Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1222: 1 group of mobs

"Hey, why is my army in the forefront? You must give me an explanation." At this time, in the Shenyan Empire, within a large camp, a group of nobles had already quarreled.

"Why? Humph, you didn't do the things last night, this is an atonement."

"What, why? Yesterday, you must push me the mission of assassination that is so dangerous, and now you still want me to atone for it, why don't you send people to assassinate." Yesterday they indeed forced it to themselves.

But he also agreed, because once he succeeded, assassinating the saint, assassinating important generals, and opening the city gate, that would be a great achievement. It's a pity that his team waited outside last night, and the city gate did not open. As a result, none of the people who went in came back, but there were Tier 5 masters.

"Why don't you blame you, it's because you are too greedy. I originally said that just open the gate of the city. But we heard that you sent someone to assassinate the enemy high-level. I really don't know what you think, people. How many Tier 5 masters are there."

"You guys, why didn't you say that before."

prior to? They didn't know how many ranks the enemy had before, or they just knew that rank 5 appeared on the city wall. I originally thought that with so many of them, the foxes were definitely not opponents.

After all, the fox people want to protect the holy fox city, it is impossible to send out all the masters. When they lay down the fortress and enter it to plunder, they will run when the opponent's master moves out. The latter things can be taught to the Shenyan Empire. As long as they get the credit and benefit, that's it. This is what the nobles did.

"Enough, don't quarrel, this time your team is charging forward, after taking down the enemy city, you will benefit the most."

The most benefit? Don't be kidding me, how can I take advantage of all my troops have been lost? Catching slaves to empty the other's wealth also needs people, and no one has nothing on his own.

But it was the northern governor of the Shenyan Empire, the dukedom, which was not something he could fight against a small earl.

On the other side, Aisha found a stand-in to stand in her place, while she sneaked out and stood with Du You and the others, observing in secret. Speaking of, such a headstrong leader, Du You was only the first one he had seen.

"Strange, how did they slow down." Suddenly, Aisha said strangely. Because the opponent's forces suddenly started to decelerate when they approached their own city, shouldn't this situation speed up and rush over.

Although Aisha is smart, she still lacks experience, and her age is a flaw.

Lin Yushi disdainfully said: "What else can be because these people are mobs, they have gathered together indiscriminately. They are now about to reach the attack range of the soldiers on the wall, so some people slow down and want others to die. But other people People are not stupid, so everyone uses the same strategy."

That's right, although these people are all slowing down, they didn't decelerate as a whole at once, but one decelerated, and the deceleration next to each other was even worse, and then one after another became like this, and the team was not neat.

If this continues, I'm afraid the whole team will collapse. This hasn't started to fight yet. When they were standing together, they looked very powerful, but now they acted, it was totally different.

Finally, the nobles behind couldn't stand it anymore, and it would be ashamed to continue like this. So the nobles united and issued strong orders. These guys finally started to rush towards the middle at an accelerated rate outside a stone's throw.

Then, the battlefield became completely upside down. The city had always been attacked by orcs against humans, and humans reaped against the orcs, and the orcs relied on their personal bravery and strong physical fitness to resist.

But now it's completely different. After a few sacrifices to the warriors by the fox people, they stood on the wall to shoot arrows. The foxes are also orcs, and their power is much greater than that of humans. Many of the humans who rushed over were without armor on their bodies, so the casualties began to become severe.

Humans are not as crazy as the orcs. The more they die, the more fierce they are. Many people slow down, and some turn around and run away. At this time, the supervising team behind began to get busy.

"It's really a gang of mobs, it seems that there is nothing to look at." Aisha said boredly.

"I can't say the same. After all, the regular army of the Shenyan Empire is still behind, and their Tier 5 masters have not yet shot. Now it is just a contest between ordinary forces. It is time to decide the victory or defeat until later."

The battle continued, and when these soldiers approached the city wall, the foxmen from the rear began to throw out their javelins and spears.

This thing is bigger and more lethal. A soldier was pierced with a spear directly through a wooden shield, and with the leather armor on his body, he was nailed to the ground fiercely, struggling painfully.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding soldiers were under greater psychological pressure, and many of them collapsed directly. After all, it's just a mob, most people have never been on the battlefield at all, how could it withstand such a great pressure.

Soon after the soldiers touched the city wall, the whole scene collapsed after facing the threat of the fox-man sacrifice debuff spell. Even the supervising team behind it was useless, and couldn't withstand the impact of these people at all. In the chaos, many of the supervising team were frantically attacked by routed soldiers, and the supervising team was almost wiped out.

When the supervising team all followed to escape, the whole scene couldn't hold group of trash can't even touch the edge of the city wall. It is impossible to rely on these people to cause any pressure on the fox. If this continues, we will become a joke. "The leader of the Northern Army of the Shenyan Empire said.

"Why don't we take the shot? I think it's impossible to break the city wall with these wastes. Why don't we help them. After breaking the city wall, let them consume the cannon fodder. Maybe we can train a few masters."

"It can only be this way. I hope they don't have too many Tier 4 and Tier 5 masters, otherwise our losses will be great."

"No way, whoever asked your Majesty to give the order directly, we don't want to act. Let the notification go, we will dispatch tomorrow and try to protect our lives as much as possible. I hope to see everyone coming back."

These people saw that there was nothing good about the scene, so they left to rest. But the offense cannot be stopped. A group of people collapsed, and the next group of people will continue to come, batch by batch, consuming the opponent's physical strength and weapons, and diverting the other's attention is good. Although the masters have not been dispatched yet, the whole scene has completely heated up.


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