Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1198: Finally all came out

With the passage of time, the remaining demon-killing spirits gradually approached the limit of persisting in time. However, in the previous battle, there was not much left of the Demon Slayer. In the rear, a large number of Demon Flame bones came to take their place.

The Necromancers have no time to calculate the number of those demons, anyway the enemies are endless. TV update is the fastest //

The Demon Flame Skeleton that Du You later summoned did not turn it into a Demon Flame Bone Dragon. At the same time, the Sky Demon Flame Bone Dragon slowly approached, monitoring from a short distance away, ready to join the battle at any time.

Of course, even if you don't join the battle, with these bone dragons in command, your own demon flame bones can also exert a stronger combat effectiveness. They are naturally compatible with each other, and the command of the bone dragon is easier and more detailed. Even Du You discovered that the Bone Dragon's command of the Demon Flame Skeleton could precisely control every movement.

The change happened at this moment, and the remaining castles of the undead suddenly went all out, and various attack spells should not be thrown out with the same magical power. Most of the demonless spirits clinging outside were killed on the spot, and even the skeletons in the distance died a lot.

At this moment, a bright light shot straight into the air and swept back and forth three times. Du You was surprised to find that five of his bone dragons that were not too close were killed all at once. This is half a million skeletons.

Had it not been for the fact that the bone dragons were far away from each other, I am afraid that this wave would have killed more.

After an attack, that ray of light went out. But the offensive power of that ray of light made Du You vigilant. I am afraid that my three-layer defensive magic may not be able to stop it. Recommend to read TV//

The attack power of weapons attached to this large-scale building is really not comparable to individual combat power.

"Look, they are all out, let's go over and kill them quickly." Lin Yucha saw those necromancers appear, and the excitement was about to pass. Just a wave of attacks, clearing all the surrounding undead and demons, gave these necromancers a path forward. If you don't stop them, they will meet soon.

Du Youla stayed in Lin Yushi: "Wait, these necromancers are very cunning, and their thinking is very abnormal, don't get close."

"Yes, sister, have you forgotten the methods they prepared before." Seeing that the opponent's weapon power was exhausted, the bone dragon did not approach, but dispersed further away from the previous castle.

Seeing that Du You and the others didn't come over, the undead mages were in a bad mood. They have all used themselves as bait, and the enemy is not able to come. This is too cautious.

"Damn it, leave them alone, we rushed out."

"No, they are here." Suddenly, a necromancer shouted loudly.

"It didn't happen that we came here, we prepared, bastard, how could they be like this."

Because it was not Du You and others who came here, but their summoned beasts. Lin Yushi filled up his remaining large-scale demon-killing spirits, and then sent them all over. Lin Yucha's bloodthirsty wolf also rushed out. Du You was the most direct. Except for the bubble, the other summoned beasts swarmed up, even the resurrected photon elves.

Although the photon elves have no combat power, they are also good for bluffing people. The optical power directly created a lot of illusions around, and for a while, the necromancers would not be able to tell which is true and which is false.

Especially after a huge natural disaster dog as big as a hill appeared at the forefront, the necromancers knew they could not run away.

The natural disaster giant dog spread the natural disaster cloud and enveloped the surroundings. For the first time in this icy and snowy place, there was a large-scale flow of fire. This kind of fire damage is not great, but it also consumes little magic power of the mages all the time.

"Damn it, even if you die, you will have to pull these summoned objects to die together. A summoned object of this kind of strength must be of high value."

The castle that had attacked the bone dragon in the air just now showed off again. A light appeared, swept, and then another light appeared, and another swept. Most of the summoned beasts sent by Du You died suddenly. Even his own huge natural disaster dog was turned into two halves under the attack just now.

Du You was shocked, these guys really hid their means. If it weren't for being cautious, I'm afraid these guys would have been sneak attacked just now. And the Necromancers showed a look of understanding and hatred.

That is the most powerful necromancer's castle in their place, and it is also the most powerful weapon. Now after these two attacks, there is really no energy left, after all, there is not much reserve.

However, these Necromancers were shocked to find that the enemy who had just died, after the black mist had condensed, had actually resurrected again, exactly the same as before, with no effect at all.

"How could this happen, how could there be such a skill, I don't believe it."

"Illusion, it must be Illusory, all of this is fake, ah..." The guy shouting Illusory ran over frantically, but was slapped into meat sauce by the natural disaster giant dog, and the others calmed down.

Of course, there are even more crazy ones. They are all necromancers, who live here all the year round, and it's only strange if they don't have any mental problems.

"Although these guys are not very normal in their minds, their strength is really not easy, especially the ability to use desperately. Even if they are professionals of the same level, it is easy to overturn the boat in the gutter if they are not Finally The desperate mage actually took away nearly half of his summoned beasts. He died twice in a row, and he was really dead. Even the fastest flying and the most minded Xiaozi, were all killed by the opponent. .

But their resistance will end here. All the mages died, and the next step was the finishing touch. Du You and others will continue to be cautious to the end, just don't enter those undead castles.

It turns out that there are many traps in the castle. Perhaps when they were about to escape at last, these guys opened all the traps, so the loss of demon flame bones was extremely large. Fortunately, this demon flame bone was only made by a corpse.

In addition, there is a large corpse hiding place under each of their cities. If you want to, you can make a large number of demon flame bones. But Du You didn't plan to stay in this world for a long time, he was going to leave, there was no need to continue to summon. But just when Du You was about to ignore these corpses, his face suddenly changed.

Opening the panel, Du You looked at the prompt on the panel with a look of surprise: "I wiped it, how could this happen? It's too late to come." Du You saw that a new task was completed, but this task was rewarded. Some people are so dumbfounding.

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