Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1162: This is the 5th order

When Du You complained, he suddenly found that the experience value in the panel was full. Du You's heart moved, and he understood what was going on. "It seems that the news here is spreading quickly."

   Du You said to Aisha on the opposite side of the screen: "How are you now? Is the degree of completion enough? Can you advance?"

Aisha shook her head: "No, now there are only 7 stars for advanced level, maybe it can reach the level of 8 stars, but it's definitely not enough." Because of Du You's influence, Aisha wants to advance to reach her own star limit. Just work.

   Du You nodded: "Then continue, don't worry for the time being. How about, do you want me to change you back."

   Two sisters Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi shook their heads quickly and said: "No need, we can just watch it here, there will be no problems. Master, you should condense your skills."

   Du You saw that the two sisters had made up their minds, and did not force them: "Well, then you are careful. If you encounter danger, take Aisha to escape, and then I will take someone to rescue."

   It's nothing to waste a few days of condensing skills, the key is that one's own people can't have problems.

   Aisha's originally planned trip to the Red Fox clan was delayed in this way. Fortunately, Aisha hadn't said when it would pass, so this is not a breach of her promise.

   Through the batch of aquamarine coins left by Du You, Saint Fox City began to upgrade. After Saint Fox City advanced to Tier 5, Aisha immediately organized people to start building her own Saint Fox Palace, and then upgraded the White Fox Altar.

   Two days later, the Saint Fox Palace was the first to be successfully constructed and appeared in front of Aisha. "This is all right, with the Foxman's own Tier 5 master, it will definitely give people a greater shock." Aisha was very happy to recruit new troops.

   White Fox Palace (Fifth Order):

   Holy Beast Warrior man/month, full price 1000 Kyanite coins/person

   Temple worshipers/month, full price 1500 Kyanite coins/person

   This time it was considered to have won the grand prize, and two Tier 5 units appeared at once. After Aisha recruited them, she found that the holy beast fighters were the same as her own, who were all holy boxers.

   There is no heavy equipment, just the kind of fighting with one's own fists. Even in the mastery of many skills, it is no worse than Aisha. There are not as many skills as Aisha, but he has a lot of skills, and even Aisha does not know how.

   Aisha judged based on her own knowledge of her profession, and determined that these holy beast fighters are very powerful. It may not be suitable for uniting to form an army, but the specific combat is only stronger than other warriors of the orcs.

   Now, the weakness of the fox clan is compensated. "Just let them see, the strength of our fox clan can't be underestimated." Aisha clenched her fist and looked proud. These are all powers that can be cultivated by members of their own tribe.

   Speaking of Tier 5 again, it was originally impossible for Tier 5 fighters to form an army. The particularity of this sacred beast warrior is more suitable for five levels of fighting, and can exert greater combat effectiveness.

   As for the temple sacrifice, this is very similar to the ordinary fox sacrifice. It's just that the strength has reached the fifth rank, the specific combat spells have increased a lot, and the bonus force for the army is also stronger.

   The specific unit buildings and units are definitely worthy of their own prices. "It's a pity, the cost is a bit too high."

   Lin Yucha nodded slightly: "It is high now, but if your fox-man civilians practice hard and improve their strength, in the future, using them as a template to train soldiers, the phone bill will be much less."

   The price of Tier 5 arms is not low, and it is impossible to manufacture all these arms according to the fact that the territory can get crystal coins every day. Aisha can only do it now with Du You's support.

   But anyway, with these hundred and fifty Tier 5 white foxes, even if other fox people see it, they will definitely be surprised. The combined strength of these people may be stronger than the overall strength of the Red Fox clan.

   This special territory building is indeed the biggest cheat device. In a short period of time, as long as the territory level increases, one's own strength can surpass the entire fox family. If it wasn't this, it was her own world, Aisha would not even look down on those fox people. The speed of his own development may even be faster than that of the entire race.

   I don't care, I still have a task, so let's do it first. In the next few days, through the consumption of a lot of materials, the white fox altar finally reached the fifth stage. Because the white fox altar itself is the reason for its upgradeability, after it was upgraded to Tier 5, a new unit appeared directly, and there was no need to create it by yourself.

   White Fox Altar (fifth order):

   White Fox Warcraft only/month, full price of 200 green crystal coins/piece

   White Fox Warcraft only/month, full price 200 topaz/only

  The King of White Fox only/month, full price of 1000 Kyanite coins/piece

   The number of third-order peaks and fourth-order peaks of the white fox monsters has increased, reaching the level of one thousand and five hundred. The king of white fox added afterwards, although only 45 ~ ~, but the quality has reached the middle of the fifth level.

   can produce one hundred each month, and now after producing one hundred, his own military strength has been improved again.

"This time I go to the red fox clan, with these forces, we must let them see our strength. When the red fox clan is solved, I feel that my task is almost completed." Aisha said to herself Said.

   "Then congratulations in advance." The two sisters Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi raised their mouths and smiled.

"The next step is to upgrade the level of the sacrificial temple. The sacrificial temple is not an upgradeable building. Although it can also be upgraded to Tier 5, it takes a lot of resources and time. You must be prepared. Also, new units What are you going to do."

Aisha said without hesitation: "I have investigated it a long time ago. My roots should be the Arctic Fox family. Although I can't find the Arctic Fox family's Tier 5 combat power to make, I can use other Orc family arms to make it. Just spend a sum of crystal coins. The effect may be a little short, but there is no problem in reaching Tier 5 arms."

  Well, Aisha was already in her chest for a long time, and when she saw this, the two sisters stopped talking.

   However, with the completion of the upgrade of the arms building, new forces have been created, so there can be no further delay. Aisha prepared her team and set off all the way towards the red fox group.

   At the same time, the two sisters also disguised themselves and followed the team. As long as they did not expose themselves, who knew there were two humans here.

  :. :

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