Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1267: Hard fight in the canyon

Entering the canyon, the bubble is not afraid of death this time, after all, it is facing an undead creature. A wide range of bright blessings was scattered, and everyone on his side improved in strength, and the undead within the range were almost completely surrendered.

The two sisters rushed into the undead group for the first time, and the target was those fifth-order undead. When they entered, they discovered that there were more Tier 5 undead creatures in the Black Mist Canyon than they had imagined.

At a glance, at least hundreds of thousands, I don't know if this is all there is.

And the broods of the undead have also begun to release a series of spiritual shocks. If they hadn't had the skill of mental barrier, I'm afraid they would be injured even under the impact of this spirit.

Even so, Du You could feel that his mental barrier was constantly shaking, and these broods must be cleared out as soon as possible. Let the brood go on, and I don't know how long it can last.

The two sisters have fully exerted their strengths, the inter-mind communication has been fully opened up, and the thinking has reached a high degree of unity.

As long as he encounters danger, Lin Yucha will teleport away with himself and his sister for the first time. Lin Yushi also released several of his own spatial coordinates, and sometimes teleported automatically.

The two sisters don't even need to look at each other, they can easily know what the other party is going to do, and various plans are instantly understood.

Now is not the time to save magic power. Lin Yushi directly used the continuous shooting skills to aim at all the enemies, and a series of arrows passed by. If they can survive, it means that the enemy has some strength.

Lin Yucha constantly releases the vortex arrow. This skill absorbs the evolution of divine nature, so it is the most powerful among Lin Yucha's range of skills. Even a Tier 5 undead creature can't stop a whirlpool baptism.

Even so, the two sisters also need to resist the enemy's attack from time to time. The floating cloud on Lin Yucha's platform shrank like a shield, floating beside two people, flying over from time to time to block an attack for them.

And Lin Yucha himself opened the magic gauze, using the magic gauze to resist more than one attack. The attacks here are too dense, and it is impossible to avoid them completely. Those Tier 5 attacks continued to swept over, if it weren't for most of them, they couldn't stop it with the defensive power of the magic yarn.

Lin Yushi has a lot of feathers floating up and down all over his body. This is a flying feather, which can also block and carry various long-range attacks.

The two wings of his own, also from time to time, can release spikes to counterattack. It's a pity that the enemy is the undead, and the effect of the spike is mainly severe pain, which is of little significance to the undead.

After Du You entered, he immediately added a dark resurrection to himself, which was to prevent him from resurrecting after he died. Then Du You turned on dark absorption, because this skill didn't consume much for long-term use, and it could also absorb the enemy's magic power.

If it were a magic barrier, with Du You's current strength, if it was always on, the consumption would still be a bit large, and it would be good to be able to reduce consumption a little now. If you don't open it all the time, such a dense attack, even if the skill has automatic defense skills, it will not be possible to completely block it. Being hit is not fun.

Du You is a law system, his physical fitness is not that strong, and he can't rely on his body to resist attacks.

After entering, Du You first began to release a large amount of dark swamp. This skill has a large range, although the effect is not very good, but it can also cause a certain impact on the undead. For the fifth-order undead, it is good to restrain the opponent.

Because Du You continued to release a large amount of mucus, the offensive of these fifth-order undeads was also suppressed. Otherwise, they may not be able to persist now.

There are more Tier 5 enemies, and it is not easy. These undead were not the idiot elves they had encountered before, and Du You couldn't harvest a large swath with a dark flame arrow formation. The undead creatures are weak, and all of them are lunatics who are not afraid of death. Can survive here, the combat experience is not bad, the dark flame arrow array is effective, but not so obvious.

Fortunately, Du You is not completely helpless. The unfolding realm of the undead is not weak to these undead creatures. From time to time, Tier 5 undead had their souls torn apart and died completely.

And Du You himself also used the energy-gathering magic cannon regularly, without condensing time, one wave of his hand is one, and those broods with strong defensive power can be solved at once.

Lin Yushi also has a way to solve the brood. A space arrow hits the brood and then detonates the space coordinates. The tearing space force will instantly tear a fifth-order undead brood into pieces.

Although it consumes a bit more and it takes a little time to restore the spatial coordinates, as long as it is not used too frequently, there is no pressure on Lin Yushi. This is Lin Yushi's most powerful single attack method.

In the air, several fireballs appeared from time to time, this was the devastating flame that Du You took time to display. Although not many, only a few can be released, and it can't be condensed for too long. But every fireball is still very powerful.

Under this fierce battle, Du You found that he had actually comprehended the technique of multiple spellcasting.

It is to release a flame of destruction first, then hold it, condense the fireball, and at the same time use other spells to fight. This was absolutely impossible before, and Du You never thought that he could do Although he could not maintain more than three fireballs, it was also a good start.

In the past in many battles, Destruction Flames was a chicken rib, but now Du You found that Destruction Flames can be used well and can also exert a strong effect in fierce battles.

In this hard fight, the strength of Du You and the two sisters continued to accumulate and adapt, and the foundation became more and more solid.

The original exquisite combat skills have been tempered in this battle more and more simple and direct. It can be said that this battle can directly increase the combat effectiveness of Du You and the two sisters by 10%.

This is a purely technical improvement, but there is no improvement in its own hard power.

From the initial discomfort, the three of them became more and more adaptable to the fighting environment here. All the way in, more and more broods and Tier 5 undead creatures were killed.

With the strong endurance of Du You and others, Du You and his team had been fighting for a whole day. What surprised the vice president was that they had not yet exhausted their magic power. As for the entire Black Mist Canyon, the three people also pushed halfway through the process. Looking at it, given them enough time, the three of them can open the Black Mist Canyon.

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