Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1270: Li Mengyao's territory

Du You watched as the people in the academy began to take over this canyon. Because it is a strategic location, the Academy will build a fortress here, and the undead will not be allowed to retake it again.

And Du You's skeleton army has completely cleaned up this place, so there is no need to continue to clean up the undead.

In Du You's battle, his own bone dragon reached more than two hundred. Counting the dead, I'm afraid the total number of bone dragons is close to three hundred. This kind of method that can rely on wood, soil and other things to make the undead, the growth rate of the undead is fast.

Packing more than two hundred bone dragons, Du You finally received a message from the deputy dean. It turned out that the deputy chief pursued all night before he chased and killed the enemy. The defense of this zombie is a bit extraordinary, and the speed is not slow. Otherwise, it will not be so troublesome. A wounded zombie, plus the undead all over the world, gave the deputy chief some obstacles.

But without Tier 7, the opponent still didn't escape this chase.

It is said that the deputy dean has already gone to other places, and there are new tasks. And this place was finally taken, Du You also made a great contribution, the academy gave himself a lot of points.

As for the reward, Du You really didn't think about what he wanted. Originally, Du You planned to wait until he reached the sixth rank. But this time the reward should not meet the requirements of Tier 6 items.

It's really a headache. In the end, Du You thought for a long time and asked for a drawing with the academy. The drawing this time is a drawing of the attributes of the undead, and it is also an accessory drawing of the Lord's Mansion.

The drawings of the White Bone Forging Room, speaking of which I was lucky enough to see it, otherwise it would definitely be gone.

After receiving the reward, Du You packed the bone dragon, and then left the world with the two sisters. He still has the world coordinates of this world in his hand, and he can come back anytime when he wants to come back later.

After returning to Earth, Du You and others' spirits completely relaxed. After confirming that there were no major changes in the Yalan Continent, Du You asked Li Minglu to find a world that suits him, and then he didn't care about anything.

In a blink of an eye, another period of time passed. One day Du You suddenly learned that Li Mengyao's territory had been built. Because I started the territory mission before I came out, I didn't ask myself to help.

Xi Qianxue also brought his team to help with the construction of the territory this time. Hearing that it was dangerous and dangerous, Li Mengyao's territorial mission was finally completed. Although there is only the third level now, and its various infrastructures are not perfect. But the world level selected by Li Mengyao is not low, it is said that he has just reached the seventh rank, but is it too strong?

The entire world couldn't see the seventh-order powerhouse, and didn't know where it was hidden.

That world is one of the worlds controlled by the academy. The academy has not yet planned to control it, but there are also two academies' territories in it, so it is impossible to monopolize it. In this kind of world territory, it is more difficult to upgrade.

Just like Du You's Shenghai Kingdom, it is very troublesome to upgrade step by step.

All in all, there is no way to hide from other people in this territory. When Du You began to pay attention to the outside world, he found that several of his own names began to be publicized again, and they became household names.

The gimmick of the two beauty lords caused a sensation in the entire student class.

Originally they were the Gemini of this year, because they were very famous for their strength and beauty, but now they have become the lord at the same time, it is strange that the academy does not publicize it. It is conceivable that when the school starts next year, if other colleges do not have outstanding students to promote, I am afraid that the enrollment will be crushed by Capital University again.

I heard that many people are already applying to join Li Mengyao's territory, but Li Mengyao refused.

Under the name of Du You Company, with the help of Li Minglu, this land is also based on elves, and its development speed is not slow at all. And I don't know where Li Mengyao got the lord's mansion, and also opened the territory space channel.

Among Du You's current subsidiaries, there are only a few territories directly under him, and there are already more than a dozen other territories that have been invested in. The strength of the company is growing again.

Because of the need to develop new territories, Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue have not had time to come back recently, and they are very busy. In comparison, Du You himself is much more leisurely. Such days are really comfortable.

"Boss, do you have any plans for the development of Li Mengyao's territory?" Li Minglu asked Du You after informing him. In Li Minglu's eyes, these two people are a family, so there is no problem with Du You wanting to command.

After having a new territory, Li Mengyao's status in the family has also risen because of his own struggle. Even some important matters in the family require Li Mengyao to participate in the discussion.

Du You waved his hand: "It's still the same as before, just help if you can. As for the development of the territory, of course the lord himself has the say." Du You won't make trouble for himself.

Li Minglu nodded, seeming to understand Du You's meaning.

Then Li Minglu said again: "Boss, there is one more thing. The academy wants to use the image of your last battle as a promotional image. Do you want to agree." The image of the last battle? Du You remembered it was his fight in the Black Mist Canyon. Because the battle scenes can easily expose some of their own methods and weaknesses, most people will not let their battle scenes spread. Even if it is going to be circulated, it will be edited. It's just that Du You is different, and he's about to break through Tier 6, so what will happen even if he is exposed.

Besides, his skill level is very high, and they can't deal with it if they know it. As for the weakness, Du You really doesn't think he has it. To make up for weaknesses, this is Du You's development strategy all the time.

"Well, they can use it if they want to." Du You's status is no longer what it used to be to make an academy respect him. After Li Minglu hung up the communication, he became busy again.

On Du You's side, he was relaxing again. Every day is not to educate the two sisters, or to practice some advanced skills together. The days passed quickly, and after Du You gradually became annoyed, a lot of this semester passed.

It's not that Du You didn't want to be dispatched, but that he hadn't got the right opportunity. But don't worry about it now, because Li Minglu has sent himself a new world coordinate. This world coordinate is a world with the theme of undead and demons. It not only meets Du You's requirements, but is also suitable for the construction of new territories.

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