Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1301: The Whistleblower Lich

After getting permission to enlist, the next step is to go to the battlefield. This time, for the benefit of Tier 6, Du You and the two sisters will also go together, as long as they hide themselves well.

Du You had already figured out the way to hide it, which was to hide in the belly of the ghost dragon.

The whole body of the ghost dragon is a soul body, so it is not difficult to hide it in the body. As long as the ghost dragon does not smelt the foreign objects in the body, there will be no danger. And these ghost dragons are absolutely loyal subordinates, how could they be a threat to Du You.

Not to mention, Du You and the two sisters are not weak. Even Du You didn't need to hide himself, because he was of dark nature. Although not many of the undead cultivate the dark attribute, they are not uncommon.

Organize the army, the next step is to set off for battle. Just when Du You was about to set off, an unexpected guest suddenly appeared in the territory. This is a lich. When he found this guy, this guy had already entered his core territory. Along the way, all the surveillance did not discover the existence of this guy.

It was still the Lich Emperor who came forward, and the wretched-looking Lich was lying on the ground. This is really a miracle, to be able to see the wretched expression on the face of a lich, this is really wretched to a certain level.

"Who are you?" The Lich Emperor sat in his seat and stared at the guy below.

The little lich itself is very weak, only rank two, shivering under this pressure. The Lich Emperor is not just a name, but a real symbol of race and status. He is the emperor among the Liches.

For the ordinary lich, it was as if the common people had seen the superior king, it was strange not to tremble.

"I, my name is Scaro, yes, I'm here to report."

"Hey, there is a name, it's really interesting." Du You narrowed his eyes, and the undead usually don't have a name. This guy has his own name, which shows that there is a big difference between thinking and ordinary undead.

A Tier 2 Lich, Du You didn't think that this guy had a name because of his strength. The only possibility is that this guy gave himself a name.

"The most important thing is not this. It is that only Tier 2 Lich can sneak all the way to our core territory. This guy's hidden ability is very important. If this guy is not a Lich, I would think that Skarlo is a A thief, and it's a very talented one." Lin Yucha said with a puzzled expression.

"Report? Let's talk." The Lich Emperor still cherishes words like gold.

Scalo said immediately: "Yes, it's like this. I'm from the chaos. The people in the chaos asked me to investigate the information here and tell them when I go back."

"According to what I know about them, they will definitely find a way to deal with the territory. And this time it must be the big men of the sixth rank united." Scarlo said all the words without stopping.

"Reason?" The Lich Emperor tilted his head, then spit out two words.

Scalo understood immediately: "Because your territory is developing too fast, a Tier 6 powerhouse suddenly appeared, and the green hair next door was wiped out. They think you must have hidden your strength, and a powerful territory is on the side. It’s too dangerous for the land of chaos. It may also be the origin of bone dragons, zombie dragons, and the like. They are very interested in this."

Dragon undead, that is one of the top undead. In other words, no matter what kind of dragon clan, it is the most powerful of the same level, and few can compete with the dragon clan.

Of course, the special case of professionals is an exception, but even professionals, there are not many who can compete with dragons of the same level.

No matter where the dragon clan is produced, if you hold it in your hands and develop well, it is best whether it is for profit or to assist your own cultivation. Even if it is just sold, the dragon undead is one of the most valuable undead.

"Why take refuge in me?" The Lich Emperor said again.

"The villain came here this time and felt the emperor's mighty majesty. Only you are the greatest king. As a member of the lich, how can the villain not come to take refuge." The fellow Scalo even called it. changed.

"This guy is really a flatterer, and this situation among the undead is also a different kind." Du You said with a strange face. No wonder this guy always feels very wretched. It seems that it is not an illusion now.

"The real reason?" The Lich Emperor was obviously unaffected. The label of a wise man, coupled with his own personality, this kind of flattery may be useful to other people, and to the Lich Emperor, it is just nonsense.

Scalo rolled his eyes and said quickly: "Of course, the real reason is because you have a future. I just saw it outside. There are at least dozens of zombie dragons here, and it's not something those villains can deal with. Take refuge. You are more beneficial to me and have more prospects for development." Scaro said quickly, and Du You and the others were really surprised.

Lin Yucha said with a strange look: "The ability to grasp the human heart is really powerful, and you can see the mentality of the Lich Emperor at once. As long as he likes what kind of person, many humans don't have this ability."

"This guy didn't come here, right? How come the character is so strange? Does the undead have such a character."

Even Lin Yushi felt very The lich in front of her behaved too strangely.

Du You spread out his hands: "Who knows what happened to him, but such an undead can't be wasted. I don't know how this guy can lead and build troops. If it is far beyond the average undead, then it will be fine."

"Master, you are not planning to let Scarlo be the deputy lord here." Lin Yucha looked surprised.

"I have this idea, but I need to experiment. I originally wanted to let the sixth and fifth undeads discuss with each other in the future, but after all, they are a bit inflexible. Now that I meet a suitable native, of course I have to make good use of it Up."

Du You originally wanted to wait for the senior undead to discuss the development after he left, but the lack of a leader makes various problems easy to appear. I couldn't cultivate suitable talents by myself, so I planned to give up.

But who would have thought that such a strange existence could also appear among the undead. As for the issue of strength, Du You really didn't worry. In other words, the weaker the strength, the better. Directly transforming it into a domain follower is equivalent to a very powerful contract. The stronger the strength in the future, the less able to break free.

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