Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1272: Descended on the battlefield

Even if it might be an eighth-order world, there is still no difference in the space channel.

Following the spatial passage, the three people came out familiar with them, and the restraining power on their bodies disappeared. Just before Du You said anything, he suddenly felt something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

"No, this is the battlefield." Lin Yushi's face changed because she felt a lot of powerful aura around her.

On one side is the demon legion, on the other side is the undead legion. For the three people who just appeared, they all attracted the attention of all enemies at once. When undead creatures see creatures, that kind of hatred and desire is hard to suppress. The demons felt the power of demon hunting in Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi. They were natural enemies and had to be killed.

"No, go away." Lin Yucha said loudly, and then unfolded the floating clouds on the platform. The three of them leaped up and ran away. Behind, a large number of undead and demons chased over.

Even if they don't care about each other's existence, they must catch up with these talents.

On this battlefield, there are hundreds of Tier 5 existences. Of course, if only these fifth-tiers exist, because they are all evil creatures and are restrained by the two sisters, Du You and others will not be afraid of them.

But this is only a part of the frontline battlefield, and there are many other teams around. At this time, I am afraid that they have received news to chase them down. Even further afield, Du You was sure that there were sixth orders, and there were definitely a lot of them.

When these sixth ranks came over, they would be dead. These **** guys are so pitted that they threw them directly onto the battlefield. Du You strongly suspected that those guys who sold their coordinates would have nowhere to go on the battlefield before they would escape from this place. As a result, they just came in, it became like this.

The war between the undead and the devil is not to rest after one fight, or to be suspended after a long time. Both of these monsters have super long endurance. Even if a battle lasts for decades, it is commonplace.

"Attack, otherwise there is no way to leave." Not long after flying out, someone in front came to intercept it.

Behind them, dark magic and undead magic came to them. Lin Yushi can only stand behind and release the shock arrows, shattering these attacks one by one to protect them.

Lin Yushi took the time to release a lethal attack on the back, hunting down so many.

In front, Du You and Lin Yucha are making breakthroughs. Lin Yucha's spiral sniper and vortex arrows were used alternately to hunt down the undead and demons who were blocking the way one by one, while Du You was used as a supplement.

If the enemy in front is stronger or there are more in number, Du You will open the road with a shaped energy magic cannon.

If there are too many attacks around, Du You will also deploy a magic shield or a dark absorption barrier to defend. The floating clouds on the shrinking platform are flying fast in the sky like a tortoise.

That's right, a tortoise with strong defense but relatively fast speed. However, in this environment, they didn't even think about it too much. There were too many enemies around. If this continues, only the enemies of Tier 5 and Tier 4 can besieged them. Du You finally realized the feeling of aggrieved Sea King Turtle back then.

"There is a gap over there, and there is no strong person who can run out from there."

Suddenly, Du You felt the weakness of an enemy. After all, they are all undead and demons, and they weren't very good at commanding in marching and fighting. What they are more adept at is to rush over to surround the enemy in a swarm.

With Lin Yucha's heart moved, the floating clouds on the platform instantly changed direction, and the whole process went smoothly.

In the rear, a large number of undead and demons are chasing after him. And a powerful breath is approaching quickly from a distance.

"Damn it, the Tier 6 powerhouse is here." Du You gritted his teeth, his eyes firm. There is also a resurrection doll on his body, if the sixth-order powerhouse attacks, then he will resist it by himself. Anyway, when he encounters a mortal attack, he will leave the world with the two sisters and return to the earth. And if the two sisters came to resist, it would really be a dead end.

One's own dark recovery can only be used once within a day, and only one can be revived at most. So anyway, you have to resist it yourself. Du You frowned and felt the powerful breath while defending the surroundings.

The cold sweat dripped on my head. How long have I not encountered this dangerous situation?

Last time I helped the deputy chief to attract the enemy, but the enemy appeared only for an instant after all. Before he was afraid of the enemy, the deputy chief was hit hard. But this time, the other party's unscrupulous aura made Du You always feel tremendous pressure.

"No, another Tier 6 powerhouse is here. If they catch up, it will be a dead end."

Du You felt a second powerful breath rushing over again. No, not two, but three, four, more and more. The treatment of being besieged and killed by the sixth-order powerhouse, the general fifth-order saboteur would never encounter it.

Du You smiled bitterly, this time he was really miserable. He decided that there would be no absolute strength in the future. In such a dangerous world, other people must come in to explore the way. Of course, that would only be possible later.

So many Tier 6 masters appeared at the same Du You was sure to escape, but he had no way he would be fatally attacked before the two sisters. If it's late, maybe only you will go back. Thinking of this situation, Du You felt a wave of irritation in his heart. This period of time was so smooth that he didn't even have a sense of crisis.

Seeing that the gap was about to arrive, but within the line of sight from the rear, the existence of those strong men had already appeared. Lin Yushi gritted her teeth and stood in front of Du You, never thinking about avoiding it.

But at this moment, things happened suddenly. In the air, a weird globular demon with an open mouth and one eye suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed a Tier 6 undead next to it.

This time, he stabbed the hornet's nest. When other undead masters around saw this, they didn't chase after him, but turned around and attacked the demon. A piece of lifeless bones flew horizontally in the air, and huge fluctuations could be felt from far away.

The other demons stopped for the first time because of the attacks of the same kind, and then the two sides fought in the air. Affected by them, the surrounding undead creatures left Du You and others behind and started fighting. Regardless of whether it is an undead or a demon, the level is very strict, and the low-level must completely obey the high-level.

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