Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1281: Clear the surrounding expansion territory

With Du You's perception ability, he could easily feel the position of the fifth-order undead below. Within this base, there are only two undead creatures of Tier 5, and the others are Tier 4 at most.

Although it is a territory, it is not the same thing as a professional territory.

There are a large number of undead gathered here, and then some buildings that Du You can't see any use were built in the middle. Then there is a large group of undead gathered together, this is the so-called territory.

After all, the undead are not humans and don't need so many living supplies. Even if they are wise undead creatures, most of them can just find a place and can do it at any time, so this territory is not so much a territory as it is a clearing.

That is, the undead are gathered so that other undead creatures can't approach at will. This is the meaning of occupation.

"Very well, that's you." Du You tapped his finger lightly, and countless black arrows formed in an instant, forming a torrent, which directly enveloped the two undead creatures below.

One of the two undead creatures reacted and released a black shield, while the other did not even have a chance to react and was directly submerged by the torrent. When the arrow passed, the two undead had become hedgehogs.

In fact, this is already Du You's mercy, because Du You has converged the soul-eating flame attached to the arrow, otherwise there is absolutely no corpse left by these two undead creatures. In that case, it doesn't meet your own requirements. When the two undead creatures died, the other undead finally reacted.

A large number of undead gathered here, especially the flying ones, and attacked them without hesitation.

"Kill them all." Du You glanced at him and said casually.

If it is other undead creatures, encountering so many low-level undead who are not strong, they often kill some powerful ones, and then release their own coercion to frighten them. Then it took a long time to brand these undeads on their own and become their own subordinates. It can be said that most of the undead developed their territory in this way.

But it was too troublesome to clean up the marks left by the previous owner, and Du You didn't bother to waste time. With this time, wouldn’t it be better to make some of your own undead?

Even if you directly summon the demon flame bones you need, it is better than keeping these guys.

So the massacre began, and Lin Yushi continued to attack on a large scale, scatter the evil spirits and scatter thunderstorm arrows to clean up the undead. It's just that the spirit of exterminating demons was not activated, so no golden monsters appeared.

Lin Yucha didn't have a wide range of attack skills suitable for this environment, so he just released the bloodthirsty demon wolf and let the bloodthirsty demon wolf kill on the ground. I just took the time to target a few more powerful kills.

This is just a saying that it is relatively strong, and it's actually nothing, and it can easily kill in seconds without even using skills.

Because these undead creatures have the imprints left by their previous masters, these undead creatures will regard Du You and others as enemies. Without human control, the undead who are not afraid of death will never die.

So it is impossible to stop without killing it cleanly. Seeing so many undead creatures here, Du You was also a little annoyed. After all, I don't know how long the Tier 5 undead had been operating here, and the number of his men was huge.

After thinking about it, Du You summoned hundreds of magic circles into the air. Without stopping, the fireball was guided down as soon as it took shape.

Then there was the shaking of the earth and the mountains, except for the central area, all other places were shaking. Although there is no long-term condensing, the destruction flames that Du You releases casually are still not supported by these undead of Tier 4 at most.

Not to mention, after the flames passed, countless black dogs of destruction stood up. Although these devastating dogs are not very strong, they are close to Tier 5, and they are numerous. For an instant, the undead in the melee did not know how much they were destroyed. At this speed, I am afraid that it will not take long for the undead here to be killed.

The corpse beast plain is very large. Although this movement is not small, it has not attracted the attention of other undeads around. The undead’s concept of time is different. If they don’t look for it themselves, maybe they will discover the changes here in a few years.

Then, Du You began to release the demon flame bones, and the skeletons on the ground stood up, joining the battle, and at the same time collecting the corpses, placing them beside Du You so that Du You could continue to summon.

It didn't take long for Lin Yucha to land the cloud and press it against the ground. There was hardly anything to do with them in the next battle.

"It's a veteran lord. There are so many undead creatures here, and the quality is good. The total number of zombies that can be used to make demon flame bones here is probably millions."

"Yeah, it's too smelly." Lin Yushi said, clutching his nose. The undead of the zombie type is not as clean as the skeleton type after all. I don't know how long it will take to gather here. It's weird that the smell can get better.

"I told you to wear a special mask." Lin Yucha handed a mask to Lin Yushi.

Du You shook his head and looked at the situation here. It would take more than a day to deal with it completely. This is because the opponents are all getting together, otherwise It would not be easy to kill so many undeads by yourself. As more and more demon flame bones appeared, the speed of this killing was getting faster and faster.

Even if the level of the Demon Flame Skeleton is the same as that of other undeads, the Demon Flame Skeleton with a powerful flame on its body is still much stronger than theirs. With Du You's halo bonus, it is simply cutting melons and vegetables.

It took a long time to kill the undead, but it was busy making the demon flame bones until the next day. During the period, Du You also produced a large number of bone dragons, after all, he didn't need so many ordinary skeleton soldiers.

Now Du You's strength, if taken out, is definitely the strongest on this plain. The remaining two Tier 5 territories are no longer Du You's opponents at all. Du You didn't even care about the territories built by Tier 4 undead. Du You was very satisfied looking at the bone dragon that appeared more in the sky.

"Then the next step is the construction of a new skill. Unfortunately, this skill is a summoning type skill. Even if it is constructed, it cannot consume too many coins. A new skill will be constructed later."

Du You has already selected the new skill question. Although you can't consume all of your own Kyanite Coins, there is no problem if you consume a part of it. As for more skills, Du You really didn't have that idea.

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