Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1183: Means of the Shadow Council

Lin Yucha seemed to have thought of something, and she pressed her anxious sister: "Master, do you mean to use dark beetles to deal with them." They are also bug users, and of course they know the weaknesses and advantages of bugs. .

"That's right, that's how it is. It is best to use insects to deal with insects. Although this kind of natural disaster demon insects are relatively large, their real power is not a direct attack, but that kind of special toxicity, and their own. The sixth-order trait of. Although this trait is powerful, it is limited by the weakness of the individual, so it is not so obvious."

   "If we fight, our insects also have the characteristics of Tier 5, maybe one is not an opponent, but the number is not necessarily the same. Besides, our insects restrain toxicity, will split, and will only fight more and more."

   Lin Yucha nodded slightly: "That's right, you can try it, but we must ensure our own safety."

   Du You smiled: "Of course, I didn't plan to test the other party's toxicity by myself. And one more thing, since the other party wants us to send things back, it means that he thinks this piece of information is credit."

   The two sisters understand that there is no obvious credit in the data, only they are killed. But since it was regarded as credit and thought that the Shadow Council would reward their family members, it means that the credit itself lies with the bug.

   "Master, do you mean that this bug will explode something special?" Lin Yushi said.

   "There must be, but I don't know if I can use it. But it doesn't matter if I don't use it. Items that can be considered good by the masters of the Shadow Council can be exchanged for what we need."

Now Du You and Lin Yushi still lack the skills that can be directly locked, and they are still the skills that are directly above Tier 4 and do not need to look for advanced materials. He is not sure that he will be able to advance to Tier 7 before. , You can definitely find advanced materials. High-level special skills are not so easy to obtain.

   Just as they were talking, suddenly, the crystal flakes burst open. A special force immediately enveloped the photon elves and penetrated in instantly. A faint gray light also appeared on the black body of the photon elf.

   "What's the matter? What happened?" Du You looked back at the photon elf.

   "This should be the method of the Shadow Council. It's really insidious, it won't open until the end of the screen." The end of the screen means that the usual people's vigilance will be reduced to a minimum.

   At this time, it is easy to be recruited. Fortunately, they are far away, and they haven't watched the last scene, but have been discussing here, otherwise who knows if they will be recruited.

   Du You opened the panel and looked through the records. After a long time, he said solemnly: "It is indeed the Shadow Council. These methods are not one-off, but two sets."

Du You disclosed the panel information: "First, the chip will release instantaneous spells to the surrounding area, and those who cannot resist will die on the spot. Then, if the person who has been hit by the spell is not dead, it will leave a mark on the person. This mark is very difficult to remove, and it will basically dissipate after death. In other words, if you move this thing, you are the enemy of the Shadow Council."

   is still the kind with its own coordinates, Du You said silently in his heart. Anyone who is targeted by the Shadow Council will definitely not end well. Fortunately, this time it was not them themselves, but a summoned beast.

   "It's really sinister." The two sisters also looked fortunate, their luck was pretty good.

   "Then master, what shall we do now, the photon elf has been recruited." Lin Yushi pointed to the photon elf and said.

   Du You waved his hand: "Let him die once." Du You just ordered, and the photon elf instantly blew himself up. As a special summoned beast, the photon elf can explode itself. Although it has no power, suicide is no problem.

   After the photon elf exploded, the breath on his body disappeared, leaving a special force in place, struggling constantly. The next moment, the Photon Elf suddenly resurrected, and this power penetrated into the Photon Elf for the first time.

"Can it last for a while? This will not be a means to prevent the enemy from resurrecting in a special way. However, after the resurrection, the power of this coordinate has weakened a lot." Du You really admired the method of the Dead Shadow Council. .

   But Du You didn't worry, and when his heart moved, the photon elf blew himself up again. This time it was really dead, and it would take six hours to resurrect. And that power lingered in the air, constantly squirming.

   Under Du You's vigilant gaze, this force hovered for five minutes before gradually dissipating.

   Until this time, Du You finally felt relieved. "Okay, now that this power has dissipated, it is impossible for the Shadow Council to know what we have done. Next, we will choose the place with many bugs first."

The special natural disaster cloud of the Demon Scourge can breed a large number of insects. These insects are also the food of the demon The number of insects is very large, densely packed, and I don’t know what conditions are used to feed so many. Bug's. But so many insects are not only food for the demons, but also food for other insect-eating creatures. For example, your own dark beetle can use any meat or energy as food.

   I don’t know if we continue to evolve, will we be able to eat even with plants, because that would really mean nothing will grow.

  Since you want to deal with the monsters, you must first choose a good place. This neighborhood is also used as pasture by demon insects. After a large number of insects have reproduced, they will come to eat a wave, as if it were pasture planted by herders.

   With the help of Lin Yucha's eagle's arrow, he was attached to the spirit from a high altitude to view. It didn't take long for Du You to choose the best path. Because I didn't dare to come close, I could only use this method to view.

   There are many monsters around, patrolling around like sentinels. Once discovered by these monsters, Du You and the others might not be able to run off the speed.

   "Very good, that's it, let's start." With that, Du You waved his hand and spilled a dark beetle. After all this was done, Du You took the two sisters and hurried away from this place. Flew hundreds of kilometers all the way, then stopped.

But stopping does not mean that there are no other actions. Lin Yucha summons floating clouds on the platform, changes its shape, wraps the three of them in it, and then uses the cloak of invisibility outside, and all the breath disappears. . This trick was just thought of by Du You Lingji.


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