Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1310: Return to the realm and deputy lord

"Scarlo's strength is improving really fast. It took us so long from the second to the fifth peak. He just walked along. It hasn't even passed for half a month." Lin Yushi sighed. To.

Lin Yucha shook her head: "You only see the speed, not the future. It takes him to adapt to his own strength, but I don't know how long it will take him. Moreover, whether he can break through to Tier 6 in his life is a problem. But his potential was originally. It's not high, it's not easy to reach this level." After all, I only got 3 stars just after the conversion, so what do I want to do.

Du You spread his hands: "I didn't expect this guy's ability to be so strong. Originally, I just wanted to get him to level 4 and then stopped. Who would have thought that he had even completed the level 6 advanced mission. "

In terms of task calculation, Scalo really surpassed himself too much. If he had this kind of calculation ability, I am afraid that the speed of improvement would be faster than it is now. But, Du You didn't have anything to be jealous of.

Others do not have their own 10-star height, let alone two occupations, these are their own advantages.

The motivation brought by the two professions makes it almost impossible for oneself to be stuck at a certain bottleneck and unable to improve.

"But that's okay, at least we have the ability to protect ourselves, we can go back when they come back."

All the tasks of coming here this time have been completed, a territory has been established, and the world has been locked. Their sixth-level advanced task was completed and they entered the sixth level. Moreover, the two sisters improved their bloodlines and reached the sixth rank.

When these things are completed, they are no longer the same as before. And it doesn't matter if his own skills have not been condensed. It doesn't matter if he is here or on the Yalan Continent, he has two Tier 6 domains.

"Hey, I didn't expect this to work!" Suddenly, Du You felt something.

The two sisters leaned over and looked surprised: "It turns out that there is no need for people who have died on our territory. Even if the corpse is brought over after death, it will have this effect."

It turned out that they had just entered the territory, and the corpses of the demons were also coming at the same time.

After these corpses entered, a special force was extracted. On the surface of the corpse, there is no difference, and in fact there is no difference, but the mysterious power is extracted, and the Sombra coins in his territory begin to increase.

This is the characteristic of the territory, which can transform the souls of dead enemies into equal proportions of crystal coins.

It seems that it is probably not the soul on the surface, but the remnants of some kind of soul power.

"Thank you, I would have sent someone to send the corpse back earlier." Du You was a little upset, because most of the soul power in these corpses dissipated after a while, otherwise the benefits would be even greater.

"It's not too late to find out now. All the corpses of the enemies killed in the future will be transported back as soon as possible.

Lin Yucha shook his head: "High-level corpses are valuable for transportation. Just forget about ordinary corpses. You don't get much from wasting time. The gain is not worth the loss. It is more valuable to do something else."

Several people returned to the territory, and then ordered the construction of new buildings to begin. In less than a day, after the Lich Emperor had dealt with the matter over there, he took Skarlo back here. On the other side of the chaos, after the guardianship of ten ghost dragons were left behind, no other undead were left behind. Even if the undead ran away, he had no one to care about.

Scarlo had analyzed this kind of thing before, and it was almost exactly the same as he thought.

"The villain has seen the lord, and the two lord wives." When Scaro saw Du You, he hurriedly bowed and ran over, like a dog leg. Suddenly Du You had a sense of seeing a certain creature next to the emperor on TV.

"Well, look up for me. I have a question for you. What do you think is the direction of our territory's next development." There is no need to talk so much nonsense with the undead, just ask directly.

Not to mention, the guy in front of him is still a follower of his own territory, and there is no need for those imaginary ones.

Scalo rolled his eyes, and then said: "Lord Lord wants to expand his influence or to be safe."

"I want both!" Du You said very domineeringly.

"In that case, we may have to hide it a little in the early stage. After a few years, when our troops are sufficient, we will send a large number of troops to the battlefield to suppress the entire battlefield. We can meet the experience needs at one time. With this Opportunity can also let people see our strength. Death won't care about us, and other people can't deal with us."

"Next, we will be promoted to Tier 7. Although we don’t know how to make plans for Tier 7 arms, we do have a Mage Tower. I don’t know if the Mage Tower will directly produce a thousand Tier 7 combat power, but as long as there is one, We are safe."

This was Scarlo's idea, Du You listened, and also very much agreed. It was very safe and would not rush forward.

As for the situation of Tier 7 arms buildings, Du You himself didn't know that these things were not available in the academy, even if they were not found on the market. My own company has been built for such a long time, but I haven't gotten these things.

"There is a problem here, and that is the problem of higher-level crystal coins. Of course you can definitely solve it."

Du You waved his hand, not listening to this guy's flattery: "Just leave it to me about the crystal coins, and leave it to me as well as other things. Now I'll give you a task ~ to develop a good territory."

"You, what do you mean?" Scarlo looked excited, even his stiff face began to deform.

"I will appoint you as the deputy lord of the City of Death, and you have the final say in this territory in the future. However, if you accidentally mess up, you don't need me to deal with you, you can't live in this world by yourself, you know."

"Of course, the villain understands." How could he not understand, sitting on such a territory, who is not curious. Once there is a problem in the territory, this little strength of oneself can't protect oneself at all.

And if oneself reveals the true face of this territory, then I am afraid that the world will of this world will not let go of oneself. Although Scalo's previous level was low and his strength was poor, it didn't mean that his knowledge was also poor.

"That's good, I will stay here for a while, and then leave. Things that the Lich Emperor doesn't see, you will solve them." Throwing everything out, it feels good to be all light.

Du You easily set Skarlo as the deputy lord of the City of Death, and his whole body was relaxed. While Scarlo was grateful, he also felt pressure in his heart. He hadn't been exposed to such a big thing before.

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