Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1185: Tier 6 Demon Insects Appear

The dark beetle constantly swallows all kinds of insects, and constantly splits and multiplies toward the surroundings, but there is always no way to grow like a snowball. Bugs are indeed a good way to deal with bugs, no matter which side it is.

   Fortunately, his dark beetle is still increasing. If it weren't for this, this battle might be lost.

  In the distance, the demons who didn't feel much at first also felt the messages sent by other similar species. These monsters don't like the same kind very much, so everyone is far apart.

   But after receiving news of an attack from a foreigner, these monsters still flew over, preparing to fight the enemy together. If the monsters have a mind, they will find that it is almost the same as the refueling tactics now.

   The number of monsters keeps increasing, and the number of beetles keeps increasing. The two sides attack each other to consume each other's number, but the monster is always using itself to increase the number of enemies. But they are all bugs, there is no too clever consciousness at all, so this kind of fueling tactic has been carried out.

   Time is passing slowly, and it has been a whole day. My own female insects have been killed several times by demon insects. In the end, the beetles found that something was wrong and made the female insects directly underground in the center of the colony. This ensures that the female insects will not die soon.

  The whole day of fighting has increased the number of beetles to a terrifying level, but the degree of gathering of monsters is also very exaggerated. If someone can see this scene, they will find that the sky and the earth are all black now.

   is like black clouds entangled with each other, constantly clashing with each other. There are more dark clouds gathering here in the distance, this scene can make the timid person be directly scared to death.

   On Du You's side, several spheres have already been opened. When each group basically dies, it will declare the death of this group, and then you can get a ball.

   Not all individuals are counted after they are clean, as long as 90% of them die. The remaining ones may be able to re-establish the group, but the panel calculations will not count those bugs.

   Of course, Du You understands that 80% of these dead demons and insects have been wiped out, because this is a battle between insects and insects. Don't say that the other party won't run away, even if they want to run, they can't escape.

   "The sixth-order bugs are here." Suddenly, Du You spoke.

   The moment of real tension has arrived, the sixth-order insect swarm, if its beetle can't stop it at all, it's really dead. Moreover, I still don't know what the benefits of this time are.

   Demon Insect Powder: Tier 5 material, ten parts of Demon Insect Powder can be fused with Insect King Powder to form a mysterious material.

   That's right, this is the magic insect powder Du You got, but Du You didn't know what was the use of this thing. Du You didn't get the insect king powder. If the special use is material, it can only be known after going back.

   Du You put away a piece of Demon Insect Powder again, and then once again focused on the battle on the front line.

   The sixth-order monster has finally arrived. It is larger than the fifth-order, but there is no change in itself, and it is still the same shape. However, with the help of a larger size, the monster can still kill a dark beetle in one bite.

   These monsters seem to be smarter than those of Tier 5. After eating some of the beetles, they found something was wrong, and then they stopped eating. It's just being killed and the matter dissipated, so that the speed is faster.

   And Du You found that his own dark beetle could only leave a scar on the opponent's body by dying one of them in desperate circumstances. Basically, you have to kill dozens of them to kill one of the opponents. At this speed, his dark beetle might die clean. Thinking of this, Du You knew that he had to take action.

   "The dark beetle inside is completely surrounded and can't get out at all, so I'm the only one who can cast the spell. Yucha, open a gap for me to use."

   Lin Yucha knew that this decision was risky, but since Du You said it, Lin Yucha gritted his teeth and opened it. Just opened, Du You waved a dark beetle to release, and then the gap closed again.

Under Du You's command, the beetle flew in another direction. The demon insects in that direction have all left, but a large number of insects still remain. This is Du You's idea, using the insects left by the other party to breed a group of insects.

   After a long time, Du You breathed a sigh of relief, and the behavior of his own risk was not discovered by those monsters. Maybe it was discovered but didn't care about it. In short, there is no danger to himself.

   Those beetles flew quietly to the other side, taking advantage of the fact that there were no monsters to make trouble, they began to swallow and multiply.

   Fortunately, these beetles have existed for a long time, otherwise Du You didn't know whether the beetles could survive when they flew to a place. As before, a large number of beetles began to swallow and multiply, constantly splitting.

   means there is no mother worm, so the speed of evolution is very slow. But because there is no interference from the demon insects, these dark beetles reproduce very fast ~ ~ finally slowly under Du You's thinking, moving closer to those beetles that have been highly evolved. The smooth and hard body surface, and the huge mouthparts suitable for fighting insects.

   After a long time, when Du You found out that most of his original group of dark beetles had died. The new group of dark beetles has eaten up a large area of ​​the bugs, and the number is very large at this time.

   This number is almost ten times that of the previous group. Feeling this situation vaguely, Du You nodded with satisfaction. "Leave some, continue to spread to other places, and others will support in the past."

   Following Du You's order, most of the dark beetles flew toward the battlefield. Demon insects, who were desperately eradicating foreign insects, suddenly discovered that more beetles appeared behind them.

   That poor thinking won't make the monsters think about why there are so many enemies. They only know that they are enemies and will be destroyed. As a result, a battle similar to the two-sided flanking started. The first to be unlucky was the group of sixth-order bugs.

   After such a long battle, although Tier 6 Demon Insects wiped out a large number of beetles, the beetles are not vegetarian. This group of Tier 6 monsters has already been wiped out by one third.

   After the newly arrived beetles come into contact with the female beetles, their reproductive ability begins to accelerate, and it only takes a while to upgrade to the same level as those highly evolved beetles. At the beginning of the encirclement and suppression, the group of Tier 6 demon insects gradually walked towards the direction of destruction. "Great, we are very hopeful that we will eliminate these Tier 6 beetles." The reward for eliminating Tier 6 I didn't expect to get it.


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