Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1244: Changes in the Orc Kingdom

"It seems that the three princes really have no other means." After another period of time, Du You found that the three princes were still slowly integrating power, slower and slower, and even the nobles were faster than his own integration.

Come to think of it, the reason why the third prince signed such a contract was because there was a Tier 6 powerhouse in his hand.

Because of his own dispatch, the Tier 6 powerhouse directly killed the enemy high-level, so that he could use the rabble to defeat the Shenghai Kingdom passively, then increase his reputation, integrate the southern aristocratic army, and take the Shenghai Kingdom in one fell swoop.

With such a large and prosperous kingdom, coupled with the secretly non-existent training method, it can be said that as long as the three princes do not rebel, the throne must be his, and no one can threaten his status.

But what he didn't expect was that the enemy's power was stronger than him, and Tier 6 was nothing at all.

The reason why the nobles gathered faster than the three princes was because the offensive of the Shenghai Kingdom had begun. It is impossible to declare war without attacking. Not only on his side, but also with the northern foxes.

Now, Saria has more work, and Luo Jia went directly to the front line, and can only get his news through remote communication.

This time, neither side used Tier 6 masters, nor even Tier 5 masters. However, Du You used his own bone dragon and a huge team of Demon Flame Skeletons, directly handing them over to the front line for control.

The bodies of dead enemies will be collected and sent back. When the gathering reaches a certain level, Du You will summon again, and then send to the front line. If it weren't for Du You's strict regulations not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, just relying on the skeleton army, Du You would be qualified to sweep the entire eastern part of the continent, and even the entire continent.

The northern foxes also began to move south, under the control of a group of generals, constantly eroding the territory of the Shenyan Empire. The army and nobles of the Shenyan Empire can barely resist, they are not opponents at all.

Of course, before the Tier 5 masters gathered, they couldn't stop the opponent at all, and everyone was just testing.

However, the border nobles and the nobles near the border began to drag their families to flee. It is true that the enemies on both sides are not the kind who can treat them as aristocrats.

In Du You's hands, the hostile nobles would be directly demoted to civilians, and they would lose everything.

But in the hands of the foxes, it would be even more miserable. Aisha didn't care about so much, the humans were at odds with them. Captured the human nobles, found out all the crimes on the spot, and then punished them.

And based on the actions of the nobles and their descendants, basically every noble family must be killed in accordance with the regulations. Few can survive, they can only continue to flee. More and more nobles are fleeing, and the pressure on the royal family is also increasing. Every day, many nobles gathered to protest loudly at the gate of the palace.

But in this kind of battle, the situation in the orc kingdom has undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, the orcs were very repulsive of humans. The alliance between the Saint Fox Kingdom and the Shenghai Kingdom made many orcs very disgusted, and some people believed that the Shenghai Kingdom would definitely calculate the Saint Fox Kingdom, and they would regret it at that time.

But what I didn't expect was that the two kingdoms were actually cooperating sincerely, and Shenghai Kingdom paid more for this. As a result, the power of the Saint Fox Kingdom became stronger day by day, visible to the naked eye. The lives of civilians in the Saint Fox Kingdom are getting better and better. Coupled with the previous publicity, now the word-of-mouth has finally started to explode.

Of course, Du You and Aisha both used a lot of methods. For example, the first group of people who were sent to each other were their own leaders, absolutely obedient, and would not cause any trouble, and set a role model and benchmark for later generations.

When the various supplies arrived and the orcs saw the benefits, the situation changed very clearly.

The wild boar, who was at the forefront, finally couldn't bear it, and announced his refuge in the kingdom of the holy fox. Then the Leopard Man, who was driven out of his home by the Lion Man, who was already homeless, came all the way to the Kingdom of Saint Fox and wanted to join.

Aisha unceremoniously directly divided a piece of land for the Leopard, of course, it was divided outside the original land range. Then he took the Leopards and some of his own troops to help the Boars and protected the place where the Boars were.

As for the problem of wild boars reproducing too fast, Aisha had already thought about it, family planning.

The united army is finally no longer one-sided, and the life of the wild boars has also become better. It is no longer the state where they could not even eat.

At the same time, the Lions didn't know from what news they learned that there seemed to be Tier 6 masters on the Saint Fox Kingdom, so they also began to feel uneasy. Although not many people know about it, it still has a great influence.

Under this influence, later races such as the rebellious bear and tauren joined the kingdom of holy fox. The area of ​​the Saint Fox Kingdom has also continued to expand. At this time, most of the original land of the orc kingdom belonged to the holy fox kingdom. The living territories of the Lion clan were eroded, and life began to feel difficult.

Lions and tigers have always been royal families. They don't do production, rely on the offerings of other ethnic groups to live their lives, and hunt most by themselves. Now that most of the territory is lost, the life of the Lion is beginning to be difficult.

With the lion’s character, even the werewolf was almost unable to bear it. This situation formed a disgusting cycle, and gradually, more and more races began to deviate from the Lion.

Especially under the power of role models, those groups who have joined the Saint Fox Kingdom live better day by, instead of continuing to nomadic, they start to plant and breed themselves, and food and other materials are no longer lacking.

By the time the Lions discovered that something was wrong, they had already fallen apart within the kingdom.

A voice began to appear inside the Lion, they demanded to return to the center of the continent, in the orc empire. But there are still some people who have concerns, and their status may be very bad when they return.

The Lions had no intention of continuing to fight, and the frontline battlefield could only be constantly passed by.

Later, because of Saria’s insistence, Aisha reluctantly sent out a message, forgiving the werewolf for his previous offense, and welcoming the werewolf to this big family. As a result, the werewolf split into two parts. Part of them persisted in disbelief, and part of them suddenly took refuge in the fox. Under the power of role models, the remaining werewolves became more and more vacillating.

As the last strong clan who supported him, he began to rebel, and the Lion finally couldn't bear it. In the end, after a great battle at the door of the Lion Man's house, the Lion Man left the bodies of countless masters, and finally left with his tribe.

Next, it was a long and arduous migration, and I don't know how much these lion people can survive.

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