Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1188: Large Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer: Infiltrate the enemy's body with a specially constructed seed of the power of Demon Slayer. When the enemy is killed, the seed will absorb the enemy's vitality and energy to form the Demon Slayer. The level of the Demon Slayer cannot exceed the level of the deceased before his death. The maximum level is skill level -10, and the duration is 72 hours. The attack comes with an extinction effect, and each attack consumes part of the enemy's magic power. One percent of the consumed magic power will converge on itself to restore the power of exterminating magic. It can summon 1,000 large-scale demon-killing spirits of level 40 out of thin air. Enemies killed by the large-scale demon-killing spirits will automatically summon the demon-killing spirits for 72 hours. (Level 46, 9 stars)

   Looking at this new skill, it turned out that the front is the same as my own, and there is no change, except that additional abilities have been added at the back. However, the effect of this additional ability is really great.

   "Well, it can be summoned out of thin air. Although it is also level 40, there are actually a thousand."

   These thousand Tier 4 pinnacle pets are basically of little use to their team. These large-scale demon-killing spirits also don't have the requirement of high IQ, but they are much smarter than ordinary demon-killing spirits. The mobile terminal will remember "→m.\\B\\iq\\u\\g\\o\\m" in one second to provide you with wonderful \\fiction reading.

   Check out the small detailed description. Sure enough, these guys can also be used to control the Demon Slayer and assist in combat.

   In the future, he transferred the Demon Slayer to a place far away from him to fight. Lin Yushi was able to do it too. This was a pioneering move.

   "The true essence is not in these large-scale demon-killing spirits, but in that these large-scale demon-killing spirits can be made out of thin air. This is the most useful sacrifice for the king of the rain poem."

  The sacrifice of the king of Lin Yushi, only when he has a summoned object, can he use the summoned object to quickly restore his magic power. If there are enough summoned objects, the speed of regaining magic power is definitely the fastest among all people.

   In the past, it was necessary to hunt down some enemies first, and then create the spirit of exterminator. If encountering that kind of special situation, there is no way to create a large number of demons, then the recovery of Lin Yushi's magic power is very problematic.

Now it’s different. Although the large-scale Demon Slayer is only level 40, these thousand can also support the rapid recovery of Lin Yushi’s magic power. It is not as good as Du You and Lin Yucha, but it is also comparable to Lin Yucha. One-fifth of the recovery speed. Don't underestimate this one-fifth, it is already faster than most magicians' recovery speed.

   "Another essence is that these large demons can automatically summon ordinary demons, saving Rain Poem a lot of time and can be used to attack those powerful creatures."

Du You nodded. This is correct. In the past, Lin Yushi would give up those powerful enemies, attack weak ones first, and spend a lot of magic power to display the spirit of exterminating demons, in order to restore and improve his magic power. Add seeds to it.

   I don’t need it now. The large-scale Demon Slayer prepared in advance can help me make these cannon fodder. And as the level increases, I believe the level of these things will also increase.

   Now the spirit of Demon Slayer made by Lin Yushi has the highest level of 36, which is not much weaker than the large-scale Demon Slayer of level 40.

   The only thing that makes people feel pity is that the maintenance time is still three days, even if it is a large one.

   "Summon one to come out and have a look." Du You said.

   Lin Yushi nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a large-scale demon-killing spirit appeared beside him. Because the insects have been wiped out, the three of them are relieved and don't have to worry about any attacks they will encounter.

   This large-scale demon-killing spirit is not like those small ones. Ordinary demon-killing spirits are like dwarfs, and the highest is only about 1.5 meters. But the large one is different, the worst is only two and a half meters. The whole body is golden, the luster is more intense but not dazzling, and the muscle contours on the body are faintly visible. TV debut

   The huge body and the wings on the back look very mighty. But this shape looks a bit like a demon. It's just that the breath on the body is completely different, and the colors are also different.

   If you don't say it, no one will think that this is an evil creature, and the image is so decent.

   After experimenting with combat power, Du You found that the power of these large-scale demon-killing spirits was much stronger than that of their counterparts. Even after a comparison and calculation, there was no way for ordinary demon-killing spirits of the same level to compare with them.

  Moreover, large-scale Demon Slayers are still good at defense, and even more powerful defenses, but their attacks are also not weak.

   In terms of IQ, I don’t have a high IQ, but it’s comparable to a teenager. I do well in obeying and executing orders, but I don’t know how to adapt, but this is enough.

  , after all, is used for warfare, not for fighting with individuals, this kind of change is really bigger than the change of one's own skills. But on the whole, it's still a lot worse.

  Because there are only a thousand large-scale demon-killing spirits at most, and as long as he keeps on offering sacrifices, he can have as many as he wants.

  After leaving you can take your own bone dragon or take it with you. Although he couldn't take it back into the summoning space, there was no problem with taking it away. When they are collected, a Tier 4 bone dragon army can also be formed.

   After just thinking about it, Du You gave up, and his Tier 5 soldiers had formed a legion. It was useless to ask for these things. The biggest role is to control a large number of skeletons and win the battle at the upper and lower levels of the battlefield.

   There are not so many corpses for Du You to use, because they were all eaten up by the beetles. Besides, the worms are too small and the corpses are useless. Otherwise, Du You would definitely summon two bone dragons to experiment.

   "The purpose of coming to the monster world this time has been successfully achieved, but the time is a little bit faster. So, don't upgrade for now, let's continue to play in other worlds, wait for a while, and settle down."

   The two sisters nodded one after another. Although it is good to upgrade quickly, it will inevitably make it difficult for people to adapt if the upgrade is too fast. They have generally adapted to their own strengths, but if they continue to improve rapidly, they will definitely expand. It's not that Du You has never experienced the shortcomings of raising too fast.

   So where to go to play next, this is a question.

"Master, let's submit the mission. This time we will destroy the enemies of Tier 6, and the mission should be Tier 6, and there may be good things." In this world, there will definitely be tasks to eliminate the behemoths of natural disasters. This is this world. specialty. Not to mention, what they are destroying is a race. Every time a race is wiped out before, there will be corresponding tasks, and there is no exception.

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