Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 124: The first wave of confrontation four / ten


"Xiaodie, you can start now." Xi Qianxue, who closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes and said to Lan Xiaodie.

It seems that Xi Qianxue also has its own investigative methods. That's right, how could such a capable woman not prepare herself with a special investigative method, that is just like a joke.

When Lan Xiaodie heard this, she jumped up like an electric shock. Take out a scroll and chant a spell to the front.

"Now I can tell, what exactly is this thing for?" Du You looked at the front silently.

From the very beginning when setting up the trap, Xi Qianxue took some wizards to continuously depict a magic circle on the gaped ground. This is a very large magic circle, ten meters in diameter.

While portraying, I also filled it with some powder. These powders contain a lot of white crystal coins. There are even a lot of white crystal coins, which are used as energy and placed at various nodes of the circle.

Du You had the final say, this magic circle used a total of about a thousand white crystal coins. Of course, these are all white crystal coins that have been traded, otherwise even Xi Qianxue would not be able to get it out.

But so many white crystal coins still make many people jealous. They have been awakened for such a long time, and they have not seen so many white crystal coins. Du You had seen it before, so he didn't care much, but didn't know what they were going to do.

"With Lan Xiaodie's summoning ability, you just look at it, and you'll know soon." Daniel said muffledly.

At this time, the army of orcs in front had arrived. There are more than 3,000 people in total, well, this is not a big army for the orcs, but the number is really very large.

After the orcs fell into a defensive state, there has not been such a big military operation for several years.

Headed by the Orc hero Lucas. This is one of the few half-orcs that can become a formal professional existence, which is equivalent to their professional professional, and the star rating is not low. Of course, the native stars and their stars are completely different, this can only be regarded as a kind of combat talent, rather than representing potential.

But even so, with such a leader, these half-orcs still have a certain constitution, and it's not as messy as before. However, half-orcs are half-orcs after all, and they still don't have too much vigilance.

When the orcs in front rushed into the dense forest, they screamed shortly after they had gone far.

"It must have been made by humans. But don't worry, humans don't know our actions. The route we chose is also temporary. Maybe it's just that there are some patrols in this place."

"Then, what's going on with the people stationed in front, can you tell me," a tall half-orc said loudly. This person is no one else, but Lucas the Orc hero.

Lucas is a head taller than the other half-orcs, his whole body is very muscular, and a sturdy breath surges. There was no armor on his body, only animal skins, and two big axes as weapons. This was the most valuable thing in Lucas's body. The two fangs above the mouth, and one is broken, there is a different kind of madness.

"Perhaps, this place was originally stationed with a team, after all, the gap here is relatively large, and humans may pay attention to it."

"Really, this place is on the border between Wooden Shield City and Border City. This place is usually a place where no one can stay. Be prepared. We may be in trouble."

Lucas shouted loudly, and the people around immediately nodded. At this time, the screams from the front came again, and finally a half-orc came to report to Lucas.

"Boss, I found a lot of traps left by humans in front. Many traps are very clever. They don't seem to be used for a long time. They are like temporary arrangements." A half-orc knelt in front of Lucas and said.

Lucas nodded: "It seems that by what means human beings really learned that we are coming from this place. So everyone is prepared and rushed over with me."

"No way, how can human beings know the news that we are coming."

Lucas sneered and said, "Have you forgotten why we are here."

Everyone closed their mouths immediately, and they appeared here because of Lucas. To be precise, it is because someone wants to see Lucas die here, and it's better to never go back.

Half-orcs are the descendants of orcs and humans. They are looked down upon by orcs and are not accepted by humans. Therefore, half-orcs have always been the cannon fodder on the orcs side, but they have relatively strong reproductive ability.

As a result, the number of half-orcs would increase. Orcs usually let half-orcs do all kinds of dirty work, but suddenly a hero appeared among them, organizing the half-orcs. Through military training, many powerful orcs have been trained. Gradually, some high-ranking orcs felt threatened. This was a threat from half-orcs.

Don't want to let the half-orcs out of the orc high-level under their control, they send Lucas to the rear of the humans to destroy them.

It is very dangerous to act in this place. Once the war starts, they are the first to die.

However, the strength of the Orcs was too weak, and Lucas himself was not strong enough, so he had to agree to this order. Otherwise, the orc finds an excuse and will kill Lucas on the spot.

On the other side, the human legion also saw the arrival of the orcs. At the same time, the trap also worked.

"How come these are different from ours."

"That's right, these half-orcs seem to be organized, stronger and more powerful. Look at the process of their actions, it seems that there is still a battle formation faintly formed." There are more fights with the half-orcs, and some people have also seen something wrong.

These people are all the students who wiped out the half-orcs in the rear.

"Look out, that is the elite army of Orcs trained by Lucas, and the strongest among the Orcs. At least in this world, so don't take it lightly."

Although these half-orcs are also level 2 at the same time, their strength and skills are better used, and many of them are even level 3 half-orcs. Of course, they are equivalent to the situation of semi-professionals.

The half-orcs that are equivalent to professionals, in fact, there is no second other than Lucas. Half-orcs have a bad life, and it is much more difficult than other orcs to have an existence similar to a formal professional.

Gradually, the Orcs approached while probing, and had already removed many traps on the road. From Du You's side, those fierce orcs could also be seen.

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