Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1315: The gentleman wants revenge

After the explanation, Du You suddenly remembered something: "By the way, do you have any news about the things I brought you to your attention last time." Before, the strength was not enough, but now it's different.

Li Minglu said immediately: "We have investigated the dark night mercenary group's affairs clearly. This mercenary group does all kinds of illegal things in private. In fact, many people have long been uncomfortable with them. There are people who have hatred with them. Quite a few, but they are more secretive, and there are also a lot of masters. There is a sixth-order on the bright side."

"Actually, we have secretly investigated, they are likely to hide a sixth-order, but even if there are more, it will not exceed three, otherwise their influence will definitely not be so small."

Although the Dark Night Mercenary Group was low-key on the surface, it was still very arrogant in the dark, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate such a person.

At the beginning, because of a willingness, he was provoked by others to deal with himself, and even directly killed him, Du You wanted revenge. It's just that he was suppressed because of his reputation and strength.

As a result, these guys in their hometown are still attacking themselves, even if they cooperate with the new city owner, but they still continue to support behind them, in fact, to add obstacles to themselves.

When he met Gan Mu in other worlds, that guy was killed by himself. But he has been blocking himself behind his back, and the Qiuyu who suppressed himself with strength at the beginning, has always been there.

Du You just endured it because he didn't want to offend the Dark Night Mercenary Group.

It is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Counting the time, the time of the other world plus the one of this world is only a lot longer than ten years. Now that he has the strength, how can he not get revenge.

"Then what about Qiuyu, is he still there now."

"We have been looking for someone to stare at him. We have been there all this time, and we can find it now in the past."

Li Minglu knew what his boss was and what he was going to do, he could guess how much. But a dark night mercenary group, they are really not afraid now.

Perhaps the number of people under his command is still inferior to the opponent in terms of sphere of influence, after all, the opponent has developed for many years.

But his high-level relationship network is much better than that of them, because he has a good reputation and is also related to Capital University.

If it is said that the high-level arms are supported by so many high-level territories, they are even stronger than the dark night mercenary group. It really doesn't work. When the time comes, you will throw out a few Tier 6 Undead scrolls, and you will have Tier 6 troops on your side.

In terms of the number of masters, he and the two sisters are both Tier 6, only more than them, not less than them. Even if they have Tier 6 friends, in Du You's situation, he is really not afraid. Since the strength has surpassed them, why not take revenge.

No, this is not revenge anymore, this is a sigh of relief. It's been targeted all the time, even if a fly is disgusting. Having endured it for so many years, now there is no need to endure it.

"Very well, don't tell me about our return first, wait for me to go out. Yucha Yushi, keep up."

Du You gave an order, and the two sisters immediately followed, and Li Minglu shook his head and went back to the ground. As for who is unlucky, what does it have to do with yourself. The major forces have always been like this, is strength respected? Since it has offended others and made them more powerful than themselves, then there is nothing wrong with bad luck.

Du You and the two sisters were very fast, and soon came to the location of the dark night mercenary group branch. This place was on the edge of the capital, without entering the city, nor too far away.

"It's a good place. It just so happens that you don't have to worry about hurting the innocent by doing something here.

Du You's eyes were cold, and with the two sisters, he walked over in such a fair manner.

"Who are you, do you know where this is? Get out of here." The gatekeeper said arrogantly.

"Don't, these two little girls are nice, stay and let the brothers enjoy."

Du You's eyes were cold, but two arrows were faster than him. The two sisters, each with an arrow, killed both of the guards. One of the corpses split open quickly, and one by one the insects flew out.

"These bugs can't be wormed a second time, they can only poison people. The toxicity is not a big threat to the sixth-order strong, and the fifth-order may not be able to poison to death. It is really not worthy of the value of the sixth-order weapon." Lin Yucha Said.

With their hands, the people in the resident who saw this scene were confused.

"The enemy attack, it's an enemy attack, hurry up." On the watchtower above, the guard shouted loudly, and at the same time rang the alarm bell. In an instant, the whole camp was boiling.

It's no wonder that he made a fuss, it is true that the two guards are not weak, they are both Tier 3. No matter how careless it is, it is very unbelievable to make people lose one move. Who knows who came to their camp. Fortunately for Tier 4, if it is Tier 5, it won’t be easy to win.

After the alarm bell was rang, the guy on the watchtower immediately lay down and started pretending to be dead. He didn't want to be really dead.

Du You watched coldly, without any intention of doing anything. Today he was just looking for someone, and he didn't care about the others. Moreover, he also needs some people to bear a testimony, otherwise how to vent his anger.

The purpose is to let the Dark Night Mercenary Group know that they did it by themselves, and dare not do anything by themselves. Thinking of this kind of result, Du You will feel the years of suffocation and Otherwise, what's the point of coming here by yourself.

Qiu Yu was not the one who attacked him directly. Although Du You was very annoying, he would not regard him as an enemy.

It's really not enough hatred, and the opponent's strength is too far behind compared to the current self.

The alarm bell rang, and Qiu Yu, who was enjoying, pushed away the beauties around him, his face was very ugly. "Who is it that dares to attack the resident of our Dark Night Mercenary Corps. It's really looking for death. You all get up for me, let's go out and see."

Qiu Yu, who was disturbed, and the other senior leaders of the mercenary group were in a bad mood. No matter who disturbed him this time, he must make him look good.

Du You was still standing at the door, in fact, with Du You's mental perception range, he had already sensed Qiu Yu's location. After so many years, Du You could also clearly remember what the other party's breath was like.

"Very well, it seems that this guy hasn't run yet." Du You narrowed his eyes slightly, very happy. If this guy ran to other worlds, it would be troublesome to hunt down. But under my own monitoring, it is not easy to open the world coordinates. At the moment when the other party leaves, Lin Yucha will also let him get caught without having to act by himself.

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