Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1127: Easily win the first round

In the face of challengers, the Dragon Clan is never timid, especially when the challengers are of the same clan.

The Black Dragon King opened his mouth, roared, and breathed out a dragon's breath at the dark dragon. The dark dragon was also unwilling to show its weakness, and replied with a breath of dragon's breath, and the two forces collided in mid-air.

Obviously it was a flame dragon's breath that had no entity, but the collision was like two meteors colliding with each other. That huge force made the entire valley vibrate. As the dragon's breath exploded, it could be seen that the dragon's breath of the dark dragon was weaker.

"This strength does not seem to be the king's opponent." A black dragon said to the companion next to him.

"It's still too young. If it's me, I will practice for a while before coming out. It's too early to come out now, and you will die if you fail the battle. Even if you can escape, you will lose the opportunity to challenge again."

The dragons have their own rules, and they must be eager to challenge them. This time they failed, and they will become stronger in the future, and they will not have the opportunity to challenge. Because even if the challenge is successful later, there will not be any dragon recognition.

In the air, the two black dragons have started a fierce fight. The claws and teeth kept colliding, and the dragon's breath broke out from time to time. Two dragons, one large and one small, madly attacked each other, trying to make scars on each other's body. However, because of the defense of the dragon scales, they fought for a while, and there were not many scars on the two dragons.

"Master, it seems that the strength of the dark dragon seems to be weaker." Lin Yushi also noticed it.

Lin Yucha shook his head and said: "Although the strength is weak, the dark dragon has its own assassin. Once triggered, it is definitely not the dragon king that can fight." Lin Yucha was very optimistic.

Du You looked contemplative: "It would be best if the dark dragon can be won. With so many dragons, even if we take action, it is difficult to guarantee that one will not run away. Yalong and the dragon people have the right to speak. If it is not high, it is not persuasive, they will not believe it. But if it is a dragon, the persuasive power is very high."

What Du You was worried about was that the other Dragon Kings and the Dragon Legion would unite and attack them. If all the Tier 5 dragons unite, Du You really can't be sure that he must be their opponent.

Below, a few dragon beasts looked desperately in the air: "Why don't you believe it, our legion has really been slaughtered, really, maybe those people will come over soon."

"Shut up, what human beings can destroy you is obviously that you don't want to work and are making excuses. Why, is it easier to be fooled by Lao Tzu, and if you dare to talk nonsense, Lao Tzu will kill you."

A black dragon next to him patted his companion: "Come down, don't be distracted by this kind of thing, now it's the battle for the dragon king, don't worry about other things. If a new dragon king is born, we have to consider what we should do in the future. "

"What else can I do? Just keep it like this. Anyway, our dragons have always been like this."

"Cut, the new dragon king can be promoted so fast, there must be a secret method, if I can get the trust of the new dragon king, I can also practice faster." The dragon has a long lifespan, but the speed of promotion is a little too slow.

"Okay, shut up, don't you see, the black dragon king is stronger. Although the young black dragon is good, it is still a little worse." It was the old dragon who was talking. These old dragons are the confidants of the Black Dragon King, and of course they hope that the Black Dragon King can continue to serve as the Dragon King, otherwise they will lose a lot of power.

The battle in the air had already reached a fever pitch, and the two dragons were constantly entangled with each other. In battles between dragons, spells are rarely used, because direct use of claws and teeth is more threatening.

Finally, the two dragons entangled in the air. The dark dragon directly launched its big move, Dim Swallowing, a black ball of light condensed in its mouth, and the light ball directly engulfed one of the black dragon king's wings.

The Black Dragon King let out a scream, and then the black power of his whole body expanded, as if he was wearing a layer of armor. The black body bit the dark dragon fiercely, and the dark dragon was torn in half at once.

The light ball disappeared, and all the dragon races were shocked to see that one of the black dragon king's wings had disappeared, and the roots of the wings were bloody. As a giant dragon, while having a strong body, it is very troublesome to regenerate. A wing is annihilated, and it will take at least a few hundred years before it can grow back.

However, in any case, he was victorious after all. The strength of this junior is really too strong.

However, just when the Black Dragon King wanted to shout and celebrate, a black energy suddenly condensed in front of his eyes, and the dark dragon appeared again, and it still appeared in its full form.

"Impossible, how can dragons have resurrection skills? Where did you learn them?"

The Black Dragon King was shocked and greedy at the same time. If he had this trick, he could even challenge the status of the Holy Dragon King. Holy Dragon King, the most powerful of all dragon kings.

"Even if you are alive, I will make you die again." The bonus state on his body has not disappeared yet.

It was just that the black dragon king who rushed forward did not expect that the dark dragon in front of him raised his neck and greeted his attack with the inverted scales on his body. Is this dying, but the Black Dragon King didn't have time to stop, and a paw caught the dark dragon's inverted scale. With a "click", a crack was caught on Nilin.

The dark dragon roared, and the aura on his body rapidly expanded in the mysterious gaze of the Black Dragon King.

Inverse scale: When the inverse scale is attacked, the dark dragon will enter a state of anger, and the attribute increase is superimposed with the attribute enhancement of other skills. The scales are crushed, and the dark dragon will fall into a state of extreme weakness, which will lead to death in severe cases.

The strength of the two dragons was similar, but the dark dragon's attributes instantly increased by 30%, which was an increase in basic attributes. These 30% attributes have skyrocketed even more under the surge of other skills.

It looked like a big dark dragon, grabbing the black dragon king's claws and tearing it forcefully, and uprooted it all at once. The black dragon king of the dragon roared, trying to retreat, but there was no chance. The dark dragon stepped forward to grab it, and then a breath of the dragon spit out, hitting the black dragon king's abdomen hard, and the black dragon king's abdomen was instantly hit with a huge scar.

The dark dragon completely ignored itself and rushed to bite wildly. The unstoppable Black Dragon King just struggled for a while before being completely crushed. The whole body was torn to pieces. There was no chance to escape, only left. A piece of debris.

When the last head was torn off, the Black Dragon King still opened his eyes wide, and he had no idea that he would end this way.

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