Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1158: Visit Saint Fox City

Suddenly, Griffon's aura receded, and no longer continued to suppress these foxmen, and these foxmen also reduced their aura at the same time. They didn't want to be treated as a provocation by Aisha, that would be dead.

"Let's go, I will take you in to visit Saint Fox City. The current Saint Fox Canyon is completely different from before."

"Do you want to put us under house arrest? If so, we will resist desperately," said the red fox master.

"No, it's useless for you to be under house arrest. I just want you to look at the background of our Saint Fox City. As the leader of all the fox people, the white fox clan has no strength, I am afraid you will look down on it."

Hearing this, the most embarrassing thing is not the other fox masters, but the existence of the white fox, the high priest. Under his leadership, the white fox clan hasn't gotten much better, there were only three fifth ranks before. Now, after one was killed by Aisha, there are only two left. As for the griffins, they are not from the white fox family.

Although it can be said that it is Aisha's power, the high priest still feels the burning on his face.

Others have no choice but to follow, who makes them weak. A large number of griffins were staring around, and no one dared to move. Otherwise those griffins will definitely let them know what misery is.

As for capturing Aisha, they just thought about it. Aisha was always separated by two Diamond Griffons. The first time they attacked, they would definitely be stopped by the Diamond Griffon.

And several fox people have always felt a threat in the dark, and that threat is fatal. They knew that this was definitely a means that Aisha secretly prepared. If she dares to do it, she will die.

The situation is better than people. Now they can only watch what Aisha wants to do, and can't do anything.

To their surprise, Aisha really didn't like them, but led these people toward the open door. The bustling inside can already be seen from the outside, and when they walked inside, they saw the difference in this place. The neat houses around looked as if they had come to a human city.

Of course, they don't know what a human city looks like, but even the top big city of the orcs is definitely not so neat. A large number of people from the White Fox tribe came and went, each busy with their own affairs, without any sense of crisis at all.

"Here, how come there are so many white foxes, how many people are there!" The high priest's eyes widened and his face was inconceivable.

Of course, he knew that the high-level White Fox teamed up to resist Aisha. In fact, he himself had contributed to the situation behind the scenes. If a few people from the White Fox tribe would come to this place, I might not know.

But there are too many white foxes here. At a glance, even if it is in front of them, there are at least thousands of people. No, I'm afraid there are thousands of people, otherwise it won't have such a large scale.

Looking in the distance, the city has a larger scale, even occupying the entire middle section of the canyon. If the same is true in other places, then there will be more than 100,000 members of the white fox clan in this place. However, the total number of the white fox family is only a few hundred thousand. It is impossible for such a large transfer of personnel to be completely ignorant.

Aisha introduced as she walked: "The Saint Fox Canyon now has one million people from the White Fox tribe, and it will increase in the future."

You can see from the panel, the number above is exactly this number, neat and tidy.

"Impossible, our family of white foxes does not have a million together." The high priest shouted gaffefully. Others didn't think that the high priest was pretending to be pretending this time, because they all knew what happened to the white fox.

There is no one million in total, which is very normal. After all, the white fox family has always lived in such a place, and other ethnic groups have the obligation to worship the white fox family in name. How could they not pay attention to it.

Aisha said indifferently: "Of course there are one million, and I will show you later. I will show you that. Saint Fox Canyon can't hold so many people, so we explored the back forest. Now the back forest already has them. A large area was opened up by us, the monsters inside were killed, and our people lived in safety over there."

The high priest closed his mouth, seeing is believing. Although I don't know where these people come from, they are indeed from the white fox clan. The most important thing is that everyone actually has traces of cultivation.

You must know that cultivation requires resources, and no matter which ethnic group, it is impossible for everyone to practice, because resources simply can't keep up. They don't know that those living buildings are the biggest cheaters.

Aisha seemed to be totally unaware of their surprise, and she led people forward while introducing the things around her. Of course, most of the surroundings are residential buildings, living buildings and so on, just find an excuse.

Aisha pointed to a farm and said, "This is our plant cultivation base."

Just one sentence did not arouse other people's suspicion. Who would have thought that such a small thing could support the food problem of a large population. They thought it was a seed cultivation base for a certain crop, or a planting base for a certain kind of herbal medicine.

The more you go inside, the more shocked the faces of these people. It is true that the population here is too much and too dense. If this is also the case in the rear, there may be a population of hundreds of thousands of In addition to the population, there are also the lives of these people. Judging from their appearance, it is obvious that they are not living in poverty, but rather prosperous.

"Oh my God, how come there is a white fox monster!" Suddenly, a yellow fox master yelled out of control.

When everyone looked over there, they were also shocked. What they saw, a group of huge white fox beasts, there are not many such beasts even among the white fox clan. But how many they saw here, a large group.

It's densely packed, what is going on. And these white foxes are not weak, there are Tier 4 and Tier 3. The fact that so many white foxes can survive here steadily indicates that there must be a special secret method for raising white foxes.

"You said those, we found them in the forest behind. If you accept the rule of the white fox clan, then we can also give you some of these monsters, but that will have to wait until later."

Aisha did not hide her determination to control the fox clan. As for giving away white foxes, they are all naturally bred later, or bred on farms. The extent to which they can be cultivated depends on their own.

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