Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1088: Tier 7 brood is going crazy

Du You's actions became smoother and smoother, and he gained more and more gains. Gradually, the azurite coins in his hand have reached a good amount. Even if you want to break through level 43 and reach level 44, there is no problem.

   However, Du You was not in a hurry to improve his strength. On the one hand, he had to take advantage of his low level to accumulate a large number of Kyanite coins and at the same time accumulate a batch of equipment. On the other hand, Du You also wanted to settle first.

   If your strength increases too fast, it is easy to cause insufficient control of your own strength.

  Furthermore, I have not yet undergone the cohesion strengthening of the skill hall. If I improve too much, not only the strengthening will take more time, but also the control of my own power will be problematic. It takes longer to solve this kind of problem, and it may not be able to completely solve it.

   For the future, Du You wants to understand, it is better to suppress the strength first.

   Anyway, along the way, I have been suppressing the strength and improving the foundation and foundation.

   I don't know how many days have passed, but the skeletons under Du You's control are full of mountains and plains, and they can't be counted. Even Du You has a feeling that so many skeletons can deal with sixth-order enemies.

   Of course, this is just an illusion. Du You knew that compared with Tier 6, he was too far behind. If you really go to trouble with Tier 6, the other party can definitely turn yourself into a scum. However, if it is dealing with an existence close to Tier 6, perhaps such a huge Sea of ​​Skulls may not necessarily be defeated, provided that the opponent does not run away.

   The brood of this world, it is impossible to escape, because the larger the body, the more difficult it is to move.

   It's just that Du You hasn't taken any action yet, suddenly the panel lights up, and the college directly contacted everyone.

   "What's the matter? It is necessary to use such intense information to transmit, but also to notify everyone. What, there is a seventh-order brood dispatched, and the professionals are still being cleared. The college requires us to avoid as soon as possible and not to be discovered.

   "Master, but we just left, what do these skeletons do, do you want to give up. Without our control, these skeletons will lose a lot." Lin Yushi was a little bit sad.

   Now these demon flame bones are more than their own demon-killing spirits, I don't know how much, Lin Yushi feels distressed for Du You.

   Du You's expression condensed: "I can't control that much. We don't know what the seventh-order ability has, and we must avoid it as soon as possible. If we don't find us, we won't lose too much even if we lose, so hurry up."

   Du You ignored the undead city being attacked. Finally, an order was issued to make the skeletons besiege with all their strength, and Du You left with the two sisters. Even, in order to prevent being discovered, they are still far away from their own legion.

  In a secret small mountain, Lin Yucha launched the invisibility cloak, hiding everyone familiar.

   "Does this really work?" Lin Yucha was a little unconfident about her abilities.

   "It should be okay, after all, we are only Tier 5, or the pseudo-Fifth Tier that just broke through. The powerhouse of Tier 7 won't care about us." Du You muttered, feeling a burst of surprise. Is the seventh-tier brood, isn't it a brood anymore, will it still move? The higher the level of the brood, the bigger it is.

   Originally, Tier 5 can fly, but the nest of Tier 5 is too big, let alone flying, even if you want to move, it’s not easy.

   "It's almost an hour, is there really a Tier 7 brood? Could it be that the academy misunderstood it?" Lin Yushi looked at the distance, thinking of the skeletons that were constantly losing, and her heart was depressed.

   "It shouldn't be wrong. The college does not do this kind of thing once or twice."

   As soon as Du You finished speaking, a powerful pressure suddenly fell from the sky, as if a large rock was lying across his chest, and it was too heavy for people to breathe. Du You knew that this was the coercion of an absolute higher existence.

   looked into the air, barely able to see a small black spot, what exactly was not visible.

   But the next moment, a black air current suddenly fell from the sky. Du You was horrified to feel the powerful pressure contained within that power. That should be the law.

   The seventh rank can be called a **** because of the existence of this law.

   Everything was burnt, and the world was dim. Du You didn't know where he was, or even how it turned out. When the coercion disappeared, Du You gasped, as if a long time had passed.

   "It's such a strong coercion. We can't resist even the coercion from such a distance. The gap between the seventh and sixth tiers is too big." Lin Yucha finally felt that he could speak completely.

   "Yes, the gap between each level will get bigger and bigger in the later stage, the seventh level, that is a qualitative change."

  Du You's current altitude, some things are already known, there is no seventh step on the earth, or even if there is one, he will not make a move. This is an agreement between higher beings, people of rank seven and above are not allowed to shoot on the side of the earth.

   Their strength is too strong, even today this enlarged earth, the ability to bear it is not so strong.

   It is said that there was once a seventh-tier powerhouse who hit the earth and wounded the earth As a result, he faced the punishment of the earth's will and died very miserably. It is precisely because of this that professionals above the seventh level will basically not stay on the earth. They either live in a different world all year round, or live on other planets.

   "Look, over there, our skeletons are gone." Suddenly, Lin Yushi's voice sounded.

   Du You looked up and saw a terrifying scene. The original lush forest disappeared, replaced by the dark ground, the desolate environment, and the underworld in the real impression.

   All the demon flame skeletons disappeared completely, the same is true of the Demon Slayer, even the undead city was razed to the ground. None of the undead creatures on the ground were left, all of them perished.

   The huge environmental change is not very far from their side. If the previous attack deviated a little bit from his side, I am afraid that he would also fall within the scope of that terrorist attack.

   Such a terrifying existence, no one can stop it now, and I don’t know how great the loss of the academy will be this time.

   "Who is it that can provoke such a powerful existence?"

"Who knows, I only know, now we'd better not take any action and wait for the next step from the academy." In this dangerous environment, Du You dare not run around now, he still waits here to see the academy. How to say it.

   The two sisters nodded and completely agreed with Du You's meaning that now the world is not safe.

  :. :

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