rolled his eyes, and a black light was released instantly. The unlucky natural disaster giant dog had no defensive power at all, so he was cut in the middle and died on the spot.

   But the next moment, the natural disaster giant dog converged along with the black air current and reappeared on the battlefield, and the opponent's face changed.

   "Damn it, how can it be resurrected." He was sure that the enemy had just been hit by himself and died. Under the power gap, it is impossible to deceive oneself, but what is going on right now.

   "The strength is limited. Although the power in that bone is very strong, it can only be mobilized within a certain period of time." Du You's eyes lit up and suddenly thought of a battle plan.

   Thinking of this, the dead orangutan suddenly appeared on the other side's side, and Du You used the energy-charging magic cannon at the same time. This time the energy-concentrating magic cannon was not released, but condensed in the hand. It's a pity that the enemy didn't expect this skill to condense.

   Du You releases spells too fast, not like a normal mage at all, but similar to those demons who use instinctive spells. If the power of the skull is not mobilized, the opponent will only fall into the disadvantage.

   Seeing the huge dark gorilla appear next to him, he punched him at the same time. The other party was helpless, so he could only point his eyes at the gorilla, and a black light instantly pierced through the body of the dead gorilla.

   Du You discovered that although the dead orangutan was hit by the light, the black light after cutting the dead orangutan significantly weakened. This shows that the opponent's adjustment power has reached its limit.

   And at the moment the opponent attacked, Du You's energy-charging magic cannon had already been released. The time calculation is very accurate. The enemy who has just attacked has no time to mobilize too much power, and only a thin layer of black mist appears on his body.

   Then, the black light swept across, and instantly penetrated the black fog. Under the bombardment of the remaining power, the obstructive guy was instantly beaten into two pieces. Now, even the skull can't save the opponent.

   "Huh, lucky guy, fortunately you don't have much actual combat experience, otherwise it's really hard to deal with."

   "You, human beings, we, we will not let you go." The enemy who fell on the ground still did not die. Instead, relying on the strength of the skull, they could barely survive, but the vitality was constantly being consumed.

   Du You didn't look at this guy, but at the current situation in the city. The dark dragon in the sky suddenly opened its mouth, a black ball condensed in the mouth, and a large amount of surrounding matter and energy began to gather frantically in the direction of the black ball. That black ball is like a black hole, seeming to be able to swallow everything.

   Dim Devouring, this is the ultimate move of the Dark Dragon, which is finally used on this battlefield. Everyone's offensive skills were completely ineffective, and the weaker people were involved in it on the spot.

   The black light ball formed quickly, and the time was not very long. After just a few seconds, as the dark dragon's teeth closed, the black light ball suddenly collapsed, and a large amount of dark power spread out.

   But in these short few seconds, the battlefield was almost cleared. All creatures within the range, whether foe or foe are swallowed. What he lost was only some spirits of demons and the evil dogs about to disperse, but the opponent's master lost more than half. Coupled with the fact that the leader is not far from death, the defense system of the entire city collapsed instantly.

   "Run, we, we are not their opponents, we must go to rescue."

   "Yes, I'm going to ask for help, you stay." As the first person who started to flee appeared, more and more people began to flee. The fighting power of the entire city collapsed, and a large-scale massacre began.

Du You was not in the mood to care about these things at this time, because he put all his eyes on the skull helmet in front of I don’t know why, this thing is always attracting his eyes, a voice told I want to put this on myself. Du You's expression flickered slightly, and his spirit was somewhat affected.

   But suddenly, Du You felt a clear mind, exhaled and woke up.

   "What a terrible mental pollution ability, if you really wear it, I will become your puppet." Du You thought of the hapless guy before, and his soul might have been absorbed by this helmet.

   Although I don't know what happened to this helmet, Du You decided not to keep it. Reaching out, a black flame appeared. This is Soul Eater Demon Flame, Du You rarely uses the passive skill of Soul Eater Demon Flame alone.

   Black flames wrapped the skull, and the skull vibrated constantly, sending out waves of threatening messages. After a long time, the threat turned into a warning, and the warning turned into a begging for mercy, but at this time Du You was completely unmoved.

   The mental pollution of this guy is too dangerous, and keeping it is a curse. The Devourer Flame continued to burn, and finally, the skull quieted down. Du You didn't know if this was pretended by the other party, and continued to burn it unmoved.

   I don't know how long it has been, a voice rang in Du You's mind: "Human, you are dead."

   Then, the skull split, and a large amount of black aura spread out. A large part of it was attracted by Du You, and was constantly being purified and swallowed by Du You's body. Du You felt that his physique was constantly improving. Du You knew that this was his body from the dark night.

  :. :

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