Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1072: Fight more than the number

Seeing more and more undead rushing over, and even squeezing each other to squeeze forward, Du You felt a little powerless. When dealing with the devil in the past, so long confrontation has not been so uncomfortable.

   Is it really necessary to take off in advance, first to deal with the air, and then to deal with the ground?

   It is indeed easy to win that way, and it is even possible to directly attack the fortress and kill the brood first. However, Du You felt a suffocation in his heart. When he treated a large number of opponents who were not as strong as his own, when did he give in.

   Seeing Lin Yucha's bloodthirsty wolf and Lin Yushi's lava lion are still there, but there is still a drop in the bucket. The number of demon-killing spirits is always unable to rise, some have just appeared, and they are overwhelmed by the undead in a blink of an eye.

   Even if the Demon Slayer's ability restrains the undead, and he is also good at defense, but in the face of the large number of undead who are stronger than himself, the Demon Slayer still can't last long. Ten minutes after the start of the battle, Du You suddenly felt that the two-headed Blood Demon Dog, the weakest in his hand, had died once, and then resurrected again.

   "Can't wait any longer, the loss will be great if you don't lift off. No, it seems that there is another skill that I haven't used."

   Just when Du You was about to take off temporarily, something suddenly came to mind. He also has a dark beetle skill that has not been released. Compared with the number, his own dark beetle is more powerful, isn't it?

   If you talk about the cloud of rotten insects in the past, at that time my beetle was a little weak in dealing with the undead. Skeletons are bones, there is no way to eat them. Although zombies have meat, their meat is special and full of death. Beetles eat the meat of zombies, it is not bad that they can guarantee that they do not collapse, and it is difficult to breed in large numbers.

   But now it's different. After the advanced dark beetle, it can swallow energy, and the power of death is also a kind of energy.

   "Try it, if it doesn't work, stay away from the ground temporarily." Du You said as he released the dark beetle. In an instant, countless black beetles flew out and rushed towards the bottom.

   Du You stared at these beetles and saw that the beetles began to devour the dead, not only the flesh of zombies, but even the bones of skeletons. For some spells released by the undead, many beetles flew over in mid-air, gnawing them clean.

   This ability to eat spells is an eye-opener for Du You himself. "Awesome beetle." Lin Yushi said as he moved closer to Du You. Obviously, beetles are powerful, but it is normal for girls to hate bugs.

   Du You himself did not expect this to happen. Suddenly, a group of beetles flew up and landed on the floating clouds on the platform without Du You's control, and then the beetles began to bite and merge with each other.

   "What's going on?" Du You said in a bit of surprise. The two sisters are even more strange. Don't you know your own spells.

   Speaking of it, Du You really didn't know, so he could only watch, anyway, his spells would not harm him.

   Finally, these beetles merged into a large insect in the process of fast biting and devouring. "I see, this is the female worm of the Dark Beetle. The skill introduction says that there is a female worm. That's how it came from."

   Originally, Du You thought that this female worm needed to be summoned by himself, but Du You didn't feel how the female worm was summoned. Now he understands. This big bug, three meters high and more than ten meters long, is completely dark and looks very smooth. There is also a tough shell on the surface, which is not particularly hideous.

   Unlike what Du You thought, the female worm did not lay eggs, but the whole body was constantly expanding like a balloon. In Du You's feelings, the mother worm frantically absorbed the surrounding dark elements.

   When the dark element is absorbed to a certain extent, the female worm opens its mouth like an opened balloon, and a large amount of black air current is blown out. These black air currents quickly condensed in the air, forming a dark beetle.

   "It turned out to be made like this. It's almost the same as when I made the beetles."

   When Du You released the dark beetle, he also waved a piece of dark power, and then the dark power condensed into the form of the beetle. It's just that what it consumes is its own magic power, and what the mother worm consumes is foreign elements.

   absorbs a lot of elements in one breath, so it sprays out a lot. This amount is enough to summon a dozen times by himself. As soon as the beetle took shape, it flew towards the air and began to gnaw at the undead creatures of birds in the air.

   The power of the undead is swallowed, and it has no effect on the beetle. The current beetle is simply a garbage processor that can digest everything, no matter what it is, it can eventually be reduced to dark power and then divided.

   With the release of this spell, gradually more and more beetles, from the sensible corpse to the active attack. More and more zombies and skeletons are being eaten, but these undead will not resist or slap them.

  This has led to more and more beetles, gradually forming a scale. Later, even under the control of the mother bug, some undead began to attack these beetles, to no avail.

   "The strength of the beetle is much stronger than before." Du You narrowed his eyes.

   He was already paying attention when he discovered that the undead began to attack the beetle. But after the attack of the undead knocked the beetle into the air, the beetle that was supposed to be disintegrated did nothing at all, and it continued to fly and eat other targets.

   Du You knew that now his beetle is much stronger than before, and it is no longer the fragile appearance it was before. Even in the face of large-scale purification, I am afraid that my beetle can persist for a while.

   It's just that Du You doesn't want to suffer that kind of purification, it's best to eat these undead.

   "You two, don't just watch, kill quickly, it's good for you."

   The two sisters nodded immediately, and then Lin Yucha's whirlpool arrows and Lin Yushi's bursts of shots shot one after another, specifically targeting those high-level Tier 4 undead creatures. This wave will definitely make a lot of money.

  As the undead creatures are constantly being killed, the two people feel that their skills are gradually improving. I am afraid that they will be able to advance after this battle is over.

   Du You also felt relieved, and began to cooperate with the beetles to continuously release and devour the swamp. At this time, Du You had gradually forgotten the brood.

   But after the mother nest found that something was wrong, she jumped out again. No, it's not the mother's nest, but the great ape that drags the mother's nest. The giant dog suddenly threw the rope away, no longer dragged the nest, but rushed over by himself.


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